

I had met up with the girls and had some food we were now walking down a pavement in the city, a girl named Sharlene was balancing on the edge of the pavement. She had black hair that reached down to her shoulders and was wearing gold circle earrings that looked like they were about fall off. Alissa grabbing her under the arm, caused Sharlene to smile, walking together they looked like a cute couple of kids/ going to school. I laugh and look around at the shops and bars we walk past, a girl asks me "you look like your unfamiliar with the place? Never been here before" I look to her face, I think her name was Kylie. "I've only been here a few times so yeah, you could say that I'm unfamiliar with this place." this was not the truth, I had been here countless times before, but this time I actually paid attention. Kylie started pointing to bars telling "drunk" stories from previous visits. Kylie felt like she didn't really fit in with the bunch, her dark blonde hair reached her down to her lower back and compared to the others she liked to remain silent and listen.

We step into the Bullhead the lighting was dim apart from the colours illuminating a stage that seemed far too small for more than two people. I look around, I've never been here before. The bar is crowded even though it's small I look to Kylie "is this place usually this busy?" she nods and takes us to a small round table with red chairs, we settle down and look over the drink's menu. We all decide to get a bottle of prosecco to start us off.

We are on our second glass and the owner announced that the band was going to start soon, we did not pay attention, because we are too busy talking about the teachers at university. Suddenly music starts playing, and my head instantly looks towards the stage. I know this song, and worst of all I know that voice. There he is playing on the same red guitar as always, I always disliked the way he had his hair over his eyes. Subconsciously my hands hold onto my hair, "Beate?" Alissa looks questionably at me "By the way I thought about your hair, my mom used to be a hairdresser she could fix it up for you" I look at the girls. "oh yeah that would be awesome, thank you." Alissa smiles "no problem it would be done in no time."

For the rest of the night I stayed at the table with Kylie. Luckily, she did not want to dance either so we sat chatting by the table, "the singer, you know him?" the question caught me off guard and I just look at her "you've been looking at him the whole night" I look at Alissa and Sharlene dancing on the cramped dancefloor, then back at Kylie. "Well more like knew him" she stirs her half full glass of Martini. "I guess you could say we went different ways" she lifted an eyebrow and looked at me "when?" she knew exactly what I meant by "fairly recent" she looks down at her drink and nods. I switch topic to a new shop that's about to open close by, and the discussion goes on.

The band were having a break, exhausted from dancing Alissa and Sharlene came back to their seats and decide that it's time to go. I head off to the bathroom in a hurry, the second I pass the corner I crash into someone and fall to the floor. That's when I hear an all too familiar laugh, "Beate that's so like you, how have you been?" we get eye contact and I see his smirking face, but quickly look back down at the floor. "Really, it's just been a week, and this is how you treat me?" he reaches out his hand, I leave it and get up on my own. I Continue looking at the floor, he steps closer and I feel his breath on my forehead "what happened to your hair?" he smirks. " not your business," I take a step back. He was about to ask something just as the door behind him opens "Isac, what's taking so much time?" the lady had long blond hair and wore a red dress bringing out her curves. She looked me up and down, then she snorts and looks at Isac grinningly "one sec babe, I'm just talking to an old acquaintance." The door closes behind him, I look up and meet his eyes. "It's cute of you to come to my show, but you need to let it go, I always hated that childishness" the cocky look on his face made me want to slap him. I just pushed him to the side and went for the toilets.

I wanted to cry, cause in such a short time he changed. I no longer know him, or maybe I never really knew him. I sat in the bathroom for what felt like an eternity when my phone rang "hey, the taxi is here where you at?" Alissas voice could barely be heard over the people talking. " yeah about that, my stomach is getting upset so I'm getting my parents to pick me up" that was a lie, my parents were far away in the countryside, but there was no way I could go out like this. "okay cya on Monday" it went silent. Everything went silent.

A bit longer than my usual chapters.

Vanjabu01creators' thoughts