

I open my eyes to the sound of music, my alarm plays "Don't worry bout a thing" and for once instead of stopping it I let it play.

I make some breakfast and head to the bathroom, I lean over the sink and wash my face in cold water. I look in the mirror, I'm still not used to the short hair. I shake my head, it's such a different feeling. Instead of the long hair resting on my back the short hair flops around however it wants. I grab a hair tie and collect my hair and attempt making a ponytail, but some of the hairs are too short. I can't have a high ponytail anymore and went with a low one, even though I didn't like the way it made my head look.

I grab my backpack and head towards the train station. Even though it's Saturday the streets are mostly empty. I look at the clock "Fuck its 9.40!" my train leaves in 5 mins, I start running and don't stop until I see the station within a safe distance. I walk down the stairs and almost fall as I see the train approaching. People gather around the door and I manage to slip in and get a seat.

I head out of the train and start walking towards my university. A cold breeze hits me in the face and I take a big breath, the trees are sprouting and here and there a dandelion is trying to escape through a crack in the pavement. I touch my ponytail, maybe I should take up the offer from Alissa and get her mom to do my hair. Right now my hair was living its own life, even though it is in a ponytail my hair looks like its trying to run off in all directions. I get to my University and start heading towards "The Sunflower".

Inside of The sunflower i'm greeted with laughing and screaming. "Hello?.... Kids where is Callum?" I step into the playing-area. The playing-area is a big room with a tv in one corner and shelves with toys filled to the brim. The girls are in the living/eating area sitting by the table and the boys are playing with some toys in the playroom.

Inside I walk around the building and decide to go upstairs, that's where the owner and callum have their rooms. Callum just finished his education to become a chef and now works full time at The Sunflower. He takes care of the children and makes their food. "Cal?…." suddenly I see a tall blonde figure leaning out of Callums door. "Hey, sorry seems I dozed off" Callum lets out a yawn and stretches. "Ian is out on a meeting discussing finances or something, seems our budget is being cut" Ian is the owner of the orphanage and he has helped a lot of children through tough times. "What! Again? this is the second time this year" I raise my fist in anger. He takes my hand and lowers it, he then leans in close to my face. "no use getting mad Bee" Callum had started calling me Bee as soon as he learnt that my name was Beate. He thought it was "cute." Our relationship had been like best friends since day 1, I had now been working here for 1,5 years. Over that period I had never felt anything for Callum, but now that his face was inches away from mine I started blushing. His long eyelashes and blue eyes was easy to get lost in. He probably noticed me blushing and leant back "Well i'm gonna start making lunch, Ian said to take the children outside". I nodded and headed down the stairs.