
Soul Crown

"Born into this world with a bare soul, he embraced the bloodline of the werewolf, crowning it with glory."

Kevin_Cianci · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Clay Golems

Gold arrived a bit later than usual.

He tapped on the top of the wooden box before springing out and immediately noticed the clay golem in Adam's hands.

"You're studying this book? I remember it well!" Gold said eagerly. As a bloodline warlock and knight, the required knowledge was far less extensive compared to that of a wizard.

Unlike Anthony, Gold didn't have much left to teach Adam before he reached the practical combat stage. Gold felt that his authority as a teacher was diminishing because of this. Seeing Adam studying clay golems, he seized the opportunity to assert himself.

"The forging of rituals requires a foundation. My ritual's foundation is my bloodline ability, Black Smoke. Due to its dispersive nature, Black Smoke is often influenced by external factors. When I was forging my ritual, I used this book on clay golems as a reference to create my ritual, Black Smoke."

"Aren't you only in the condensation phase?" Adam questioned.

The overflow phase involves accumulating surplus mental or life energy, while the condensation phase involves gradually forging this overflowed energy. Once the ritual is fully forged, it progresses to the return phase.

"Well, I'm just one step away. It's practically a ritual already," Gold responded, scratching his face in embarrassment.

Adam skeptically observed Gold, trying to determine if his earlier comments about Black Smoke being a ritual were exaggerated or if his Black Smoke genuinely qualified as a ritual.

Currently, although Gold's Black Smoke was remarkable, it didn't seem as powerful as Anthony's Reflection Tower, thus not truly qualifying as a ritual.

"Forget that. My current Black Smoke avatar is the result of studying clay golems," Gold swiftly changed the subject.

"Clay has excellent plasticity, which aligns with my Black Smoke. However, Black Smoke is more dispersed. By leveraging clay's adhesive and absorptive properties, my Black Smoke can adhere to the clay, allowing its full power to manifest."

"Don't focus on those descriptions of cycles and influences. Simply constructing a cycle won't animate clay. My advice is to imitate." Gold pointed to his own body.

"This clay body is an exact replica of mine. Since I understand my own body best, I started by mimicking it. Afterward, you can revisit those cycles and influences, comparing the imitation with your own body to better understand how to construct a body."

Anthony had provided Adam with a solid foundation of knowledge, while Gold offered practical experience.

Combining both, Adam quickly developed new ideas.

He could create clay models of animals to support his surgical theories by modifying the clay models.

"Thank you, teacher," Adam said, expressing his gratitude, causing Gold to almost burst into laughter, feeling his authority restored.

However, Adam didn't rush to experiment. Instead, he set the book aside and began adjusting his appearance.

"Are you heading out tonight? Roa is still under lockdown," Gold asked, puzzled by Adam's behavior.

Shaaya had deduced that someone had rescued the fugitive wizard using special means, making the situation more than a simple escape. As a result, the military had deployed some experts. While not as formidable as Shaaya, they were still significant. Moving alone might be manageable, but it would be challenging to avoid detection with Adam.

"Yes, but I won't need your help this time," Adam said, heading downstairs and quietly exiting through the front door, where Crow was already waiting with a carriage.

Tonight's destination was the Suk Trading Company, led by Will.

Or rather, Will Sook, a marsh dweller who had completely aligned himself with Adam, believing him to be a noble from the Kingdom of Lokken.

Adam hadn't just offered empty promises to Will but had provided tangible benefits, securing Will's loyalty.

Most mutants in Saint Tianyin hadn't been exposed to extraordinary professions, especially those from extreme natural environments like Will.

The mainstream profession in Saint Tianyin was the monk, with wizards and knights strictly regulated by the church. Knights, in particular, were tightly controlled and only deployed in battle when necessary.

In this environment, ordinary people rarely encountered extraordinary professions, let alone mutants. Adam realized his initial plan to use mutants to access extraordinary professions was naive. Without meeting exceptions like Gold and later connecting with Alva and Anthony through the church, gaining formal extraordinary training would have been nearly impossible.

Will, as a marsh dweller, hadn't awakened a bloodline but could still become a bloodline warlock.

"Marsh dwellers, being regional mutants, can link their innate abilities to a marsh, turning it into a ritual foundation," Adam explained. "Powerful marsh dwellers can achieve true immortality, as long as their marsh remains intact."

Adam's method of bloodline warlock training, with slight modifications, was applicable to Will, confirming Adam's identity as a noble from the Kingdom of Lokken.

In the quiet night, the carriage moved steadily through the streets, occasionally stopped for inspection by monks and soldiers. Crow managed to handle these encounters smoothly, with Adam sometimes showing his face. Recognizing Adam, some monks even greeted him, showing little concern for his nighttime outings.

"As long as you're not heading out of the city or to a critical area, inspections aren't too strict," Crow explained quietly.

This was expected. Noble privileges were more significant than imagined. Occasional nighttime gatherings were normal, and curfews primarily targeted commoners and important routes, not nobles.

If not for the recent lockdown due to the fugitive wizard, a carriage marked with noble insignia would rarely face inspection on regular roads.

"Mr. Adam, your status allows you to travel during the lockdown, but anyone you're escorting should have some social standing," Crow advised.

As an officially registered wizard, Adam was a target for noble recruitment. Hence, monks wouldn't question his nighttime travels. However, if someone like Adel, an ordinary lumberjack, was in the carriage, inspections would be much stricter, requiring detailed records of identity, purpose, departure, and arrival times.

Understanding this, Adam nodded, arriving smoothly at the Suk Trading Company.

"Master Adam, please come in!" Will, quick to react, addressed Adam as "Master" upon seeing him unmasked, respectfully leading him to the study.

During their second formal meeting, Adam had partially revealed his identity to Will and rehearsed their interactions. In public, Will would treat Adam as a wizard interested in mutants.

Confirming they weren't being monitored, Adam began discussing business.

"Mr. Riggs, we've started some collaborations with Count Lou, but they aren't deep enough."

"I understand, Will," Adam responded confidently, radiating charisma. "That's why I'm here."
