
Soul Crown

"Born into this world with a bare soul, he embraced the bloodline of the werewolf, crowning it with glory."

Kevin_Cianci · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Elixir of Immortality

"This inexplicable sense of compatibility is puzzling," Adam mused, considering that if his research on life modification succeeds, it might pave the way for a new profession. This profession's main attribute wouldn't be perceiving mental power but charisma, with the primary skill being summoning various modified creatures.

"There's a real possibility you could pioneer a new profession, Adam," Anthony said with a smile. "The world is in an era of rapid development."

"Every profession's technology is advancing swiftly. A thousand years ago, the distinctions between professions weren't as pronounced, but as new technologies emerged, people's energies couldn't keep up, leading to rapid specialization."

"A few decades ago, I might have been at the forefront of wizardry technology, but now I'm undoubtedly behind. The future leaders of this world are young people like you, not an old man trapped in the Reflection Tower."

"Teacher…" Adam started, but then paused. He realized that regardless of whether Anthony's method of immortality had issues, his mindset was problematic.

Someone with an immortality method needs to either maintain a certain youthful mindset to continue learning and progressing or remain unaffected by time, adhering to their beliefs even if they are obsessive. Otherwise, immortality becomes a curse, with endless life being a torment, and every waking moment feeling like an abyss.

Anthony might not be that extreme, but his mindset had aged, a troubling sign.

"Don't worry about me, Adam," Anthony noticed Adam's concern and stood up. "I am still a wizard who has solidified a ritual."

Anthony didn't dwell on his issues, and Adam didn't ask further. They continued their usual lessons. By dusk, Adam picked up the book on clay golems, bid Anthony farewell, and left the Reflection Tower.

Anthony's condition was worrisome. Each day, he emerged from rest to teach Adam, looking paler. When not teaching, he spent more time staring blankly, speaking with increasing nostalgia, more like an old man than the young man his appearance suggested.

"To solve Anthony's problem, I might need to investigate the elixir of immortality." Even if Anthony hadn't consumed the elixir, his changes were closely related to it.

This thought made Adam frown.

What was his current status? A fugitive, constantly on the run, with his own problems unresolved. What right did he have to worry about Anthony?

"Have I been influenced by Anthony's charisma after spending so much time with him?" Adam realized he was less composed than before. Alva's plan was slowly succeeding, and he was indeed being changed by Anthony.

"But even to deal with Doug, I need to understand the elixir of immortality better—its side effects and how it turned Alva and Anthony into what they are now."

"The key to this lies with…Celine." Adam's thoughts were clear. He needed information from specific individuals: the two involved in the past, the monk Shaya, who was their mutual friend, or the closest people around them.

Anthony and Alva wouldn't discuss the elixir, and Shaya was too shrewd to reveal anything. Asking him might even expose Adam's intentions.

That left Ai and Celine. From his interactions with Ai, Adam noticed that while Ai wasn't verbally respectful to Alva, he strictly followed his orders.

Only Celine had an extraordinary attachment to Anthony. She respected him but had her own ideas on some matters.

She was the most likely to divulge Anthony's secrets to him.

"Let's go to Doug's house," Adam instructed Crow after making up his mind.

Although they had met Doug that morning, Doug quickly arranged another meeting upon Adam's arrival.

"Any progress?" Doug asked eagerly, scrutinizing Adam.

Noticing this scrutiny, Adam realized Doug was testing him. Though Doug urgently wanted the elixir, he was wary of Adam, the key to obtaining it.

If Adam reported no progress in the morning but had news by evening, Doug might suspect him of holding out for a better offer.

Although Doug would still support him, his vigilance would increase significantly.

So Adam, feigning slight embarrassment, said, "Not yet, Mr. Doug. I'm here for another reason."

"I mentioned earlier that I occasionally need to go out at night." Adam seemed to gain confidence as he spoke. "Alva won't continue making the elixir after it harmed him. From what I know, he won't pursue it again."

"Therefore, you need a wizard to help create the elixir, and I hope to be that wizard," Adam asserted confidently.

"Are you confident, Mr. Adam?" Doug's aged face showed a hint of realization.

"That's why I came to see you. Wizards need experiments to progress, especially experiments involving the cursed," Adam said quietly.

"Can't we just capture a group of cursed?" Doug asked calmly.

"No, these experiments require the cursed to live normally afterward to grasp the separation of sin and immortality," Adam replied.

"It seems Mr. Adam will make a competent wizard," Doug said, though his tone was more mocking than complimentary.

In most people's eyes, wizards disregard rules, conducting inhumane experiments and causing disasters.

However, Doug found himself inexplicably trusting Adam.

He believed he understood Adam's motives. The method to make the elixir was a treasure, driving many nobles mad.

Previously, Adam and Doug's agreement on the elixir's ownership was vague. Now, Adam seemed to want to monopolize the method, giving Doug only the product.

Adam's display of greed and ambition reassured Doug.

Doug's brief anger was quelled by understanding his needs. While the elixir method promised great wealth, Doug urgently needed the product to ensure his life. With that, he could later extract the method from Adam.

"Let me help you gather a group of cursed…" Doug suggested with a smile.

"No need, I've already contacted someone," Adam replied, smiling. "I just need your help ensuring their safety at night."

Doug's face stiffened but then relaxed into a smile. "Fine, I'll arrange for the church to provide a special route for you."

"Thank you, Mr. Doug. I'll visit the Suk Trading Company tonight to coordinate with you," Adam said, expressing his gratitude and leaving with a spring in his step.

Doug watched with a mix of concern and relief.

"Investigate Adam's connections with the Suk Trading Company. He's beyond our control, and that's worrisome," Doug instructed Walker.

Adam's actions revealed his capability, convincing Doug he could obtain the elixir. His apparent glee hadn't escaped Doug, who felt relieved by Adam's youthful overconfidence.

In the carriage to the Bokor house, Adam hummed a tune, alerting Crow outside. But his face bore no trace of a smile.