
Soul Crown

"Born into this world with a bare soul, he embraced the bloodline of the werewolf, crowning it with glory."

Kevin_Cianci · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Choices in Growth

Adam was gradually recognizing his limitations. Despite his exceptional talents and abilities, thanks to the awakening of his weight ability and the teachings of his two mentors, it still wasn't enough.

The real world isn't like a game with distinct zones for beginners, intermediates, and experts. You can't guarantee that you'll only face enemies at your level until you advance. In Roya, a border city of the Holy Tianyin Kingdom, there's Shaaya, once one of the three greats of the Holy Sound, so powerful that only his old age keeps others from causing trouble.

Outside the city is General Grolar, whose strength Adam learned more about from Gold. Grolar might not be as strong as Shaaya, but his endurance far surpasses the aging Shaaya because Grolar is a rare Paladin.

Paladins originated from the church when some monks, lacking mental power talent, focused on life force and successfully created the Paladin profession. Eventually, most churches emulated this, making Paladins their second major profession. However, a major conflict known as the Divine Valley Rebellion drove this profession into decline.

Paladins separated from the church, no longer accepting holy power, and instead focused solely on life force, gradually developing the path of merit rituals. Although the Holy Sound Church was affected by the rebellion, they never fully abandoned Paladins, leading to a unique evolution in their methods.

Although the paths diverged, the focus on life force remained, giving Paladins a long lifespan and making their combat abilities superior to most monks. Grolar, a powerful Paladin, became the general of Roya's border troops. Gold mentioned that while Shaaya is the person he least wants to face in the city, he's not afraid because of his Black Smoke ability, which allows easy escape. Grolar, however, keeps him from sneaking back to the Kingdom of Lokken, as escaping once discovered would be nearly impossible.

Beyond these top figures, Roya also has Alva, whose monk abilities are unfathomable despite losing holy power, Anthony hidden in the Reflection Tower, Gold the mutant, the fugitive monk Puldo, and the recently deployed military experts. Each of these individuals is incredibly formidable.

Adam was excellent, but only that. His strength was insignificant compared to these powerhouses.

"Of course, this also reflects my own inadequacy," Adam thought while looking at Will, contemplating various ideas.

For instance, his charm stemmed from his innate qualities and the weight ability, yet even with these optimal conditions, he still fell short of supernatural charm. Through comparisons with Anthony, he realized the issue: personal charisma. Until he could exude personal charisma, he couldn't attain supernatural charm. However, this was unachievable in the short term.

His numerous calculations and hidden true self, even concealing his real name, prevented the exhibition of personal charisma. Ironically, his greatest charm appeared when masked, under the name Ness Riggs.

"So I can indeed do better," Adam realized that his scheming wasn't top-tier. His current success in Roya also involved luck. He wasn't achieving his full potential. Despite being an adult with some experience in the previous world, the different environments made a significant impact. Moreover, he wasn't a top individual even in his past life.

"People need to grow, and growth takes time. However, I lack time the most."

"This requires me to make decisions." Experience fuels growth, and decisions determine the maximum effectiveness of that growth.

Adam slowly discussed plans with Will, covering recent intelligence sharing, the development of the mutant organization, identifying people worth recruiting or abandoning, and future strategies.

"Will, remember that from now on, you will lead the mutant gatherings. Gradually diminish the presence of Mr. Riggs, redirecting everyone's impression towards a mysterious fugitive monk. I will assist you in this."

"When I appear as Adam, I'll be just a collaborator with you, not too close. You can discreetly reveal some of 'Adam's' secrets to the Rom family."

"During this period, the Rom family will be our allies."

"What's next, Lord Riggs?" Will asked, confused about why the Rom family was being involved when the focus should be on using Rupert and Mansla's power struggles to eventually escape to the Kingdom of Lokken.

"Continue with the original plan. Sabotage Mansla's smuggling operations with selected new members, but don't involve those chosen for the new organization."

"We are still too weak." As Adam understood more about Roya, he realized the mutants' power in the city was still too insignificant.

The ideal outcome was for Rupert and Mansla to weaken each other, allowing the mutants to support one side and use their influence to smuggle themselves to the Kingdom of Lokken. But this was unlikely to happen, as mutants were too weak. A single report to the church from the nobles could lead to their complete eradication.

"Hence, we need someone to maintain balance. Doug, with his lifeline under our control, is a good choice."

"But the Rom family could easily betray us, and now another person knows the plan," Will remarked, still unsure.

"That's why the Rom family shouldn't know," Adam replied. "I need to separate Adam from Ness. You must also split your identity, abandoning the Suk Trading Company president persona and joining my new wizard organization. Someone else will lead the mutant organization to its demise."

"Our new organization, supported by the Rom family, will emerge from the mutant organization, reborn."

"The damage and losses inflicted on Rupert and Mansla will be attributed to mutants backed by a mysterious fugitive monk. We, as humans, will have no connection to mutants." Adam's words were steady and cold as he outlined the plan.

"But Will, the new organization needs smart people."

"I understand, Lord Riggs," Will responded, trembling.

When Adam mentioned diminishing Riggs' presence, Will vaguely understood the plan but wasn't sure of his place in it, hence pretending not to comprehend.

After Adam clarified that Will needed a new identity and that the new organization needed smart people, Will relaxed, realizing he wasn't being discarded.

Although reluctant to abandon his current identity, Will understood that following Adam's path meant letting go of his current status.

"Next, I'll support Adel in competing with you. He'll manage interactions with Rupert, representing the mutants. You only need to cooperate with the Rom family and support him."

Will nodded, feeling pity for Adel, who was clearly being set up as the scapegoat.

Besides Adel, many unchosen mutants would also be abandoned.

Adam knew the mutants in Roya were mixed, with some seeking stability and others twisted by their identity's pressure.

Initially, he planned to select the best, letting the rest fend for themselves. However, now he intended to use them as scapegoats and stepping stones.

This was Adam's decision: to achieve his goals by any means necessary, even at the expense of fellow mutants.

As he made this decision, his aura changed. Will, sitting opposite Adam, felt a shiver, shrinking further into his seat.