
Sorcerers resolve

5 great warriors ended a bloody war and decided to settle down to leave a normal life like everyone else thier age,but there are forces which call them back to thier former lives.But no one would ever expect that 5 out of the top 11 grand socerers would be in school

kosnika · Fantasy
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42 Chs





Their scream were getting louder and louder, and full of fear. As Kerra's face went sour seeing her brother's face bloody and yet he still hasn't regained. She was worried sick and she tried to keep a straight expression as she acted tough.

She failed as she burst into tears realizing that the whole scenario they are in is all her fault.

"Kelvin" She said still in tears as she stared at her brother.

"I'm so sorry" She wispered to Kelvin with tears flowing down her cheeks as she stared at his motionless body.

"If only I had listened to you, we wouldn't be in this mess" She said as she cried.

"I allowed my pride to get in her way but I didn't think it would hurt you" Kerra cried as she wispered to his motionless body still dangling on the monsters tentacles.

"I'm so sorry" She said,


Louisa who was using her elf ears to listen to Kerra words felt shocked, her words were heart warming.

"Its funny how when in despair humans tend to be much more truthful"

Louisa said inwardly after overhearing Kerra words.

"But its depressing how humans fail to accept the truth about life or themselves until someone close to them gets affected"

Louisa said and then sighed as she was lying on the hard ground still pretending to be unconscious.

A warm smile appeared on her lips ,as she was in thought.

"I'm starting to think and talk like Zerav" She said and chuckled a little.

"But yet....." She and paused,

"I still feel really bad and responsible for all this, if I had taken the shot and killed it, they wouldn't be in this mess and Kelvin wouldn't have gotten hurt"

"He was kind enough to heal me and treat my wounds" Louisa said inwardly,

"I guess i owe him a lot"


Thier screams were heard once more, louisa just sighed as she raised herself from the ground to hold her bow.

She yawned

Pretending to just wake from consciousness as she stood herself up from the ground and turned to face the monster.

The attacker in the group saw Louisa getting up and she screamed for help even more. Although it was weird to her, that she just lowered herself to asking an ordinary for help. But the situation shes in has definitely changed to become life threatening.

"Pls help us " She yelled out to Louisa who took an arrow from the quiver at her back and drew the arrow on the bow string.

Kerra heard the girl and turned her head to face Louisa, who has aimed her arrow at the monster.

She raised her hands and wiped her tears and tried to keep a straight face. Even though its against her pride to ask help from an unroyal (ordinary) but her brother might not last much longer without treatment.

"Hey don't just stand there shoot" Kerra yelled out as an order to Louisa, but the beautiful elf didn't mind as she focused on her target.

Unfortunately Kerra yelling got the monsters attention and it turned to face Louisa.

As it stared at her with its red huge eyes, Louisa began to hear vibrations from the ground once again.

"Their coming" She said but didn't lose her focus.

"But Kerra and rest are in the way so I cant fight all out" Louisa said not breaking her gaze from the monster.

"Level 2 socery spell"

She said and immediately multiple tentacles erupted out if the ground to get her. Louisa jumped backwards doing a backflip displaying high amount of speed and flexibility.

The tentacles missed her, and as she landed. She immediately raised her bow and aimed it once more,

"Streaming light"

She said and released the bow string and the arrow shot at the plant monster with speed. As she shot the arrow one of the tentacle bent forward and struck, sending her flying into the trees beside the path.

The arrow kept going until it completely transformed into spec light. It turned to the ground and as it struck the ground, it reflected. Going upward, slicing through the tentacles holding Kerra and slicing of one of the beautiful petals of the plant monster missing it eyes by inches.


Its roar was so loud it created shockwaves which shook the earth around them. Kerra and the cut of pieces of tentacles fell to the ground, she was still in shock of what happened with different thoughts going through her head.

But She got herself together and quickly crawled on the floor to her bow and an arrow beside it.

She turned to the monster about to drag the arrow on her bow string before a tentacles grabbed her once again lifting her up from the floor.

Her hands were locked by the tentacles as she tried to struggled and struggled trying to break out of the monsters grip. Her eventually became weak as she was exhausted from her struggles, she couldnt break free from its grip.

Kerra stopped as she was already exhausted and felt like giving up.



Kerra suddenly widened on hearing a familiar voice, she turned her head slowly to face her brother. She was surprised to his hands shaking despite the blood all over his face.

"Kelvin" She said,


Another cough from kelvin as she stared at him until her finally opened his mouth to speak.

"The look on your face" He said weakly and Kerra was shocked as she listened attentively to him.

"You are about to give up" He said,

and chuckled,

His strange chuckle suddenly getting Kerra's attention assive this wasn't her brother talking.