
Sorcerers resolve

5 great warriors ended a bloody war and decided to settle down to leave a normal life like everyone else thier age,but there are forces which call them back to thier former lives.But no one would ever expect that 5 out of the top 11 grand socerers would be in school

kosnika · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs



"You are about to give up" He said,

and chuckled,

"That's not the Kerra I know" Kelvin said,

"But you are hurt and its all my fault" Kerra said with her face turning sour.

"We cant lose this opportunity" Kelvin said, as Kerra stared at him.

"You got your bow and arrow right"

Kelvin asked weakly,

She nodded.

"I'll cause a distraction you'll use your magic to create a spell powerful enough to beat this thing"

Kelvin said.

"But what if you get hurt again or I mess up" She said and he coughed out blood from his mouth.

"You just have to try" Kelvin said,

Then he raised his hand up slowly, and his hand gave off a bright blue glow.

The glow from his hand got the monsters attention and it turned its attention away from Kerra to face Kelvin as it growled.

The bright light shined and the sudden glow got both the monster and other girl attention. The beast turned its head lightly to face face Kelvin, but strangely it didn't just get its attention. The plant beast was strongly mesmerized by the beauty of the light and stared directly at it, unaware that it has loosened it grip on them.

Kerra seeing this quickly struggled to get her hands free and as she did her hand got loose and she raised it with her bow and an arrow in her hand.

"What are you going to do?" The girl asked seeing what was going on said.

"Shhhh" Kerra said shutting her up,

"Level 3 socery spell" She said although still exhausted to cast a spell of tremendous amount, she knew a spell that could conserve her energy and get them out thier situation.

Then the arrow she was holding gave off a dim light blue glow, and she dragged it on her bow string.

She raised it up into the air, ready to fire.

"Kerra what are you doing shoot at it now" The girl said rather annoyed,

"Shut up" Kerra said to her with a frown on her face as she tried to focus. Meanwhile, Kelvin was draining as his last ounce of energy was draining away as he tried to keep the monster distracted long enough for Kerra to strike. He tried as the bright light began to dim away slowly until it was no longer seen again and Kelvin dropped his hand.

Kerra saw the light has faded and then noticed the monster regaining its self and began to turn its head towards her.

She shook with fear as she hesitated,

"Stormy weather" Kerra said lightly and released the bow string. The arrow shot into the air with a light blue glow going into the sky. And she waited,

(A few moments passed and nothing happened)

"What was that" The girl yelled at Kerra who was also shocked, that nothing happened.

Kerra had a confused look on her face as she struggled to figure out what went wrong with her spell. She turned her head to face Kelvin who was either asleep or unconscious due to his exhaustion.

"You are the reason we are even stuck here in the first place" The girl yelled, and Kerra who was a noble like the girl has never apologized to anyone except her brother or her parents.

"I'm so sorry" She apologized as tears slowly flowed down her cheeks as she cried. The girl still frowned as she struggled more and more with the tentacle holding her.

"The attack was suppose to cause arrows to rain down on our position to give us enough time to escape" Kerra said to the girl as she cried but the girl was insensitive and struggled more with the tentacle.


Unknown to them Louisa who was behind a tree standing and listening to them for the past few minutes .

Hearing what Kerra said and she repeated the words that caught her interest.

"Rain of arrows"

And then she gasped as she remembered something,


Louisa said and brought out an arrow from the quiver at her back and dragged it on the bow string. He raised and pointed the bow into the air ready to fire, then a yellow glow began to form at the tip of the arrow. But immediately the light dispersed and faded,

"I don't have enough power" Louisa said as she tried to figure out what to do.

"Koska" she whispered


Koska who was just casually walking far ahead of his teammates with the scorpion tail still hanged around his shoulders.

As he casually walked he heard Louisa voice in his head,


"What is it" He said responding to her as he continued walking,

"I just need a little more power" He heard louisa voice again,

"Why are you asking me release your power and do what you need to do" Koska said,

"It drag too much attention, you know that" He heard her voice once more.

"Fine" Koska said and opened his palm and something like a blue bose eye appeared in the middle of his hand. It was tiny and small and barely took any space at all in his hand so his teammates would not notice.

"Boost" He said,

The bose eye shot out if his hand really fast heading straight for Louisa.


"Its on its way" Louisa heard Koska voice and in the nick of time she saw the bose eye coming her way.

She then turned around and it attached its self to Louisa's back and became expand and fitting her entire back and stopping just above her waist. The bose eyes had a lighting sign in the centre, and her body gave off a dim yellow glow.

"You can only use it once" She heard Koska dull voice in her head.

"Thank you I wont miss" Louisa said,

"I know you wouldn't" She heard Koska say and thier transmission went off.

Louisa smiled at what he just told her,

"He has changed so much" She said to herself. Then shifted all other thoughts on her mind and focused on saving her teammates.

Louisa took a deep breath and then aimed her arrow back at the sky and yellow glow returned at the tip of the arrow.

"Laws of the destruction inflict pain unto my enemies and restore health and strength onto my allies"

"Level 7 socery spells"


She yelled and released the arrow into the air. The arrow shot up into the air and entered into the clouds.

Unlike Kerra, the clouds where Louisa shit her arrow into started to get dark. It like assive storm was coming, Louisa fell on her knees weak as the boost behind her faded and she fell to the ground.

The girls looked up at the sky seeing the sudden change in the sky from bright to darkness.

"A storm" The girl said,

"This doesn't seem like an ordinary storm"

Kerra said as her eyes widened in shock as she saw the clouds suddenly turn dark and with something yellow in colour began to fall from the sky.

"Are those..." The girl paused and Kerra finished her sentence,

"Arrows" Kerra said with her face beaming with joy.

"It means my move worked" Kerra said,

"Yh its coming right for us" Kerra suddenly heard her brothers voice turning her head looking up with worry on her face.

The first came down, hitting the monster making the monster to drop in pain. Making the monster to drop them in pain, the both girls helped kelvin up ran for thier dear lives as the arrows descended.

An arrow struck Kelvin back and entering him, like he was shocked by electricity. His body was shocked awake as his exhaustion faded instantly, as he carried both girls up and ran faster than ever.

Leaving them surprised whether he was really hurt and also confused assive as he has recovered. And they took cover under nearby tree and watched as the monster growled and roared in pain as the arrows descended on it. Until it was dead on the ground, motionless with green substance flowing out if it and Kelvin came out of the shade and took the Ruby.

"Way the go Kerra" Kelvin said as all of them came out.

"Yeah you saved us" the girl said hugged Kerra.

"Seriously i never knew you could create arrows with healing effects on allies and also with damage effects on enemies that's complex" Kelvin said.

"That is basically war level socery"

The girl said

"What can I say I'm really good wait till dad hears about it" Kerra said as her pride has returned.

Louisa suddenly came out of the trees with blood on her face and holding her waist with something like blood seemed to have stained her activity wear.

"I told you we didn't her" Kerra said bluntly,

"And shes back" Louisa said inwardly.

"Are you okay" Kelvin said running to Louisa, getting both Kerra and the girl attention.

"I think so" Louisa said.

"Good pack my bags we leave right away" Kerra said and began to walk away.

"Kerra!!!" Her brother Kelvin yelled her name and Kerra stoped in her tracks and turned around. She was surprised as her brother carried Louisa on his back, which felt strange cause shes the only one who he has giving a piggy back ride.

"Just this once maybe you should take responsibility and carry her bags for her, she's hurt"

Kelvin said facing her with a frown on his face. Kerra was shocked, she reluctantly helped Louisa carry her bag.

"You okay?" He asked Louisa as she was on his back.

"Yeah just a scratch" Louisa said in a soft tone that it really isn't blood that it was red berries. She found in the bushes, she put scratches on her head side with thorns and also on her belly. She rubbed some red berries and used her magic to strip them of thier scent and taste and rubbed it on her self making look hurt.

But she was feeling bad that Kerra is carrying her own bag and hers along side with Kelvins bag,

" must be really heavy" Louisa said inwardly as she held onto Kelvin as he carried her.