
Sorcerers resolve

5 great warriors ended a bloody war and decided to settle down to leave a normal life like everyone else thier age,but there are forces which call them back to thier former lives.But no one would ever expect that 5 out of the top 11 grand socerers would be in school

kosnika · Fantasy
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42 Chs

CHAPTER 39:Mistake


Kerra held a pain filled expression, she eyes moved to the left corner of her eyes, seeing the girl who had saved her earlier still down on the ground. Her eyes moved once again to stare at the plant monster as the blue light colour from the arrow reflected on her face.

"Magic type chain" Kerra said as the arrow slowly transformed completely

It was no longer an ordinary arrow as it gave off a tremendous amount of power and already pure blue in colour.


While thus was going on Louisa stared at her from far behind, though she was shocked by the impressive build up of magic,this was not really the best time for it.

Louisa cute elf ears began to pick up the rumbling sounds,

"Where is that coming from" She asks herself.

She closed her eyes to focus, trying pin point the direction of where the rumbling was coming from. It was so low that it cant be heard normally,

Louisa dropped the bow and arrow she was holding. She then placed her both hands on the ground with her eyes still closed as she felt her surroundings.

Her eyes shot open in shock,

" This isn't good" She said as she turned her head to face Kerra.


"Almost there"

Kerra said as she was struggling to stand still as the arrow she held was gaining more and more power on a far more dangerous level.

She saw the beast turn to face her once more,

"Level 6 socery spell" She said, as she stared at it eye to eye.

"Shoot it!!!" Kelvin voice was heard, yelling.

Kerra averted her attention away from the beast. Turning her head to her right seeing her twin brother struggling to stand up and resting his back on a tree.

"Just shoot" He yelled with a look of discomfort on his face, he was obviously in pain.

Kerra snapped her head back to face the beast,

"Lighting overdrive"

She yelled but it was second too late. Before she could shoot some vine like tentacles elevated out of the ground from beneath her. They twisted around her ankle, slowly going upward to her tights and wrapping around her waist.

Kerra shocked but did not want to loose focus, as she struggled to be stable and aim correctly as her hands began to shake. One mistake and she would be dead,

The tentacles bent her backwards , twisting her waist.

"Ahh "she moaned in pain as the tentacles raised her up slowly from the ground and squeezed her waist.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh" She screamed in pain and let go of the bow. The magic fused bow shot upward like a rocket with speed leaving behind a blue flash. As it flew over the plant monster head like a shooting star, the blast kept going until it suddenly exploded in the sky with a blue flash and crackling sounds like lighting.


Zerav was walking along his path with Diane by his side. She was holding onto him and always trying to make conversation with zerav, which he found funny.

"So what do you do when you are free" Daine ask Zerav who only gave a devilish handsome smile as she bothered him with questions. Both of them were the only 2 members of the group who were in a jolly mood. The rest, Ben and the other boy had a sour look on his face as he stared at the both of them who displayed couples play i front of him. He was annoyed, pissed off beyond anything but he walked quietly behind them. The other boy didnt say a word or try to do anything he was silent and wore his hoody to cover part of his like Koska.


A blue flash was seen in the sky and crackling sound of lighting was heard.

On hearing to sound Ben and the boy fell to the ground, while Diane held onto Zerav arm tightly. Zerav on the other hand stood unmoved by the sound as he turned his head to face the direction where the flash came from.

A moment passed and nothing happened and Ben and the boy stood themselves up from the floor assive they never coward in fear.

"Seems like a storm's coming" Diane said as she still held on to Zerav's arm.

"A storm unlikely but I don't smell any rain clouds around so where could that flash have come from" u

Unknown to Zerav he said his thoughts out loud and Diane hear everything.

"What !!" Diane exclaimed and that was when it dawned on zerav that he was saying thoughts.

"You can smell rain clouds?" Diane asked confused but also amazed by what she heard.

"Smell rain clouds of course that's ridiculous" Zerav said

"no its just a spell that helps to..to... manipulate storm"

Zerav starmmed for a second before saying the first things that came to his mind without thinking.

Diane was silent for a second as she was thinking, the tension of her silence caught Zerav whether or not she will believe the lie.

"Is it because of your dark magic affinity" Diane asked and Zerav gave a reassuring casual smile and said.


"Wow i never thought it was true that socerers with dark magic have the potential to control the weather" She said,

"Good she fell for it" Zerav said inwardly in relief.

"The arts of darkness is a pretty broad topic im not surprised if dark sorcerers can create black holes or even a voids of despair" Zerav said with pride showing in his voice.

"True" Diane agreed

"But light always prevails against darkness" She said and Zerav stared at her, surprised at her naivety.

She dragged his hand forward as they went,

"Common the others are far ahead of us" Diane said as she dragged Zeravs hand for them to be going.

As she dragged him, he turned his head to face a certain direction.

"Louisa please be okay" He said inwardly,


Kerra was raised high into the air by the monster tentacles and she missed her attack and is now drained and exhausted. Unable to struggle out of its grip.

Kelvin seeing this got back up to his feet in pain as he made his way slowly to the monster limping. He stretched his hand forward towards the beast,

" I call on thee, oh holy great to cast down the storm of ..."

Before he could finish chanting his spell, a tentacle elevated out of the ground from under him just like it did with Kerra.

It wrapped around his waist and raised him up in the air, and then it swung him to the ground with force.


A tremendous sound heard and it lifted the lifeless looking body of Kelvin. His face was full of blood as, blood dripped out of his mouth slowly. In a matter of moments all the of them apart from louisa were at the monsters mercy as the last girl who was an attacker was lifted up by the monster as she screamed.


Louisa seeing this turned back to lay down on the floor assive she was still unconscious.

More chapters coming so sorry for the late update.

kosnikacreators' thoughts