
Sorcerers resolve

5 great warriors ended a bloody war and decided to settle down to leave a normal life like everyone else thier age,but there are forces which call them back to thier former lives.But no one would ever expect that 5 out of the top 11 grand socerers would be in school

kosnika · Fantasy
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42 Chs


 She said and released her arrow at almost the same time Kerry did. Louisa arrow travelled with speed 10 times faster than the speed of a bullet. Her arrow passed Kerra head super fast and was not noticed, coming in contact with Kerras arrow shattering it into pieces and flying straight, passing many tentacles and hitting the monster's stem.


The beast screeched in pain and all its tentacles wiggled as it screeched in agony. Throwing the girl it's held high Into the air, causing her to fall flat on the hard ground unmoving.

" I did it "

" I got my shot" Kerra said with a smile on her face as she slowly tried to catch her breath as the monster shaked and turned to Kerra. Kerra's confidence was back as, she believed she got her shot and brought out another arrow from the quiver at her back ready to start.

But Louisa on the other hand

"Oh no mistake" she said to herself as she had a worried look on her face.

" I should have predicted the fact that it will drop her( she paused, inhaling and exhaling heavenly to calm herself down). Louisa then closed her eyes to concentrate on something as everywhere around her suddenly went silence.

And with her cute elf ears she began to hear thumping like a heart beat which was low and seemed stable.

Louisa eyes opened and she sigh of relief.

* Sigh *

"That was a close one" Louisa said

" Good thing she's still alive" she said again.

"What is wrong with you Louisa "she Said to herself as she used her hand to hit her head in annoyance. Louisa turned her head to face Kerra who had already started to shoot a sequence of arrows at the monster.

"Oh no" Louisa exclaimed as she quickly raised bow and drew her arrow on the bow string ready to fire.

" High quick " she said as she shot, following Kerra's movement and her speed as Kerra moved from left to right shooting arrows at the plant monster. The arrows Louisa shot were faster than the eye could see, shattering through Kerra's arrow and hitting the plant hard penetrating vine like tentacles. Causing it to growl out in pain,


The monster roared out in pain as this countinued and all its tentacles were impaled with arrow, with some kind of disgusting liquid dripping slowly out of it.


"Huh" Kerra exclaimed inwardly,

"It has stopped" she said noticing the tentacles weren't following or trying to get a hold of her anymore.

She smiled,

"This is my chance" She said inwardly.

Kerra then stopped in her tracks and turned to face the beast head on, and raised her bow to the beast and dragging an arrow on the bow string.

Kerra's eyes then widened as she saw all its tentacles on the ground with greenish substance slowly leaking out it and staining the arrows in it. Meaning no more tentacles to use to guide is weak spot, it's eyes.

Kerra stood ready to fire at the monstrous plant.

"Just one more thing to do and this would definitely be all" Louisa said to herself dragging her arrow on her bow string and ready to fire,

" Just once more Louisa can't miss" Louisa said regarding to herself in the third person.

Kerra stood and about to fire she had a clear shot there's no way she could miss.

" Let's make this victory fun" Kerra said inwardly,

Kelvin slowly began to regain his consciousness and as he did looked at the plant monster seeing the amount of damage that had been inflicted on it. He tried to get up but he couldn't move, his body is still in so much pain. Then a just stood inplace as her assive she's about to shoot.

"What she waiting for ?" Kelvin asked himself as he slowly began to see the arrow she was about to shoot slowly began to release a faint blueish glow slowly lighting up and offing as she aimed.

"What is she doing" Kelvin said to himself in a low tone with frustration showing on his face, as he forced himself to get back up on his feet.

Pain was coursing through all his body as he rested his back on the tree beside her trying to force himself up.

"She should just shoot and finish it" Kelvin said,

"She knows how long it her takes to charge that type of attack, she should just shoot now,while it's defence is low" Kelvin said to himself.


Louisa was seated waiting for Kerra to shoot her arrow but nothing happened,

"Is she frozen" Louisa asked herself as she stared at Louisa who just stood perfectly still.

"Something's not right" Louisa said and then somekind of cross shape appeared in her left eye,

"Far sight"

her vision suddenly zoomed at an incredible speed, like zooming your camera to see something afar. It was assive Louisa was there behind her, she then noticed a light blue glow coming from Kerra.

"Oh no" Louisa exclaimed

"What is she doing" she said in shock

"Kerra you fool" she said and immediately used her hands to cover her mouth. Luisa turned her head and she could see Kelvin resting struggling to get up to his feet.

She then turned her head back at Kerra, and noticed the plant monster vine like tentacles have stopped dripping liquid assive it was healed even though it still had the arrows in it.

"That can't be good" Louisa said to her self


Kerra smiled sinisterly,

"Just a little bit more and I'll blow this plant thing sky high" she said as her arrow pointed directly at the plant monster which was unmoving. The tip of the arrow she aimed was giving off a type of light blue glow and releasing white charges which were looking deadly. And she began to chant.

" Let my power go flow like a blazing sun which nothing can stop and may it bring destruction upon those who stand against me"

Kerra stared directly at it with a dead serious look on her face , it slowly turned to face her but made no sudden movement.


Kerra held a pain filled groan, she eyes moved to the left corner of her eyes, seeing the girl who had saved her earlier still down on the ground. Her eyes moved once again to stare at the plant monster as the blue light colour from the arrow reflected on her face.