
Sorcerers resolve

5 great warriors ended a bloody war and decided to settle down to leave a normal life like everyone else thier age,but there are forces which call them back to thier former lives.But no one would ever expect that 5 out of the top 11 grand socerers would be in school

kosnika · Fantasy
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42 Chs

CHAPTER 37: Crimson effect

"Even if it cost me my life(his eyes Shot open Instantly in anger and he turned in mid air pointing his hand at the monster) I will protect the ones I love" He said

"Socerery skill level 3" He said

"Crimson strike" he said

And the ball shot like a bullet out from his hand towards the monster.

It shot like a bullet towards the monster with speed beyond anything, anyone could see. It shot out of his hand, leaving Kelvin to fall on a tree branch, hitting his gut on it and falling

right to the ground, motionless. From above heading towards the monstrous beast with force , the crimson beam passed the monster flowery top and hitting it's stem which was just right under it's neck.


The beam passed through it leaving a some what small hole through it, and some kind of green disgusting liquid squite out of its neck.

Then Kerry heard this and turned around to face it once more and aimed at it as the other tentacles after her, reduced.

As she was about to take her shot at it, then it turned to her and moved the girl being held captive by it to its front as a human shield.

"AAAAHHHHHHHHHH" She screamed at the top of her lungs as Kerry arrow was pointed directly towards her.

" Don't shoot !!!, Don't shoot!!!, Don't shoot!!! " She screamed at Kera thrice .

Kerry dropped her bow and cursed under her breath as she is not able to take her shot. Then tentacles shot at her making her to roll forward, making it pass her by inches and then going on one knee to shoot blindly at it, and the tentacles struck the arrows away and shot at her for the last time.


Louisa slowly began to regain consciousness, hearing the sounds of screams as she slowly began to wake up. She woke up looking up at the tree canopy, and she watched as leaves slowly floated down from the tree, down to her face.


Louisa coughed, as she immediately stood herself up from the floor onto a sitting position and resting her back on the tree.

" Uggghhhh"

She groaned as she lifted herself to rest her back. Then the first things Louisa saw after she woke was Kerra running and moving up and down with tentacles following her from behind, her sides and even from beneath her as tentacles shot out of the ground to get a hold of her legs as she tried and shot at the monster

not getting a single shot on target. While the other was still held captive by the beast which was shaking her and seemed to be having fun with her as it turned her around and shakes her violently.

Louisa immediately snapped out of her condition instantly seeing that her party members need help.


She groaned as she turned her head to the left, and then to the right searching for something. She then sighted what she has been looking for, her bow just almost out of her reach. Louisa then leaned to her right and stretching her hand further and further towards it to get it. She finally grabbed it,


Luisa watched as Kerra was shooting arrows as she avoided contact with the tentacles. She watched as the arrows Kerra shot would hit the monster tentacles and fall to the ground assive like it was metal.

Louisa snapped back to reality and with haste quickly began to draw arrows from her quiver at her back. She drew the arrow on the bow string and aimed at the creature.

" Kerra is at the point of collision, " Louisa said to her self as she cursed under her breath.


She groaned in pain,

' Her movement are to unpredictable to pinpoint the right moment to strike" she said to her self once more,

Then a thought went through her head

" If I could.... " her words were cut short as the ground rumbled and as she turned to look at Kerry direction she could Tentacles around with the ground around Kerra totally destroyed.

And Kerry is seem breathing heavenly as she stood slot far from the beast.

"it's no use " Kerry said inwardly

"I can't do this myself " she said

" if I'm gonna win this I'll need help" Kerry said to herself, she didn't bother to look at Louisa said but turned her head to face the girl who was still held captive by the monster.

Then Louisa aimed her arrow at the beast positioned and ready,

"Hope this works " she said

" No time to rethink this" Louisa said again

" it's all up to Kerra" she said.


Kerry stood exhausted panting hard as she was slowy failing, she could bearly move an an inche. She didn't have the strength or the energy to continue

 " God give me strength " she prayed

 And raised her bow, dragging her arrow on the bow string , aiming and ready to fire. 

 As she released the arrow, 

 "laws of the land decify the laws of nature and make my arrows faster than the eyes can see" she said in a low whisper. 

 "High quick"

 She said and released her arrow at almost the same time Kerry did. Louisa arrow travelled with speed 10 times faster than the speed of a bullet. Her arrow passed Kerra head super fast and was not noticed, coming in contact with Kerras arrow shattering it completely into tiny pieces and piercing through the monster armoured tentacle.