
Sorcerers resolve

5 great warriors ended a bloody war and decided to settle down to leave a normal life like everyone else thier age,but there are forces which call them back to thier former lives.But no one would ever expect that 5 out of the top 11 grand socerers would be in school

kosnika · Fantasy
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42 Chs


But just as it was about to fully get a hold of her, her teammate the girl came out of nowhere and sliced through the tentacles as she ran.

She then turned to face the monster head on, making her way swiftly towards it.

Seeing her chance to kill it the girl ran towards it and brought out an extra sword from behind her and raced towards it. Tentacles outstretched rapidly towards her but she was also skillful in the act of sword, as they came her way. She jumped and spinned once again as they all enfolded her, she sliced through Everyone of it, making her way towards it.

As she got close to it she didn't waste time at all as the swords she was holding started to give off somesort of lightning pink charge. Then 2 out stretched out of the ground and caught hold of her leg, she was stopped in her tracks as she couldn't move anymore,then more and more began to surround her . The once which held fast to her legs were slowly moving through her ankle and going upward towards her thighs. Two went for her both hands, one going for her left, and the other going for her right. She struggled out of its grip moving left and right trying get out of it.

She struggled and struggled, and as she did the lighting pink charges were just coming out of the sword becoming more and more intense by the second and shining bright. She then got a good grip on the swords in her hand, and she spinned it like a circular saw cutting through the tentacles that got a grip on her hand.

Immediately she looked left, then right as she was surrounded and couldn't move forward or retreat as the tentacles slowly moved closer and closer to her. She then raised her hands up with the swords still in her hands and giving off a dangerously dark pinkish glow. She closed her eyes, at what she was about to do. She clenched the sword hard and before the tentacles could grab her and tear her to pieces, she went on her knees and struck the both swords on the ground.

"CLOUT!!!!" She yelled.

The swords gave off and bright flash and then.


As the flash died down,pieces of the tentacles were just droping from the sky. Kelvin seeing the flash which also destroyed the tentacles around him, he dropped his shield and slowly began to move forward stepping In what seemed like dark green sticky ooze which seemed to be coming from the pieces of plant tentacles around him.

The girl slowly stood herself up as it seemed like she was already weak from her last attack as everywhere around her was liberating smoke. But she kept on moving forward slowly towards the monster. and as she did,she slowly staggered right back to the ground, struggling to find the strength to continue.

Then a tentacles moved swiftly towards her and wrapped itself around her waist and raised her high in to the air. The girl struggled to get out of it's grip she raised her swords Into the air and began to stab the plant tentacles.


Was liberated each time she struck the tentacles until the both swords dropped from her hands and fell down to the ground.Kelvin seeing this his eyes widened and ran towards the plant monster with his hands stretched for towards the plant.

"Heeellllllllllllpppp." She yelled as she struggled and struggled to brake free.

"Chronus fang" Kelvin yelled

And a darker more intense beam shot out out of his hand heading directly towards the one eyed plant monster. As it flew straight towards the monster, the monster used one of its tentacles to hit the beam deflecting the beam away from it. The beam flew left from the creature and as it struck a tree.


The tree was obliterated completely. Kelvin eyes widened seeing the carnage his blast caused, he turned his head back to face the beast once more with a frustrated look on his face.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" the girl being held captive by the beast screamed as it was shaking her.

"No" Kelvin said to himself.

And ran with an angered look on his face, he stretched his right hand forward at it ,

"Gio greza!!!" He yelled

And some kind of blood red intimidating beam slowly formed, and the was looking intense and giving off a crimson colored glow that was releasing charges.

He pointed his hand at it kinda like a gun with the red beam slowly transforming and merging into a small dark redish ball. Focusing his entire attention on his shot,ready to fire.



Kelvin heard an overly familiar voice which seemed to be in struggle, he turned his head to his left and saw his twin sister Kerra. Struggling as tentacles were still going after her despite her teamates support, she has not gotten out of reach of the tentacles. Kelvin worried sick stood in shock I'm his split decision to either save his sister and not attack or to save the girl still held captive by the plant monster.

The monster stared at Kelvin and did not make any move as Kelvin was still shocked and still needed to decide. It took it chance and the ground from below Kelvin began to rumble and Kevin eyes widened as he began to loose balance. Tentacles shot out of the ground tossing Kelvin up, high into the air."

"What can I do" Kelvin asked himself as he flew Into the air.

"My mind is made up" He said I'm his mind once again.

"even if it cost me my life(his eyes Shot open Instantly in anger and he turned in mid air pointing his hand at the monster) I will protect the ones I love" He said

"Socerery skill level 3" He said

"Crimson strike" he said

And the ball shot like a bullet out from his hand towards the monster.

Author note:

Ok just want to say sorry that it's coming so slow but I promise to keep you guys updated on it. And also that what's on the soft copy isn't the same as what's on the hard copy but it's related.

Thank you.