
Sorcerers resolve

5 great warriors ended a bloody war and decided to settle down to leave a normal life like everyone else thier age,but there are forces which call them back to thier former lives.But no one would ever expect that 5 out of the top 11 grand socerers would be in school

kosnika · Fantasy
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42 Chs

CHAPTER 35 : Sacrifice

"Finally a worthy opponent" Kerra said to herself and gave a devilish grin as she pulled out another arrow from the quiver at her back

Kelvin whom him and the girl struggling to get back up to thier feet groaned and yelled.

"Be careful"

"Don't hurt yourself" He yelled with a worried look on his face, knowing his sister too well that she might try something reckless.

Kerra dragged her arrow on the bow string and aimed it at the plant monster, going for it's reddish couloured eye.

"Do it" the girl who Kelvin was helping up yelled.

Hearing this the monster turned to face Kerra who was focus on getting her target right. But the beast was not going to give her that opportunity. The ground around it immediately started to rumble as more and more large, vine like tentacles ejected out of the ground causing the ground to rumble and shake.

All of those tentacles shot forward with the speed almost similar to a bullet towards Kerra who stood in her ground determined to get her shot. Her eyes widened as there was no way she could dodged everything at once and almost assive her life flashed before her eyes.


Louisa ran with everything she had in her and pushed Kerra out of range but the tentacles were a direct hit on Louisa causing her to fly backwards with incredible speed as she struck a tree behind her.


And she landed on the ground and did not stand up. Kerra was shocked as she was on the ground, she was shocked at what she just experienced, an ordinary sacrificing herself to save her. The tentacles outstretched one more time and towards her,her bow was far from her with her arrow there was nowhere she could defend herself.

"Shooting star"

A bright blue light shoned from the monster,


Causing a seemly small explosion on the plant monster which made it retract it's tentacles immediately in pain.


It growled at what it just experienced. Immediately after the monster tentacles retracted Kerra didn't waste time and crawled quickly on the floor to get to her bow and pulled an arrow from her quiver once more. She aimed it at the monster who is still yet to recover from Kelvin shooting star attack, it still had dark steem coming out from it's body.

She turned on her back aimed the bow at the monster then dragged the arrow on it readyil to fire. And before you know it, she released the arrow and it shot fast like a bullet, heading towards the eye of the beast. But as it turned, the arrow missing it's eye by inches only, hitting it's purple petals and tearing right through it causing a visible hole on it's petals.

Kerra then stood up from the ground and

jumped backwards with haste putting distance between it and the plant. Kelvin her twin brother moved swiftly to he side to stand beside her with his right hand stretched forward towards it.

" You okay" Kelvin asked as they stared at the monster whose tentacles were healing up and returning back to its original length.

"Good" was Kerra's response as she stared at it in total concentration.

"How's the ordinary" Kerra asked

"She'll be fine"Kelvin said, paused to look at kerra's face which was straight and focused.

"She's being healed as we speak,the damage she took was alot lesser than expected" Kelvin said,

"We owe her for saving your life" Kelvin said,

"I had everything under control" Kerra raised her voice.

"I didn't need her help" she said.


"You take left,I'll take right" Kerra said,

"You think we can do it" Kelvin asked unsure.

"Yes I know we can" Kerra said with confidence showing on in her voice.

"Nothing dangerous?" Kelvin asked,

"Where's the fun in that" Kerra said with her lips slowly curving into a devilish grin, while Kelvin still having at troubled look on her face

Immediate they both dispersed , with Kelvin moving left and Kerra moving right. Trying to pin the monster down from both sides,it stretched it tentacles towards towards, unaware of Kelvins presence.

The monsters focus was on Kerra and so was it's tentacles as she moved swiftly, jumping and avoiding it's tentacles and only slowing down at intervals when trying to aim her arrow at it.


A black light beam shot out of Kelvin hands and went directly straight for the monster getting another direct hit on the monster,



It groaned loudly shaking as it was affected by the blast. Kerra shot an arrow at it cutting through its petals one more time missing it's eye again by inches. The monster was enraged and had enough as it's tentacles seperated and lashed out completely. Some going for Kelvin and the other going for Kerra,

Kelvin jumped backwards away from it and before it could reach, he stretched his right hand forward.

"Shield"He yelled,

And just like that a blue shield elevated out of and came over him like a round,spherical ball, protecting him from the tentacles. But Kerra, on the other hand who could no cast protection spell's.


Kelvin yelled at the top of his lungs as he was worried.

Kerra ran, retreating away trying to avoid the tentacles as they came one by one, as the first one came she jumped to her left avoiding contact. The second came her way as she bent to her right dogding it completely as it passed, she then aimed her arrow at it by pulling it on the string. But she fell short as another was fast approaching her, so she turned to retreat but was too late as one went for her leg and held her tight.

But just as it was about to fully get a hold of her, her teammate the girl came out of nowhere and sliced through the tentacles as she ran.

She then turned to face the monster head on, making her way swiftly towards it.