
Sorcerer in Hollywood

Meet Christian, a time traveler from the year 2017 who finds himself in the vibrant, eclectic world of 1990s Hollywood. But Christian isn't just any time traveler; he's an aspiring director with a unique twist – he's also a part-time sorcerer. As he navigates the bustling entertainment scene of the '90s, Christian's dual talents create an intriguing blend of magic and movies. It is a thrilling blend of time travel, movie-making, and magic, offering readers a front-row seat to the enchanting and enigmatic world of Hollywood in the 1990s, where the past, present, and future converge in ways that no one could have ever imagined. *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. Just found the CNnovel and translated it here to increase my vocabulary, and English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Dark_Sym. This is where I read it- Qidian. so you can support the original author on a Chinese site.

Dark_Symphony · Movies
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81 Chs

Threat of ghosts


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Alexis had never imagined herself associated with mysterious and terrifying things like exorcism and ghost hunting, although she had a strong affinity for Hitchcock. More often, she found herself drawn to Vivien Leigh in "A Streetcar Named Desire" or aspiring to be like her.

But life isn't always fair. There's only one Vivien Leigh, just as there's only one Scarlett O'Hara and just one Red White. Seven years of drifting in Hollywood led to nothing but a brief moment on a pedestrian bridge.

"It turns out people can become ghosts after death" That was the only outcome of her leap.

Afterward, she existed in a bewildered state, not alive but not dead either. According to Christian Booth, she was in a pure ghost state at the time and hadn't received any training. Even if she didn't want to be bewildered, it was impossible.

Until she met Sally.

How did Sally and Christian deceive her and draw her into a trap? Alexis no longer wished to recall. Not because she couldn't remember but because she didn't want to—it was too embarrassing.

"Maybe, as Christian said, ghosts lack brains, so I was easily deceived by them then?" Alexis found a rationalization, but she also understood that Christian could deceive her not because of that. The real reason was their grasp of desire or ambition.

Yes, Alexis loved acting. She yearned to stand in the spotlight. Even as a ghost, this longing remained unchanged. So, when Christian asked her to perform on camera with Sally, Alexis was genuinely grateful and willing to "buy him a cup of coffee." Of course, it was just "a drink."

However, she currently inhabited Sally's body, so she couldn't do that. She had always thought that Sally and Christian had a peculiar relationship. In her eyes, they were very close, and even living together wasn't unusual. But every time they had the chance to take the final step, one of them would hesitate.

What was that all about? Was there no spark, or was it truly as Sally said, not wanting to engage in intimate activities due to the influence of adrenaline? Why was it such a big deal? Who doesn't "forget" under the influence of hormones? It's not adrenaline; it's hormones, some of which are artificially synthesized. Sally was too proud. But what about Christian? Alexis couldn't figure him out.

Just like now, there was the menacing Ghost Tiger in the small wooden house, which Christian referred to as Wei Changhui, and there seemed to be a story behind it. Christian claimed that this was just a stopgap measure and that the real chance of success lay with her.

Did it depend on her? Alexis being a ghost didn't mean she could catch other ghosts, especially a more terrifying one like Ghost Tiger.

"You don't need to worry or think about what to do," Christian reassured her, sensing her anxiety. "As long as your performance with Sally is successful enough, the mysterious and unknown horror you portray will overpower the direct horror of the mutant monsters. The fear in the hearts of the audience watching it a second time will flow to you, absorbing the power that fuels the Ghost Tiger. You don't need to do anything but experience it. We've taken care of everything in advance."

Had they prepared in advance? Though not very confident in her performance, Alexis had to calm herself and experience it thoroughly. Was Christian talking about power?

Feeling heat coursing through her body, Alexis suddenly felt alive again.


"This female ghost is truly sinister", Emily remarked as she watched the movie a second time, paying more attention to details she'd missed before, especially the female ghost.

She couldn't understand why no one had noticed this terrifying ghost the first time they watched. Perhaps it was the director's unique shooting style.

In Emily's view, this ghost was far more terrifying than the mutant creatures. The mutants might be ugly and ferocious, but they only induced a direct fear, which was acceptable for a young girl who had seen many horror movies.

The fear evoked by the ghost girl was entirely different. Upon closer examination, she was an exceptionally beautiful woman during her lifetime, and combined with the ghostly effects, her smile held a mysterious charm. However, behind that charm lay a trail of murder.

Especially when she briefly detached from the possessed heroine, the ghost would glance at the big screen, smiling eerily, as if she had passed through the screen and was staring at the audience.

"If anyone sleeps with this woman, they'd be petrified," Emily said. Confronted with fear, people often demonize and malign it, although Emily acknowledged this wasn't ideal, she had no intention of being saintly. Looking at the four people around her, she felt her performance was already pretty good.

Every time the female ghost looked at the screen, Sheldon unconsciously shrank back, almost becoming as short as Leonard next to him. Although Leonard appeared normal now, Emily's eardrums still echoed his screams.

The tension in the group appeared to be hesitant, causing a delay.

On the other hand, it seemed that the young Jewish man had been frightened enough to clutch the Indian youth beside him. From their body language, it was clear that there was something more than just fear between the two.

"I won't let it slip out for the sake of my family's video rental shop's reputation," the young girl resolved within herself.

In contrast, Jodie didn't hesitate at all. When confronted with the ghostly eyes, she let out a scream.

After all, one of the main reasons people watch horror movies is to release their pent-up tension by screaming. Deliberately trying not to scream in an attempt to prove one's courage seemed counterproductive.

Despite her young age, Jodie had seen enough in life to know that there was no point in pretending to be brave.

"I wonder what role that female ghost will play in the climax?" Jodie mused to herself.

The most dissatisfying part of the movie for Jodie during her first viewing was the ending. The entire story was incredibly terrifying, and the extremely powerful mutants were easily defeated by the protagonist and heroine at the end. This diminished the tension and fear built up over nearly eighty minutes.

Of course, she understood the director's reasoning for this type of ending. Unless he intended for an all-out finale, the protagonists would eventually have to overcome a final hurdle to escape. Therefore, the initially powerful end-boss would inevitably meet their demise at the hands of the protagonists, like a plot weakness most horror movies couldn't avoid. Jodie didn't expect "Wrong Turn" to sidestep this trope, but now, this mysterious ghost offered a possible solution.

"It seems that the female ghost has absorbed the power of the mutants"

The original ending involved the heroine, Jesse, being captured by the mutant creatures, while the hero, Chris, secretly hid under their car and followed them back to their cabin. He would then launch a sneak attack, ultimately defeating them with Jesse's help.

Jodie found this ending somewhat implausible, considering the formidable mutant monsters. However, with the addition of the ghostly element by Christian, the story now seemed more plausible. The mutants became significantly weaker in the presence of the female ghost, as she absorbed their power. This allowed the male protagonist, Chris, who was initially overmatched, to mount a successful counterattack. At the last moment, Jesse's assistance was a direct result of the female ghost possessing her. When she helped Chris ignite the cabin's gas tank with a bullet, her eyes displayed a certain hatred, indicating something more.

"What a clever sequence of events. However, I can't help but feel that the second viewing is even scarier than the first" Judy wasn't alone in this sentiment, as many second-time viewers shared it. This feeling and understanding were exactly what Christian intended. They were like countless stars, converging from all directions into the inner world of the movie and gradually focusing on Alexis's body.

At that very moment, both in the inner world and on the movie screen outside, the cabin exploded.



1. Hitchcock - Alfred Hitchcock was a director who specialed in delivering suspense, twist endings, and dark subject matter.

2. Vivien Leigh - Vivien Leigh styled as Lady Olivier after 1947, was a British actress. She won the Academy Award for Best Actress twice

3. Scarlett O'Hara - a character portrayed by, Vivien Leigh (Gone with the Wind)

4. A Streetcar Named Desire - 1951 Movie


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