
Son of Origin

This novel has: SYSTEM, Protagonists, Powers, God's, Action, Fantasy, Fate ________________________________________ Born with an unusual fate, Alex endured a life of misery. However, his fortunes changed when he was given a chance to be reincarnated. In his new life on NEXUS, Alex embraced a peaceful existence. But everything shifted when a mysterious stranger he met in a park triggered the awakening of his dormant powers, threatening the tranquillity he had finally found. Follow Alex as he navigates his journey to maintain peace in a world now fraught with danger.

Dealer8923 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 7:Bound by Obsession

A finger-tapping sound could be heard from the kitchen; Alex was still sitting at the dining table, and his eyes were closed; he was confused; he didn't know what to do, so he sighed.

In the silent environment of the kitchen, he heard the tic-tic sound of the clock; he looked toward the clock and saw it was already 3 pm.

He took a deep breath, put all his thoughts aside, got up, and walked toward his room.

He entered his room and closed the door. He looked toward the bed for a few seconds before moving towards it. He came to the bed and sat down.

His eyes carried a trace of tiredness, he thought about all the events that had happened today. Truthfully, he was tired, not physically but mentally.

Many things had happened to him today in a single day. First, he met his father, Origin; when he thought about Origin, his happiness could be felt, but it vanished the next second when he thought about the protagonist he met.

He never expected the first person he would kill in this life would be a protagonist. The hatred between him and the protagonists really runs deep; they want to kill each other on sight.

Then confusion and uncertainty appeared on his face when he thought about the event that happened with Rim; he knew after this event, their relationship might change forever.

Thinking about all those events filled his eyes with tiredness; for now, he just wanted to sleep, nothing else.

He fell onto the bed, and his eyes slowly closed as he drifted into a sweet dream.

While Alex was drifting in sweet dreams, someone else in the house was not able to sleep.

In Rim room.

She was sleeping on the bed but her eyes were open. She couldn't sleep. Whenever she closed her eyes, Alex's face appeared in her mind.

Seeing Alex's face filled Rim's heart with otherworldly happiness. She knew this was wrong, but she couldn't control her heart, and now even her brain supported her heart.

Thinking about the kitchen incident, her face was filled with sadness; she blamed herself for what happened if she had controlled herself and hadn't used her talent then.

She thought what would have happened If Abby hadn't arrived at the correct time, would she leaves first or Alex. Would he have accepted her or rejacted her feelings.

Her mind was filled with thoughts related to Alex. She didn't know why, but she felt her love for Alex was increasing every moment, every second.

She didn't realise that an unseen force was affecting her; her love for Alex, which was already at its highest point, broke the limit and reached the Realm of obsessiveness.

Alex Strang's fate which had been suppressed for 18 years, now had returned to him with more power. His fate, which only attracted Females with high luck before, was now affecting Rim's mind, increasing her affection for Alex without anyone knowing.

For 18 years of his life, his strange fate had been sealed, not being able to use its power, making it accumulate all its power for 18 years and now, when today, it was suddenly unsealed.

it released all the power it had acclimated for 18 years, which gave birth to an unexpected effect and started increasing Rim's affection for Alex.

But this was a one-time thing as now Alex had awakened his powers so no other creators could suppress his strange fate and wait for it to accumulate its power before releasing it.

Rim was lost in deep thoughts when suddenly her mind decided something, a fire was ignited in her eyes.

She thought the truth was already out, now she could no longer hit it. She decided she would confess her feelings to Alex.

When this thought crossed her mind, her heart raced, her body severed, she could hear her heartbeats, her eyes lit up, and a smile formed on her face.

When she thought about Alex, a current passed through her body. She was filled with joy and excitement.

She quickly got up, left her room, and looked toward Alex's room. While all this was happening she didn't realise how fast her thoughts were moving.

One second, she was sad about the incident in the kitchen; the next second, she decided to confess to Alex and the next second, her mind was filled with happiness.

She looked at Alex's room door, took a deep breath, and opened it; she entered Alex's room and closed the door.

She looked toward sleeping Alex, and seeing his happy face filled her with happiness. Her heart started beating faster. Its sound could be heard throughout the room.

Her face was coloured red; she slowly came near him and sat beside him on the bed. She stared at his face for a few minutes before she put her hand on Alex's head and gently patted it.

While she was patting his head, it was like Alex felt it even though he was sleeping; a smile appeared on his face.

In his sleep, his body turned around toward Rim and instinctively warped his hands around her.

Seeing this scene made Rim happy, a smile formed on her face as she looked at sleeping Alex.

She thought how Alex was the only male in her life, she felt attracted towards him from the start he was different. Seeing him she felt peace and happy.

She thought how her life had changed after Alex entered her life, it was always filled with excitement, happiness and love.

The closeness she felt toward Alex, she never felt it toward other. She didn't wanted to loose him.

After her parents died Alex was the first person she opened up to.

She Thought about how her life would change from tomorrow entered her mind.

While Rim was lost in thoughts, her eyes slowly closed, and she also drifted into a deep sleep while hugging Alex.

What the future holds for them, no one knows.

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