
Son of Origin

This novel has: SYSTEM, Protagonists, Powers, God's, Action, Fantasy, Fate ________________________________________ Born with an unusual fate, Alex endured a life of misery. However, his fortunes changed when he was given a chance to be reincarnated. In his new life on NEXUS, Alex embraced a peaceful existence. But everything shifted when a mysterious stranger he met in a park triggered the awakening of his dormant powers, threatening the tranquillity he had finally found. Follow Alex as he navigates his journey to maintain peace in a world now fraught with danger.

Dealer8923 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 6:Affection and Awkwardness

Alex looked at the dead body in front of him and sighed.

Looks like the first person he killed in this life is a protagonist. He didn't even know his name. Looks like his peaceful life was really going to be destroyed.

He quickly used the new ability he had gained on the dead body in front of him. A black smoke escaped his hand and devoured the dead body in front of him.

This was his new ability, that he gained through the powers Origin had given him.

It was called disposable, it could be used to destroy dead bodies.

Well, he had to say this was a little Unique, he had never heard of any ability like that.

Suddenly he had a voice for the kitchen.

"Alex come and eat your lunch".

Hearing Rim's call, Alex ignored everything and went to the kitchen. He came to the dining table and sat there.

Rim came to the dining table and served food to both of them, and she sat down. Seeing that Abby was not present, he looked toward Rim and asked, "Mom, where is Abby?".

Hearing his question, she looked toward Alex and said, "Abby had gone out with her friends. She will have her lunch with them".

"By the way, now tell me about the talent you awakened, you know I am getting curious."

Hearing her question Alex thought for a moment and said, "Well, my talent is pretty simple". When he was about to say this, his face blushed, and he didn't complete his sentence.

Seeing his blushed face, Rim thought Alex might have awakened a low-level talent That's why he didn't finish his sentence, she looked toward Alex and said in a soft and gently voice, "Alex you don't need to be embarrassed if you have awakened a low-level talent, just tell me. It doesn't matter if it's low-level just tell me".

Hearing her words warmed Alex's heart, but Well the real reason he blushed was that, in flow-flow, he was just about to tell his real talent to Rim, and that would be pretty embarrassing. as after Origin gave him his power.

His talent changed a little; well the talent he had awakened was called 'Emotions Level'.

Hearing the talent's name and with a little brain, anyone could guess what this talent does.

Its effects are pretty simple, he could see the level of affection people had for him. Do they like him, love him or hate him?

Thinking about his talent, he looked toward Rim's head; above her was a floating window that only Alex could see.

The flotation window had 2 Tabs. Affection and Type. The Affection tab shows the amount of Affection a person has for him and the Type tab shows which type of affection the person had for him. Like friend, enemy, Love etc.

Affection was divided into different levels:

1 heart =doesn't care

2 heart= friends

3 heart =like you

4 heart love you

5 heart =obsessed with you.

From what he could see, Rim's affection tab had 4.5 hearts, so we could say she was probably obsessed with him.

Well, he didn't know what to do; from the stranger's action, he could guess Rim was a heroine, but he wouldn't give her to those as*** protagonists.

And from what ORIGIN told him about his fate, he could probably guess how she was attracted towards him.

He remembered even when Rim had not adopted him, she didn't have many interactions with males, and after she adopted him, he was the only male in her life.

With this outline and his strange fate, he could easily guess what happened. 'Looks like even Origin couldn't fully block my strange fate; it was never blocked, just Origin's influence suppressed it'.

He looked at Rim and said with a smile, "Well, it's not a low-level talent, it just, its effects are pretty worried. It allows me to see everyone's affection for me".

When he finished his sentence, he was shocked. Just now, he was about to lie to Rim about his talent; instead of his real talent, he was going to shop her the ability he got from Origin, but when he started the sentence, his lips moved on their own and told the truth.

He didn't know why this happened; suddenly he heard something fall. He quickly looked toward Rim and saw she was shocked.

Rim was looking toward Alex while she was asking him to tell her about his talent, seeing his embarrassed face. She thought he might not tell her her real talent, she didn't know how this happened or what got in her mind.

But she used her talent on Alex; her talent was a little Unique; she could only use her talent on a person one time, and the person on whom she used her talent would truthfully answer any one of the questions.

She looked at Alex, using her talent on him, and asked him to tell her his talent. Hearing his answer, she was shocked; she didn't understand if she had done the right thing or not.

Seeing his shocked face, she realised that he might wanted to lie about his talent to her. But hearing what his talent was, she could guess why he wanted to lie.

Now, they both were in a tough situation. They didn't know what they should do. They both were getting embarrassed and the moment was getting awkward.

Suddenly, they heard a shout, "Rim, I am home". It was Abby; seeing the opportunity, Rim quickly got up and ran away.

Alex was left alone in the kitchen, he was confused. He didn't know what to do; now that Rim knew his talent, things would get pretty awkward for them.

And he understood that now his Fate had been unsealed, Rim's attraction towards him should increase. He was having a headache thinking about all those awkward moments he might face in future.

Life is truly hard for him, Looks like no peaceful days soon.

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