
Son of Origin

This novel has: SYSTEM, Protagonists, Powers, God's, Action, Fantasy, Fate ________________________________________ Born with an unusual fate, Alex endured a life of misery. However, his fortunes changed when he was given a chance to be reincarnated. In his new life on NEXUS, Alex embraced a peaceful existence. But everything shifted when a mysterious stranger he met in a park triggered the awakening of his dormant powers, threatening the tranquillity he had finally found. Follow Alex as he navigates his journey to maintain peace in a world now fraught with danger.

Dealer8923 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 8: Awakening Affection

Alex's eyes flickered a little before they opened up. He used his body a little back and sat using the wall as a support.

Suddenly, he felt a hug from his right side. When he looked toward his right side, he was shocked as he saw Rim was sleeping in his room while hugging him.

He was confused as, from what he remembered, he slept alone; he ignored those thoughts and looked at Rim.

Again, he was shocked as he noticed something different about Rim's affection window. Her affection for him had reached the max 5 harts.

He was confused as yesterday it was only 4.5 hearts, and from what he knew about his talent, to increase someone's affection for him after that person had reached 4 hearts would take months or even years.

But here, Rim's affection for him had increased already in a day; he looked toward Rim. Seeing her smiling face calmed him down.

He took a deep breath and calmly said, "Check in".

After those words were spoken by him a mechanical appeared in his mind.

[Sign in successful]

[Mission function unlocked]

Well, this was the power Origin had given him. A sign-in system looked simple, right?

But it was not, it was different from all other sign-in systems. Alex opened his status window.

[ Name = Alex white

Level = 0

Luck = 100

Harem= none

Talent = Emotions Level(S),disposable(B) ]

Well, it had a simple layout, but he liked it. So, this system allows him to sign in every day and get random rewards.

But he could increase the Rank of the Rewards by getting luck, and luck could be acquired by having a lover. Well, not normal ones, but a heroine who had a high level of luck.

From what he got to know about the system, it could give him anything within any limitations, but to acquire higher-level things, he needed higher luck.

That's why Origin said his fate matches Origin's power. Well, he was already a magnate for heroin with high luck. So now with the sign-in system.

Whenever a heroine enters his life, his luck will increase, and he will get a better reward every day. Looks like something that would make him powerful passively.

And one thing he found about himself was that he couldn't Level up Normally.

In this world, to level up, people use energy skills to absorb energy from their surroundings. Well, it was more like cultivation, but here, there were no cultivation levels like Qi refining or Golden core but levels.

So, every time you absorb enough energy, you level up; people with higher level talent absorb energy faster than people with low-level talent.

If he wanted to level up, he needed to complete the mission and acquire the level-up token and level up. To acquire the mission, he needs to get involved with the heroine, as all the missions were about the heroine.

He didn't know why, but he had a feeling that this function was Created by Origin, well ignoring all those thoughts, he opened the mission tab.

[Mission tab

1. Accpect Rim felling.

Reward= 10 levels up toke, 500 luck

2. Accpect Abby felling.

Reward= 10 levels up a token, 500 luck

3, complete Rim request.

Reward= 2 levels the tokens.

(Get involved with more heroin to get more mission)(gift from your Dady) ]

Well, it looks like I was right; this function was really added by him.

Seeing Mission 1, he was a little hesitant, but he decided if Rim really wanted it, then he wouldn't reject her.

Well thinking about he realised someone from his past life. She was also like Rim but from his past life.

She was also a heroine, and she loved him, but he rejected her, and later, he found she had died killed by a protagonist.

When her face appeared In Alex's mind, he became sad; she was the first person Alex had lost. When he searched her house, he forgot a letter she had written for him.

It was a letter that told him about all their encounters, why she loved him and her final words.

While reading those words, Alex cried for the first time in his life. He was broken, he thought what would have happened If he had accepted her love.

Thinking about those memories, he looked toward Rim and decided to accept her feelings.

In his past life, he noticed one thing any heroine who first loved him then returned to the Protagonist always had a bad ending.

That's why even when he noticed why the protagonist entered his life he didn't leave those heroine to their fate and protected them.

This was the start of his war against the protagonist. He accepted all the challenges fate had to offer, fought them and won.

He looked at Rim and thought about how he didn't want to lose her or Abby; in this life, he didn't want to lose anything precious to him.

This time, he wanted to follow Origin's words and become someone so powerful that even Fate couldn't affect him.

He wanted to become someone like his father, Someone like Origin.

Alex was lost in his thoughts when Rim's eyes flickered, her eyes slowly opened.

She saw Alex's hands were warped around her. He was lost in deep thought while his hands were holding her.

Seeing this, her cheeks became red, and her heart started beating faster. She slowly warped her hands around Alex, put her head on his legs, and slept again.

Alex noticed the small moment made by Rim but didn't stop her, he just looked at her as she slowly warped her hands around him and slept again while using his lag as a pillow.

He gently patted her head and slowly whispered, Love you.

His voice was so low that no one heard it not even Rim.

Alex just sat there for hours before slowly patting Rim's head and saying.

"wake up it's already 10 in the morning".

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