
Something Im-mortal

Maxine Toussaint is a 22-year girl in her last year at university. Her daily life includes apart from studies, a job and dealing with an alcoholic aunt since the loss of her parents on early age. Rey comes into her life on a snowy night in December, the Alpha of one of the last packs remained in the area. Things entangle when Vincent, a vampire lord finds out about Maxine and wants to win her heart, in pursuit of power, to destroy Rey and his pack. Soon she finds herself in an ancient war. Will a mere human be able to put an end to it? Or she's more than that?

EvinaR · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 7 - A new self


Vincent is right. I can only pay tribute to her memory by showing her how I've managed to survive. And to do that, I have to get out of the house. Toughen up.

I will not hide under any hood. I will show the world my face. And will stand up to life. I won't be defeated. I will win.

I look at Vincent as we keep arranging the new books on the shelves in the bookstore. The shop has already closed and there's no one there except us. He seems a good guy.

"What did you do first?" I ask.

"I went to a party. I know it's shocking, to have fun at a party a few weeks after our loved one is buried. Yes, I did it." He answers in a smooth voice.

"And it helped you?"

"It was a good start." He said with an indifferent tone in his voice. "Now that we mention it, I'll have a party next week if you're interested."

It could be a start…

"And it's a themed party. Have you ever been to a party like that?" he smiles.

"I haven't been to a party in general." I look down at my feet embarrassed by my answer.

He chuckles at my answer. Then he turns to me.

"So, let's make sure it'll be unforgettable."

The weather is getting worse as we step out of the warehouse, locking behind us the big metal door, and pass our cards through the scanner.

I look at my watch, it's nearly 2 a.m.

"You want me to escort you home?" Vincent asks from next to me.

One look is enough to see that I'm shivering. Apparently, my coat was not thick enough to keep me warm.

With a swift move, he takes off his coat and puts it above my shoulders. His cologne fills my nostrils. He smells nice.

"Here. Take this one. You will be a popsicle until we reach home."

We keep walking against the cold air. However, he doesn't look to be cold, even without his coat.

When we reach home, I thank him for keeping me company and return him the coat. He makes me promise that I'll be at his party next week and leaves.

I run upstairs to change into something warmer as the wolf will be waiting for me at the clearing. I feel so bad I kept him waiting.

I check my phone's battery and take another coat, heading back out to the cold winter night.

I don't remember when was the last time I run. Maybe long enough not to remember it. I reach the forest and make a short stop to catch my breath before I head further into it.

My friend is here, waiting for me. I see his pristine white fur in the distance.

"Wolf! I'm here!" I shout breaking the silence, though my words may not be so comprehensive due to my heavy breathing.

The wolf runs closer. I bend down as we finally meet and rub my head against the side of his neck.

I feel his muscles tense a bit under my hug, but shortly after he relaxes. His hot breath tickles my neck and shoulder. Then, we take a seat in our usual spot.

"I have something important to tell you," I say and I notice that I'm smiling. It's been a long time. "I've decided to take my life into my own hands. I will not hide anymore."

Wolf seems to be happy with my statement. I'm glad to have a friend like him, even though he cannot speak.

"You know, there is a guy we work together, Vincent. He helped me with this decision. He lost his loved ones too, so he knows how I feel. He will have a 'vampire themed' party and he invited me-"

I'm cut off by the wolf's snap backwards. He takes a few steps away, looking at me intently. He lets a loud howl before begins running into the forest.

"Wolf wait! Come back!" I scream but it's futile. The wolf is already far away.


I was waiting for her for a long time until her sweet voice echoes through the trees. I thought she won't show up tonight.

I was waiting for her sweet scent to fill my air, although, the moment she hugged me I smelled something odd.

I was very happy for her and her decision. She is such a unique creature. Or I see her like that because she's my mate? I cannot think rationally anymore.

When the words 'Vincent' and 'vampire' were heard in the same sentence, I felt like the pieces of a horrible puzzle are put in place. And the image is causing me disgust.

Vincent has approached her. I could now recognize the scent of a corpse on her clothes. That's the odd smell.

I lost my shit. I back away from her to get away from her spell. I let a howl to warn Luke to meet me and run away from her. I can hear her voice pleading for me to come back, but I pushed myself and run forward. I find Luke further down.

"What's wrong?" he asked changing back to his human form.

"Vincent has approached her."

"Oh, shit…" he says passing his hand from his hair. "That's not good."

"I hope hasn't smelled me, but I doubt it. I made sure she's full of my scent, to keep the others away." I say letting out a long breath. "How am I going to protect her? And the whole rejection plan goes so wrong I won't be able to do it."

"I'm sure the pack will understand. We all know the significance of a mate. Especially of a fated one."

"I need to go back to the town. I need to keep her safe. At least watching out for her may intimidate any vampire that will try to come closer to her."

"Rey you're acting crazy. You cannot leave the pack for so long. You're the Alpha. Your place is with your pack. I understand that now you most probably are confused with all these feelings inside you but don't forget your position." Luke says by catching me by the shoulders.

As much as I want to deny it, Luke is right.

"Ok, I won't go. But we have to find a way to get her out of there. Being within our territory may keep her safe."

"And how exactly you're about to explain the permanent presence of a human within our land?"

He has a point. I cannot announce in front of anyone that she's my mate.

"If you're determined to reject her, then stop seeing her. Fight this urge. Otherwise, you won't have any other option than to accept her and present her on the pack."