
Something Im-mortal

Maxine Toussaint is a 22-year girl in her last year at university. Her daily life includes apart from studies, a job and dealing with an alcoholic aunt since the loss of her parents on early age. Rey comes into her life on a snowy night in December, the Alpha of one of the last packs remained in the area. Things entangle when Vincent, a vampire lord finds out about Maxine and wants to win her heart, in pursuit of power, to destroy Rey and his pack. Soon she finds herself in an ancient war. Will a mere human be able to put an end to it? Or she's more than that?

EvinaR · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 8 - Hope and courage


The next days, after work I take her home. I don't smell wolves' scent on her. Maybe it was a coincidence. But this doesn't mean that I don't have to hurry up things.

I placed Vektra in charge of the party planning. Being in the university will provide us with many people to feed. The more the better. Zack has already invited his human girlfriends.

The only thing that's missing is Maxine. I long for the moment I stick my fangs into her neck, draining her blood and her soul. And then, no one could stop us.

I have to play nice to her every evening we meet at the warehouse. It's so not me. Though she seems a bit out of the mood lately so, I have to cheer her up as well. I hate this job, constant babysitting.

The thought of what I'll do to Rey and his pack when I finally succeed is the only thing that keeps me calm and I don't snap her neck right now.

Tomorrow is the night when my dominance will be recognized by all. Mortals or not.


I feel my happiness taken away since the wolf left that night. I keep going every night after work. The forest doesn't scare me anymore. Wolf taught me that in his way.

But the empty spot next to me every night that I'm waiting for him, makes me tremble with fear.

I've checked all the nearby areas in case I bump into him but no sight of him or any other wolf.

One night I nearly fall into a lake as from afar the moon was mirroring itself on its surface, so white that I thought it was him.

His absence brings me back the sorrow I know so well. Vincent's party is tomorrow but I don't feel like going.

I thought I had a friend, a person to whom I can out of my chest all my feelings and worries.

This past month all that wolf did was only sit there with me and listen. You hardly ever find this skill in humans nowadays. It's so precious but rare.

This night I won't go to the forest after work. I can't do this anymore. If he didn't show up all these days, he won't come back at all.


It's been a constant battle within me the past week or so.

Luke tried to talk with some of the elders in case we can change their minds about mates from other species but most of them were resilient in their beliefs.

The rest won't agree if the elders don't consent to this. So, the only thing I can do is reject her. Luke and I swapped our routes to be as far away from her as possible.

I warned him that I don't want to know if she kept coming back to our spot, but the look on his face was telling all. And that felt like a knife twisting in my heart.

Despite how hard I try to get her out of my mind, every night it's time she resurfaces from my memories. I feel terrible that I hurt her, I could see in her eyes the shine of happiness.

She told me I was her only friend. Imagine if she knew what else she was to me. Far more important. My whole existence.

The thought of Vincent and his kin approaching her made me frown and my blood boil from rage.

At least if I can convince the council to let her stay within our territory. She could be safe, and I get a chance to be close to her.

But that were all distant thoughts to soothe my pain. I was worried for her though.

The night finds me still awake, thinking about a life that seems like a wild dream.


The day has come. After spending last night thinking of what happened recently, I decided to get out of sadness. After attending a couple of lectures, I walked to the town's main road. Ideal for shopping.

The costumes shop was opened. I walk in and find a young lady greeting me with a bright smile.

Her face is almost visible behind long back locks of hair. A thick red ribbon stretches above her forehead.

"Good morning. How can I help you?" her sweet voice fills the room.

"Hi, I'm looking for a dress, I have a vampire-theme party tonight," I say nearly audible to myself but the look on her face shows she heard me.

"Are you going to Vincent's party? Cool, me too! Almost half of the town is invited." She replies. "The truth is, many came before you and I'm almost run out of costumes."

Her head tilts to the side, giving me a better look.

"I think I can help you through. Follow me." she motions me to follow her to the back of the room where a door is.

I pray inside that at least I'll find something.

My face freezes as I step into the back room and my mouth fly open. Each wall had metallic cylinder rows pinned evenly on it and numerous hangers attached to them.

Each hanger had a dress on it. They reminded me of the Victorian era. There was not much variety in color, most of them were either black, dark brown, dark red, or shades of purple.

"This is my collection." She smiles with pride in her posture. "I don't usually give any of these beauties away, but you seem like a good girl, and you'll take care of it for the night. Pick up what you like."

I remained speechless, looking at the dresses. They're so many I cannot decide. I've never worn a dress, so I don't know what style suits me.

"Can you help me pick one?" I ask her.

"Of course darling. Just say it." She chuckles and heads closer to the hangers.

I watch her as she peers at the dresses, walking up and down to take a good look at all of them. Suddenly she stops and stretches herself to reach the hanger of one of the dresses from the top row.

"I think this is perfect for you." She smiles handing me the dress.

I couldn't believe the sight of it. She was holding an ultraviolet A-line dress. The skirt was long, reaching down to my ankles. The fabric was coming up to the chest, where the same color lace, started from the cleavage and went all the way to the wrists. It looked like coming straight out of a fairy tale.

I make move to pay her, but she stops me.

"No reason to pay me girl, just bring it back in one piece."

I cannot thank her much for the help she gave me.

"See you at the Floresit castle tonight!" she beams at me as I walk out of the shop.

I had no idea that the party will be held in a castle. I didn't ask him.

I reach home after a 30-minute walk and take the dress out of the bag, hanging it nicely outside my wardrobe.

When the sun sets, I walk upstairs. After a hot shower, I put on the dress. Luckily, I have a pair of black heels I have never worn but I wished one day I would. And the time has come. I put on some light make-up and a red wine lipstick.

I call for a cab and wait until I see it stop outside the house. I lock the door behind me and walk to the cab.

"Hello. To Floresit castle please." I say to the driver as I settle at the back of the car.