
Something Im-mortal

Maxine Toussaint is a 22-year girl in her last year at university. Her daily life includes apart from studies, a job and dealing with an alcoholic aunt since the loss of her parents on early age. Rey comes into her life on a snowy night in December, the Alpha of one of the last packs remained in the area. Things entangle when Vincent, a vampire lord finds out about Maxine and wants to win her heart, in pursuit of power, to destroy Rey and his pack. Soon she finds herself in an ancient war. Will a mere human be able to put an end to it? Or she's more than that?

EvinaR · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 69 - Courage


There was a veil of thick tension in the air as the next day began through the sun's rays piercing the darkness of the cold sky. Rey and I were long before awakened, staying curled inside the furs, enjoying each other's embrace for as many moments as we could.

"I think it's time to get up" Rey's voice broke the silence in the tent. One hand was around my waist while the other was planted on my hair, stroking gently my long locks. I curse under my breath, my head planted on his chest – enjoying the scent of forest and male that has made me an addict to him.

He shifts against me, taking his hand away from my hair and – touching my chin with his fingertips – he lifts my head to meet my eyes. The love, affection, and tenderness flashing in them melt my heart, but there's also something else reflecting. A hint of fear. No matter how determined and strong we all appear to be – for those who left behind to fight – there's something hidden behind each sentence, each expression. An unspoken possibility that stands in a corner of our minds. The possibility that we might not make it to see the next dawn.

I raise my hands, cupping his face in them as I reach up to put a kiss on his lips. His body tenses around me, holding me closer, as he takes lead and nibbles my lower lip to grant him access. When I do as he wishes, his tongue marches inside with a need and desire to taste me. My knees go weak and I'm thankful that I'm not standing. He purrs against my lips and makes my body tremble with shivers of pleasure as I circle my arms around his neck. When we break apart, both chests panting, I hear footsteps outside. It's time to get up.

I find my clothes – that were not torn apart this time – and put them on hastily as Rey got outside with only his pair of jeans on. If we survive this, I have to make a discussion about walking shirtless around the place. It has nothing to do with my self-consciousness but seeing other wolves – especially females – watching him like that makes a little green monster inside me ready to roar at them. I laugh at the thought of me being jealous of Rey and putting my hoodie on I step outside.

Rey is discussing with Luke the moment I step outside. I take a look around the forest. It is so peaceful, so calm and still full of life and energy that it makes you wonder what kind of miracle is this that only nature could forge. And yet a terrible thought crosses my mind. All this beautiful and magical place will be turned into a battlefield at night. The ground will be covered with bodies and soaked with blood. Something inside me tugs and I don't want to give in to that feeling, so I close my eyes tightly and hope that the blood spilt tonight will belong to Vincent and his kin.

"Where do your thoughts travel?" Rey's warm tone sounds from right behind me as it brings me back to reality.

"I uh… I'm sorry, what did you say?" I turn around to face him. His look is serious and worry crosses his features.

"I've been calling you but you seemed lost in your thoughts. Is there something that troubles you love?" he takes a step closer, holding my hands in his.

"It's… really nothing. Just a silly thought…." I try to calm down his tension.

"Maxine, it's all right to be scared. I'm too. But I don't let it conquer me. It's what gives us courage. Without a bit of fear, we wouldn't have the courage to stand up and fight. But the most important thing is not to let it take control. We're all united in this, and will fight, tooth and nail, to make sure the vampires will not threaten us ever again."

"But what if the people…"

"They stay by our side Maxine, worry not. Each of them sees what you mean to me and knows how important you are to the pack. You're not just a girl, you're a Luna and most important you're the queen of my heart." His words warm my heart as his thumbs form slight circles at the top of my hands. He turns me to look at Luke – who stands further away from our spot, looking casually around – as he circles and takes his place behind me. "You see Luke. As a Beta, not only he has a duty to stay back and fight, but he also has Gina and two newborn pups that are worth fighting for with every cell of his body. Everyone has left their loved ones behind to keep them safe. Everyone has a reason to fight tonight. A very good one for each of them. And all these past months, you've been helpful and compassionate to all of them. With your unique way, you got them on your side. They like you, Maxine, I can smell it in their scent. You're not an outsider anymore. You're one of us."

His sweet words make my eyes fill with water underneath as I try to steady my breathing that threats to break and let the sobs run down my face. All this time, something was holding me back from seeing the true picture of where I'm standing in this pack. And Rey has cast the clouds away, opening my eyes wide to witness my true place. And I'm so grateful to have him. The goddess has truly blessed me.


It's afternoon and all the wolves have gathered in the recreation area of the main house. The tension rises with every passing second. The moment Rey makes his appearance at the top of the stairs – so all can see him – all whispers stop and everyone stands straight in unison, saluting their Alpha. I watch his chest rising as he takes a deep breath holding it and letting it out a few moments later, gathering the courage he needs to address the crowd.

"Tonight, we give our greatest battle. I know that some of you may have second thoughts or even fear what the outcome of this will be. Believe me when I say that I had this feeling as well. But I also know how strong we are. How determined. During this past period, we've been training, reaching our limits and going beyond. Getting better. My faith in you will never perish because I know what you are capable of. And together we will vanish whoever dares to threaten us. We will be victorious and look the break of dawn straight in the eyes when this is over."

A sound that makes my skin crawl echoes as all howl in one loud voice that longs to be heard to the edges of the world. Their eyes shine as courage has built in their hearts. Rey turns to me – a soft smile on his face when his eyes find mine – but instantly his expression changes when I fall on my knees, screaming, as a voice echoes in my head.

Hi everyone!

How did you find this chapter?

It's with mixed feelings to announce that there will be max 2-3 more chapters as the story reaches its end.

I feel sad because I have to end this but excited because I've more ideas and more stories soon to come.

I feel honoured that you spend your time reading my story and I'd like to thank you once more.

Have a lovely day/night!

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