
Something Im-mortal

Maxine Toussaint is a 22-year girl in her last year at university. Her daily life includes apart from studies, a job and dealing with an alcoholic aunt since the loss of her parents on early age. Rey comes into her life on a snowy night in December, the Alpha of one of the last packs remained in the area. Things entangle when Vincent, a vampire lord finds out about Maxine and wants to win her heart, in pursuit of power, to destroy Rey and his pack. Soon she finds herself in an ancient war. Will a mere human be able to put an end to it? Or she's more than that?

EvinaR · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 68 - We can do this


I'm still laying down unwilling to get up. The soft warmth that the furs provide was nothing compared to Rey's embrace as he was sleeping next to me, the warmth emanating from his skin with the scent of pines and male, that has made me yearn for it. I hold tightly the furs around me as I slowly stand up and look around. There are pieces of my dress scattered everywhere on the floor and the place looks like a tornado has passed through it. Memories of last night flash before my eyes as I walk around. His touch, warm and firm and gentle. His kisses, coated with lust and need, like I'm holding the secret of life. His eyes, crystal blue oceans whirling waves of desire and love. The way he was making me shiver with pleasure each time was indescribable. The way he was calling my name and whispering words of love as our souls were becoming one. My skin tickles even at the thought of him.

Suddenly, the sound of steps approaching outside cuts me from my blissful thoughts and I look around for any piece of clothing I can put on, but even my underwear is torn apart, so I wrap the fur more tightly around me, making sure all the necessary parts are covered. When the tent cloth opens to the side and Rey marches in, a wave of relief escapes my stiff shoulders. His lips part to reveal a bright smile as he steps closer but all of a sudden his expression becomes serious and worried as his eyes land on my body. He drops what he's holding on the table and with a couple of long strides, he stands in front of me.

"Maxine, are you feeling pain did they hurt you?" he speaks with a low deep voice that makes my toes curl and my body shiver with desire. But his eyes are dead serious and concerned, lifting slowly my right hand up to check.

It is then that I notice. Numerous bruises and hickeys are placed all over my body. I feel my body numb and my muscles sore in general. But it's not that I can't endure the pain in the slightest. If the aftermath of a night of love and tenderness with Rey is a bunch of bruises, then I'd happily get them.

"I'm really fine Rey. I can handle those." I give him a reassuring smile to set him at ease. His shoulders seem to relax a bit but his posture remains straight and stiff as a spear.

"I was harsh on you, I'm really sorry Maxine." His hands lightly trail my arms and shoulders until he crushes me on his chest. "I've got out of control."

"I like it when you lose control." I smile against his broad chest. "Don't be sorry Rey, it's perfectly fine. It provides me with the evidence that last night was not a dream."

His grip around me tightens as his hands rub softly up and down my back. "Did you think this was a dream?" he lets out a warm chuckle that melts my heart.

"It was a dreamy night, yes." I lower my head to hide from his intense gaze. But Rey takes a hand away from my back and touches my chin with his fingers, lifting it to meet his dark blue sea eyes. The tenderness in the way he holds me close and the light in his eyes make my body go weak and my legs unable to hold my weight but being in his arms seems like it's my right place. He makes me feel safe and comfortable and loved. He makes me feel at home. "Besides…" I run a finger on his chest, tracing a line starting from his collarbone "I think I've might have left some scars on your back." I beam at him with an innocent smile.

A growl builds up in his chest as he lowers his head to face me, our lips a breath away from touching.

"I pray they stay forever on my skin." He speaks. His hot breath washes over my face, sending shivers down my spine and a spark of desire igniting in my belly.

"I can always make you new ones." I smile at his lips as I close the distance.


When I'm finally dressed – with a pair of jeans and a purple sweater and a pair of dark brown boots that Rey had brought with him from the house – I step outside of the tent. Though the weather should've been warmer now, it seems the winter decided to stay a little longer. I inhale the fresh cold air as it breezes through the trees, letting the scent of the forest travel in my lungs, giving me courage. I turn my face up to the sun, closing my eyes and let its rays brush my face. Rey approaches silently behind me – but his warmth gives him away – slithering his strong muscular arms around me, landing his calloused palms on my belly. I push myself back to his chest, enjoying the high temperature emanating from him while his lips are teasing the skin under my ear with kisses and licks.

"Are the children and mothers transferred?" I speak trying to bring my reasoning to the surface and kindly stop Rey's teasing. I would give everything for a few more hours together in our newly-mated bubble but we cannot keep postponing our duties forever. I hear him groaning behind me as he gives one more kiss on that spot and straightens to face the direction I'm staring.

"Yes, they left about half an hour ago. Seleus was there as well with a few small teams of centaurs to guide and help them through the path to their land." Rey breathes. My hands are finding his on top of my belly and rub gently his rough skin.

"We can do this," I state with determination dropping my head back to meet his features.