
Something Im-mortal

Maxine Toussaint is a 22-year girl in her last year at university. Her daily life includes apart from studies, a job and dealing with an alcoholic aunt since the loss of her parents on early age. Rey comes into her life on a snowy night in December, the Alpha of one of the last packs remained in the area. Things entangle when Vincent, a vampire lord finds out about Maxine and wants to win her heart, in pursuit of power, to destroy Rey and his pack. Soon she finds herself in an ancient war. Will a mere human be able to put an end to it? Or she's more than that?

EvinaR · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 70 - Unexpected


My vision blurs as everything around me start to spin. There is an eerie, wicked laugh that echoes inside my head and I let a scream escape my throat in a reaction as my legs turn to jelly and I fall to the floor.

"Did you think you can fool me Maxine?" the sinister voice resonates inside my head, blocking my every thought. There's commotion around me – and I bet many wolves have already turned their heads towards me - but I can focus nowhere but on what happens inside my mind. "Do you think I couldn't sense it? You became stronger, I can hear your soul singing. And I can't wait when the time comes soon that I'll cease that sing once and for all."

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" I scream out aloud holding my head in my hands and shutting my eyes closed hoping this is a nightmare and soon it will be over.

I feel a wave of familiar warmth approaching me and a pair of strong hands grabbing me by the shoulders. I open my eyes to find Rey's – clouded with concern as he looks down at me.

"Maxine, are you all right? Did you hurt?" Rey's deep voice fills the air around me as he keeps me close to him. "What is it? Talk to me" he tries to sound neutral but the hint of worry is easy for me to pick it.

"Rey Rey Rey… the mighty Alpha." Vincent's voice continues. "He came to soothe you? Oh, how thoughtful! I guess you're of some high significance to him, I could smell his filthy scent all over you when we met at the old well. And may I be correct to say he's of some high significance to you as well? Hm… I'll be generous and do you a favour. I will capture him last and make sure you're looking when I take out his heart from his chest with my bare hands!"

"NO!" Another scream of mine pierces through the air and the grip of Rey on my shoulders gets tighter. "You'll be defeated. Whatever you do." I breathe out with chest panting. A new round of laughter occupies every inch of my head inside, like a horrifying echo.

"Well, let's see how you can fight when I can see what you see?" The voice says followed by a peal of laughter that fades away slowly until there's silence in my head. I want to believe that he left but a part of me is afraid to admit that he has not.

"Maxine, love look at me." Rey pleads, rubbing my shoulders lightly. "Please let me look at you. What happened?"

"Take me outside, I'll explain everything. But I cannot keep my eyes open." I whisper, my body shaking from fear that I might betray anything. Rey was about to explain to us the formations that we'd had to take and the plans were spread on a large rectangular table placed in the centre of the recreation area. If this had started a few moments later, then all our plans would have been exposed.

"Maxine, what - "

"Please," I beg him.

He puts a hand around my shoulders as he turns to find himself on my side, helping me stand up slowly. Utter silence has fallen in the once noisy recreation area. When we step outside Rey stops and brings me close to his chest.

"What happened?"

"Vincent." I spit his name and it tastes like poison. "I don't know how but he got in my head. I heard him talking to me. And now he sees what I see. So please, cover my eyes with something and don't tell me anything that might compromise our plans. He might be listening too." I spil out with a shaky voice as tears run down my face.

"Everything is going to be all right my love." Rey's hand reaches for my face, cupping it in his large palm while he wipes away my tears with his thumb. "We will find a way to get him out."

"I don't know Rey." I shake my head sideways and my voice cracks with emotion. "I cannot fight. I will betray everything if I open my eyes and I have no idea if there's a way to stop him from being inside my head."

My sobs soon make their presence and Rey grabs me into a tight hug. I plant my arms around his back, gripping tightly his shirt while I breathe his scent mingled with the scent of the forest and the tears run like waterfalls. All my training, my anticipation and my determination for this fight are all in vain. I cannot help them. Not without exposing ourselves. I'm totally useless now and I can't leave Rey alone in this fight. A part of me terrifies me thinking that this may be the last time I'm with Rey. The mere thought of what I'm about to ask is like a knife pinned to my heart but I have to do it. At least that way, there may be a chance to save more lives.

"I… I have to…surrender." I whisper through my sobs and each word coming out of my mouth feels so heavy that I'm crushed under their weight. Although I cannot see him, I feel Rey's body stiffen as he momentarily freezes when I spit the words out.

"That's not even an option." Rey's voice sounds low and conclusive. "I won't permit that. This is suicide!"

I reach my hands touching his chest, forming an upward trail to his face. I can hear his breath – quick and short – as his chest moves up and down at the same rhythm. I cup his face with both hands, enjoying his rough skin and the warmth it brings from below the surface. His calloused hands land on mine, rubbing my upper palm, trying to reassure me that everything will be all right. My soul sinks as the scale of possibilities for victory has started to turn against us. With that in mind, I reach closer, crashing my lips on his in a kiss that contained such need, love and tears like it would be our last.