
Something Im-mortal

Maxine Toussaint is a 22-year girl in her last year at university. Her daily life includes apart from studies, a job and dealing with an alcoholic aunt since the loss of her parents on early age. Rey comes into her life on a snowy night in December, the Alpha of one of the last packs remained in the area. Things entangle when Vincent, a vampire lord finds out about Maxine and wants to win her heart, in pursuit of power, to destroy Rey and his pack. Soon she finds herself in an ancient war. Will a mere human be able to put an end to it? Or she's more than that?

EvinaR · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 67 - Reality


I step outside and find Luke approaching, coming to a halt a few metres away from the tent. His gaze falls on me and then away from the opening of the tent cloth. He knows how irritable males could be on their first time mating, having another male around. When I stop in front of him, he kneels, faces down while his right hand lands on his chest on the spot of the heart. It is a tradition of respect and submission to the dominance of the Alpha. I feel the difference in me and – as it appears – Luke feels it too. It flows naturally out of my system like a part of my scent. It isn't the case that before my leadership skills and strength were questionable. But now, after having become one with my mate, my queen and Luna of my pack, the dominance emanating from my body has come to a whole new level. I feel more powerful too. They were right.

"Good morning Luke" I break the silence and he lifts his eyes to meet my face.

"Alpha" he acknowledges standing up.

"Keep the formalities out Luke, it's just us." I bring my arms up, folding them in front of my chest. A smile forms on his face, like a child that's about to do mischief.

"Well… How did it go?" he slaps a hand on my shoulder, smiling. We heard your screams last night. Man, you almost wake up my newborns." He mocks.

"So you have the answer already" I give him a stern look raising an eyebrow.

"Okay you got me." he retreats. "I came to pay my respects to you and our Luna and basically take you away from her for a few hours. We need to transfer the children and their mothers to the centaurs' land. Seleus has sent a small team of convoys of centaurs to help with the relocation. They wait on the outskirts."

The words of Maxine just before I get the scent of Luke replay in my mind. To be honest, I didn't want last night to end. Having her in my arms all night, rolling and sighing and moaning from pleasure on my touch, whispering my name like a sacred oath with each rolling of our hips in synchronicity was making my skin burn and my groin tight. The feeling of her skin on my lips, my hands and all over my body as we danced our seductive dance was something I'd never felt before. She was mine and I was hers. Mind, body and soul. From this moment and forever. The mating bond booms on my chest, granting my body a new form of vitality. I feel complete. But she is right. The new day has come and our problem remains.

"Let me put something on and we go," I reply letting a long breath out as I turn around and head back to the tent.

The moment I step inside, my eyes fall on Maxine, sleeping lightly between the furs, the sun kissing her skin. The sight of her makes a growl form in my throat and I push myself not to let it out. I would give everything to lie down on the furs with her a bit longer. Instead, I grab my trousers – dropped on the floor on the other side of the tent and I kneel next to her.

"My love, I have to go for a few hours, we need to start preparing for the day after tomorrow."

As she shifts to face me – still half asleep – the furs part, revealing her ample breasts and the growl threatening to escape my lips gets lower and stronger. I push myself to stifle that rush of desire and concentrate on the things to be done. "I'll be back soon. When you wake up wait for me here." I plant a kiss on her forehead and a soft smile forms on her lips. I make a mental note to take some clothes for her on my way back to the clearing because the dress is scattered all around the floor in pieces and there's no way I carry her back home naked.


Disturbance fills the pack once we step in with Luke. Everyone is gathered in the house spending some more time with their loved ones and friends before they depart for the land of the centaurs. The only ones missing are the newly mated who might still want to spend some time together. I wish I had this option too, but my duty to the pack comes first.

Once they scent my presence, everyone turns to face me and they all kneel in unison, right hand crossing their chests to reach the heart spot. Their heads are looking at the ground beneath them. I stay straight, breathing deeply, letting my dominance flow through the air and fill the room. It's not something I want to do, but reminding them who's in charge here makes things kept in control.

They stand up and continue packing their essentials as I climb up the stairs to Maxine's room. When I put a shirt on me and get some clothes for Maxine, I head out to meet with Seleus. I find him standing at the beginning of the northern path leading to their land. Other centaurs are gathered there as well, with carriages ready to loan the staff and children. The road is uneven and long and the little ones will not be able to do all this way on foot.

After the convoy has been lost from our sight, we all go back, getting ready for the clash with the vampires. Teams have been set to ensure our borders are protected and enough supplies are in place for the biggest of our fights.