
Something Im-mortal

Maxine Toussaint is a 22-year girl in her last year at university. Her daily life includes apart from studies, a job and dealing with an alcoholic aunt since the loss of her parents on early age. Rey comes into her life on a snowy night in December, the Alpha of one of the last packs remained in the area. Things entangle when Vincent, a vampire lord finds out about Maxine and wants to win her heart, in pursuit of power, to destroy Rey and his pack. Soon she finds herself in an ancient war. Will a mere human be able to put an end to it? Or she's more than that?

EvinaR · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 66 - Bonded


I wake up to the feeling of the rays of the sun falling on my face from directly above me. I slowly open my eyes and meet the hole at the centre of the tent. So, it wasn't a dream. I lift my head to look at myself and notice the patchwork quilt - that I've made during the preparations for the ceremony – placed on me, leaving my right side only exposed where Rey is lying with his arms wrapped around me. He must have put it after I fall asleep. As I turn to look at him, still sleeping so peacefully, images of last night flash behind my eyes.

I still cannot believe it. The passion, the desire, the tenderness and love – all mixed together in a whirlwind as our bodies finally united. My muscles are sore and aching but I'm not complaining. The process was highly enjoyable… more and more with each time. I feel different. Like a piece of me was missing for so long and after last night I feel complete. My heart pumps in my chest but there's something else as well. A string that makes my soul sing on its own beating. Could it be the mate bond that Rey told me about?

My thoughts vanish as I feel Rey's body shift next to me, his hands tightening the grip around me. "Good morning my Queen." He says with a husky voice leaning down for a kiss. "How are you feeling?"

"A bit sore but I don't mind if the soreness keeps coming from that kind of activity." I smile at him turning sideways to face him and putting a hand on his chest.

His eyes shot wide open as he sat up straight, removing the quilt and searching for scars and bruises on my body. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you." He speaks with worry in his tone.

"Hey," I grab his hands in mine. "It's okay you didn't hurt me. Well, this was pleasurable." I spread my hand from head to toe showing him all the scars and bruises of our mating. "The hurt was nothing compared to the joy that comes later." I smile at him and his shoulders fall in relief.

He leans back on the furrs, taking me in his hands. "What's the matter, love? You seemed suddenly troubled." He lifts my chin to meet my eyes.

And the truth is I am. Last night was out of this world. It was magical. But now reality comes back to strike us down to the ground with the sunrise. The war with the vampires is approaching. It was a true joy that we both managed to shove it away for the sake of our love but it has returned to haunt us until this is over.

"I was thinking that yesterday was a night out of a dream that I wished it could last forever. But now, a new day has come and together the war that is approaching our doorstep is closer. That's what worries me."

Rey sighs bringing me closer to his chest. I inhale his scent of forest and male and aethereal oils and I pray to all gods known and unknown that we have a chance to spend more times like this together in each other's embrace.

He takes one hand, gently stroking my hair. "I wish that too Maxine. More than you may think. We can do this. We have each other and we are stronger than before. The mating bond makes us more powerful than before. We have the support of the whole pack that is ready to fight beside their Alpha and Luna. I wish the war could be avoided but is not in my hand. Vincent has to be stopped and this is the only way." His hand moves away from my hair and comes forward, cupping the side of my face as I lean to it, enjoying its warmth. "And then, we'll have all the time in the world for us." He adds kissing me softly.

We stay for a bit longer in the furrs, cuddling and kissing until Rey's nose got a scent and stand up straight walking out of the tent. Before he makes a move to fold the tent cloth I cough lightly to get his attention. "You're naked" I mouth him and he chuckles.

"It's just Luke." He replies moving the cloth up and stepping outside.