
Solum Silere // Fred Weasley

When Krystal reappears at Hogwarts at the beginning of her third year after mysteriously vanishing only a few months into her 1st year, everyone is questioning where she disappeared to. Krystal was behind in her studies and was being accused of running away and having something to do with Sirius Blacks' escape from Azkaban, but despite all the accusations and questions about her disappearance making the weight on her shoulders heavier, she stays silent, and if she ever tried to reveal the truth, the only thing she could do is wish she never made it back. (Fred Weasley x Oc) A Harry Potter FanFiction Credit to J.K Rowling I do not own any of the characters in this book except for Krystal or any possible Oc’s. and some parts in the story are gonna kind of follow the Original Harry Potter series storyline( which I also do not own) But y’all already know that lol (All rights reserved) Please do not repost anywhere please, I already have this story being published on Wattpad too, Thank you

PardonOt7 · Movies
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- ', [Wobbly Wooden Chair] ꒱ ↷

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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Chapter 10 ˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ

Krystal's POV

I made my way to the door at the end of the hall and got to work.

Now that the rope was tied to the doorknob and the railing, I got on the wooden chair and it started wobbling uncontrollably. While I was in the middle of trying to get onto the wooden chair that could clearly put me in another dangerous situation, I remembered that I needed to fill the bucket with ice and water. I'm not gonna fill it up too much because I don't even know if it's gonna work as well as I hope it will.

Ok, we've got to do this quick.

I got off the chair turning around, half expecting to fall on my face after losing my balance for a second.

I got everything I needed and continued what I was doing. The bucket was now filled with water and ice, and the last thing left to do was the hardest part, stand on the wobbly wooden chair, and tie the heavy bucket to a rope and get it to stand on the top of the door frame.

I would consider myself to be pretty strong since I did a lot of work back at the orphanage, but I did just get up, so I struggled a fair amount. I did hear the occasional crack from my back or my shoulders.

my arms stretched up towards the top of the door frame, as I balanced the bucket on top. I waited a few seconds just to make sure that the bucket wouldn't fall and got off the chair.

A sigh of content escaped my lips as I took a step back, rested my hands on my hips, and I proudly looked at what I would love to call art. A rare piece I have named, cold revenge. The name could be better but that's not my main focus at the moment.

A satisfied smile made its way on my face, all that's left is to wait for them to wake up, and walk out that door.

Of course, my happiness didn't last so long as footsteps made their way behind me, and I saw two shadows, one on each side of me.

"That looks good Krys." Fred started, I could hear the smirk on his face as he put his arm around my shoulder., "But next time-"

"Make sure we're actually in the room." George snickered as he rested his arm on my head.

"When did you guys wake up?" I asked, defeated, with my shoulders slumped forward.

"An hour before you," Fred stated as he spun me around to face their direction.

"We were the ones who put the bucket and rope by the door."

"Yes, we were," Fred confirmed.

I groaned in annoyance, quietly, of course.


"Seriously." both of them said simultaneously, grins plastered on their faces.

"I will get you back one day." I pointed my finger at them, trying to be serious but utterly failing as a smile formed on my face.

"We look forward to that day."

"Well, I guess I'll go make the breakfast," I thought out loud as I walked to the chair to get the bucket down, "After putting this away."

"See you downstairs then," Fred said as he made his way to the first floor.

I kept trying to reach for the bucket and get it down, but the chair would move to the side making me fear for my life every time.

"Shit!" I whispered almost falling.

This chair won't stop shaking

Oh No I HoPe I dOn'T FaLl(Just Kidding lol)

Third Person POV

George went to where the unstable chair was and put his hands on Krystal's waist to make sure she doesn't fall.

Krystal's body stiffened at the sudden soft pressure on her waist, reminding her of horrifying moments in the orphanage that she would never like to relive, but she relaxed when she realized it was just George.

"Thanks," Krystal spoke, finally reaching the bucket.

"Glad to help."

Krystal got off the chair put the bucket down and untied the rope from the door while George untied the rope from the railing.

"So," George got Krystals attention, "you're making breakfast."

"Yup," Krystal answered as they walked down the stairs, "Why, you wanna help?" She grinned.

"Sure," George jumped the last few steps with ease, "what are we making?"

"I was thinking pancakes," She told him as she placed the bucket where she found it earlier, " also maybe some eggs and bacon just in case someone doesn't want pancakes. And a few other things like fruits and stuff."

"That sounds good." George smiled at his friend.

"I just realized," Krystal remembered as she walked into the kitchen alongside George, "I don't know where anything is."

"Lucky for you, I will be here to help." George grinned as he ruffled Krystals hair.

"Hey," Krystal giggled slightly, taking his hand out of her now messy hair, "it takes a long time to tie this hair up properly."

Krystal untied her hair and ran her fingers through it a few times before putting it up into a messy bun.

Fred sat at the table as the other two began making breakfast, staring at Krystal, almost as if he was hypnotized, and she was the pocket watch his eyes were told to follow.

Soon enough, he was lost in his thoughts, daydreaming and looking straight ahead, at nothing in particular.

She has nice hair.

It's very soft.

and her eyes are pretty.

Fred thought.

"Earth to Freddie." A soft, slightly worried voice and a hand waving in front of his face pulled him out of his thoughts. Her sweet voice making his heart flutter. He had grown to like her in the past month, she was funny, kind, smart, and she and George got along.

"Are you alright?" Krystal questioned, a little laugh followed, like music to Fred's ears, "you've been zoning out a lot since last week."

"I'm ok," Fred assured her, his cheeks now unnoticeably pink "let me help you guys"

Fred stood up and went towards the counter where all the ingredients were lined up in the order they will need to be used in.

They started making the pancakes, First, the flour, then the baking powder, next on the list was sugar.

Fred wore a mischievous smile on his face as he went to add another ingredient.

"Fred," Krystal called facing away from Fred.

"Yes, Krys?"

"Put the salt down."


"I'm not going to let you use salt instead of sugar."

"Now why would I do that," Fred asked smirking as he put the salt back in the cabinet and put sugar instead.

"Nice try Freddie," Krystal walked over to the bowl in front of him and put the eggs in, "I'm trying to make breakfast to thank the people in this house, not make them sick."

"Do you have eyes in the back of your head or something?" George laughed at Fred's comment as Krystal playfully rolled her eyes.

"No, but I can still see everything," Krystal joked while stirring the contents of the bowl, "and If you really wanna put salt on something, you can make the eggs."

"I'm making the eggs." George cut in, "So-"

"That leaves the bacon," Fred finished, " Ok, I'll make the bacon."

"Great, Just... if you're gonna eat some while making it." Krystal paused, "don't"

"Oh come on!" Fred exclaimed, "why not?"

"Because you should eat it while sitting." Krystal explained while getting a frying pan, "That makes it so much better."

"Uh actually," George spoke as he whisked the eggs, "I'm gonna have to disagree with you on that one Krys."

"Ok fine, you can take two."






"still two."


"alright... Three"


With that Fred started making the bacon.


A/N- So, in my opinion, Krystal swears, but not a lot...yet. Even though she's just 11, because of the environment she grew up in, it became normal to her.


(I published this chapter on their birthday, on Wattpad)

Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter

Stay Safe <3