
Solum Silere // Fred Weasley

When Krystal reappears at Hogwarts at the beginning of her third year after mysteriously vanishing only a few months into her 1st year, everyone is questioning where she disappeared to. Krystal was behind in her studies and was being accused of running away and having something to do with Sirius Blacks' escape from Azkaban, but despite all the accusations and questions about her disappearance making the weight on her shoulders heavier, she stays silent, and if she ever tried to reveal the truth, the only thing she could do is wish she never made it back. (Fred Weasley x Oc) A Harry Potter FanFiction Credit to J.K Rowling I do not own any of the characters in this book except for Krystal or any possible Oc’s. and some parts in the story are gonna kind of follow the Original Harry Potter series storyline( which I also do not own) But y’all already know that lol (All rights reserved) Please do not repost anywhere please, I already have this story being published on Wattpad too, Thank you

PardonOt7 · Movies
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↳ ੈ‧₊˚Toast and Jamˏˋ°•*⁀➷

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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Chapter 11 ˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ

Third Person POV

The food was now ready and all that was left was to set the table. Krystal took the plates, Fred got the forks, spoons, knives, and George placed all the food on the table.

"Wow, we did pretty well."

"Of course we did Krys, I helped."

"Yes, I don't know how we would've done this without you, Fred." Krystal chuckled as she patted his shoulder, the sarcasm evident in her voice.

"you could even say I'm the glue that holds us together." Fred put one arm around Krystal and the other around George as they admired the well-prepared breakfast.

George, Fred, and Krystal have grown close in the past month, the twins would go to the room she was staying at every day and keep her company, They would mainly discuss things that had to do with their plan to find out who Krystals parents. They also would also bring her books to read after they did a bit of research every day, it warmed her heart.

She never liked being alone, and in the orphanage, she didn't have a choice, but in the burrow, she had people who cared for her. love is another word that can be added to the list of words she would say she doesn't know the meaning of, at least not from the life she remembers. But now, she starting to understand it, love, not in the romantic kind, but the kind everyone yearns for. The kind that a child feels when they are held by their parents, the kind that family has that keeps them together so they can get through anything in life. She's starting to understand it, and she's starting to feel it.

Though, she promised herself that she wouldn't get too used to it because she knows she would have to leave sooner or later and go back to the place she hated most. She still has a month to worry about that, for now, she's trying to be more positive.

She got to meet Bill and Charlie when they visited for a few days, they were really nice. She and Ron also got along well and bonded over food, he was already fond of her. Ginny was really sweet, and they had also become good friends.

Ginny told Krystal that when she can get up, they should play a game of Quidditch and that they should practice on the brooms so that when Ginny goes to Hogwarts they can both be on the team together.

She didn't talk to Percy as much, but whenever she did, he was pretty nice. He didn't joke as much, and he wasn't really funny, but they had some pretty good debates and conversations.

Percy rather enjoyed speaking with Krystal since she would actually listen and give opinions on more serious and educational topics. She learned a lot from him in the past month.

Arthur and Molly thought of her as their daughter, and they were overjoyed that their children get along well with her. It was impossible to not be friends with the Weasley family in Krystal's opinion, they were all so nice.

The Weasley children all thought of her as a sister, all except Fred, but she didn't know that.

"jam." Krystal blurted randomly, her voice ending the comfortable silence.

"What?" The twins looked at her confused.

"This is a breakfast table," She started, "and I forgot the toast and jam."

They started laughing at her randomness, and George went and got the jam while Krystal made the toast. Fred stood next to Krystal to help her if she needed anything.

"What are you doing?" Fred asked confused as Krystal took out milk, cinnamon, eggs, vanilla extract, bread and the frying pan she had just cleaned.

"I'm making the toast, didn't we just talk about it?"

"Yah but-"

"Did you zone out again?"

"No, I-"

"Are you sure you're feeling alright?" Krystal worriedly put the back of her hand on his forehead, her soft touch making his heart beat faster.

"I'm fine Krys." Fred chuckled as he took her hand in his easily hiding how nervous he just became, "I just meant, why do you need those stuff to make toast?"

"Oh, I'm making French toast."

"So you're going to fry the bread?"

"kinda, yah"


"Could you get me a bowl please?"

"Sure." Fred went to the cabinet next to George and got a bowl.

"Does somebody have a crush?" George whispered smirking and wiggling his eyebrows.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Really, do you need to stare at her longer than you have been to know what I'm talking about?"

"I don't have a crush on her."

"Yes, you do."

"No, I don't."

George raised his eyebrow and looked at Fred.

"I don't!" He whisper-yelled.

"Alright mate, whatever helps you sleep at night." He patted his back.

"What're you guys whispering about over here."

"Nothing!" They both turned to face Krystal.

"You're not planning something are you?" she looked at them,

Something about them being huddled, facing away from her, whispering made them seem suspicious to her.

"No" They answered faster than the speed of light.

"Ok..." Krystal hesitantly looked at both of them slowly taking the bowl out of Fred's hands.

"I'm gonna need that," She turned to go back to the counter she was working on, " you two can continue your conversation," she told them as she walked back and finished making the toast.

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When they were done, they put the finishing touches, and breakfast was ready.

"Perfect," Krystal whispered.

"And thank you, both of you for helping me," Krystal mumbled shyly shifting her weight from one foot to the other, "not just for this, but for all of last month."

They each stood on one side of her, George's arm around her shoulders.

"What are friends for." They both grinned at her.

"But of course." Fred started.

"you owe us now." George continued.

Krystal scoffed in disbelief, "how?"

"Well, we did help you so," George began to explain.

"It's only fair that if we need something from you," Fred went on.

"You help us." Their voices, similar, yet different to Krystal when heard at the same time.

"Well, I don't need to owe you for that, if you need help with something just ask," She stated obviously, turning around to face them.

"Really?" They asked, not completely trusting her words.


"you know why?" She leaned forward slightly.


"Because that's what friends are for." she teased laughing.

George rolled his eyes with a smile and playfully punched her shoulder.

"And I never asked you to help me." Krystal pointed out with a smug smile turning around to look at the table.

"Ok. I have an idea." Fred announced, gently holding her arm to stop her from facing the other way.

"And what could it possibly be?" Krystal asked not sure what to expect.

"We could vote on it," George suggested what Fred was thinking.

"That doesn't seem fair." A voice behind them pointed out, footsteps making their way to the group of three, and stopping next to Krystal.

"Thank you, Ron!" Krystal exclaimed happily now that someone was on her side in the unnecessary argument that was starting.

"What're you even saying," Fred glared at Ron.

"It's completely fair." George protested.

"It's not." The two denied.

"Actually it kind of is." Another voice entered the conversation.

"Well well," Fred started, amused.

"Isn't this a pleasant surprise?" George gasped in fake disbelieve.

"Percy is siding with us for once." The twins grinned, almost like them saying that fact out loud meant they were victorious.

"Yeah, don't get too used to it." Percy leaned against the doorframe, his arms crossed.

"Well, I agree with Krys." Ginny sided with the younger kids in this argument as she went and stood beside them.

Let the arguing begin.


A/N- Helloooo!!!! how are you? I hope you're having a great day! I am making progress, just a few more chapters till Krystal goes to Hogwarts!!!