
Solo Leveling: The Monarch Of Storms

A boy wakes up in another world with no knowledge of how he got there. After realizing where he was something crazy appeared in front of him. If you’ve ever read any of my ff you should know how much I don’t care about some complaints unless they extremely stupid. I’m taking this semi seriously, because I could feel like dropping it out the blue and will until I feel like writing again. Enjoy it or not idc. All harems are stupid, dumb, shitty, and pointless, so you’re not getting one. There MIGHT be a love interest, but it’ll most likely be an OC. Don’t care how you feel about it. Also it doesn’t take a genius to know ion own shit other than my OC and this storyline.

God_Of_Hate · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

S-rank beat down

"Status." He called out as it appeared in front of him. Afterwards he started to distribute his points as he was satisfied with his growth.


Name: Sung Ming-yoo

Title: Storm Gods Incarnation

Rank: S+

Level: 63

HP: 12,648

MP: 7,537

Strength:144 Agility: 144

Vitality: 128 Dexterity: 139

Endurance: 127

Shop SM: SP: 0 Gold: 3.2bi


"I wonder how much Jin-woo leveled up. Oh right, I wanted to schedule a meeting with him." I said as I got my phone and called the number Jin-ah gave me.

After a few moments of ringing it went to voicemail. He looked outside and saw that it was nighttime. Probably somewhere around midnight, so he didn't try to call Jin-ah thinking she might be sleep.

Instead he hopped in the shower and afterwards jumped in the bed and went to sleep.


(First POV)

—Some hours later—

Waking up I jumped out of bed and stretched. My body feels completely new to me, so I decided to go ahead and do my daily quest. I got changed and left the apartment.

My daily quest didn't change, but I did wonder if they had a new limit, so I just did them till the amount wouldn't go up anymore. In the end it didn't change, but the rewards were just the normal 5 SP.

'Should I take a dungeon today or should I relax? I don't really think that many dungeons can help me level up anyways. I guess I'll just chill for the day.' With that thought I went to the bank for two reasons.

First I need a new credit card and because I need to update my check book. I decided to turn 1.5bi gold into real money and leave the rest in the system.

Going to the bank, I walked through the doors and went up to an open desk. There was a woman behind it in a business uniform as she asked me why I'm here.

"I wanted to get a new credit card and update my check book." I said as I took some papers out of my inventory. Handing them to her she looked at it then her eyes went wide.

"Sir, what type of occupation do you have?" She asked.

"I'm a hunter."

"Ah, our bank has a new product for VIP members. Would you like to try it out?" She asked.

"No thank you." I said shaking my head. Banks are made to just take your money over time till you broke and can't make any payments then need to pull a loan that you know you can't pay off for a while.

Even though I'm rich I still got that broke boy mentality. Afterwards she gave me a new card that was black and gold and updated my bank book. I left the bank and decided that I might as well go shopping as well.

In my shop I don't have "normal" clothes, but like fantasy game clothes that have different effects. Some are stylish and go good with modern day clothes, but others not so much.

I walked into a clothing store and got a basked as I leaned forward and pushed the it. I've noticed this for a while, but people stare at me a lot when I'm out in public. At first I thought it was because my height seeing as I'm 6'1, but then I remembered it's a lot of tall people in Korea.

The average height is 5'9 and the amount of hunters that are around 5'11 aren't small. Then I thought it was about my looks…nah. Other than my eyes I look average.

I finished my shopping with three baskets full of clothes, shoes, and jewelry. Of course this brought a lot of attention, but I didn't worry about it and got to the back of the line since I didn't want people waiting for me to get done buying my clothes.


After that I put the clothes into my inventory and thought about what I should do next.

"Should I move? The apartment is good an all, but I guess I just want to live in a different space. Nah, I'll try to figure that out later." I said with a sigh.

"Right, I should try to call Jin-woo today." I said as I took out my phone and called his number.

The phone rang a few times before his voice was heard.


"Yeah, this is Sung Ming-yoo from the dungeon raid with Jin-Ho." I said.

"Oh, how'd you get my number?" His voice had a hint of surprise in it as I heard a door close.

"I talked to your sister yesterday and got it from her. There was some creeps following her and stuff like that." I informed him. He went silent for a while, so cleared something up.

"It was some boys that had a crush on her. They thought I was a creep trying to get with your sister."

"Oh, well thank you for taking care of her."

"No problem, I don't really look like it, but I'm 16, so talking to teenagers looks weird for me." I said as I scratched my head.

"Oh right, or course you're sixteen. I thought it was obvious." He said with a awkward laugh.

"I was calling to see if we can meet up some time today or some time later. I wanted to talk to you about a few things."

"I've also been meaning to have a meet up with you. I'll see if I have time after going to my sisters parent teacher conference." He said in a relaxed tone.

"Alright. I'll call you later." I said as we hung up the phones.

'I don't want to get into their family matters, so I won't ask about their parents. I do, however want to get something to eat.' I thought as I walked to a cafe.


—Some hours later—

It was now around nighttime and I was walking the streets. Jin-woo hasn't made contact with me and when I called it went to voicemail. I guess that meant he was in a dungeon, but for him it shouldn't take this long.

'I might be overestimating his abilities, but I'd rather do that than look down on him.' As I was in my thoughts I felt a sudden spike of energy somewhere to the east.

Immediately I started running across town to get there. The energy spike gelt like the combination of two S-ranks at best. Chances are that this could be an S-rank gate appearing or two S-ranks about to fight.

Although the odds of two S-ranks even being in the same place is low, it's still a possibility. It didn't take more than about 10 seconds for me to get around the corner from the energy.

Once I got there I saw a small red gate, but that wasn't my focus. There was a muscular guy, with a cruel smile with black hair in a buzz cut. His eyes were glowing red and he wore a red shirt and gray pants with a gold chain around his neck.

Across from him was a man with pure white hair and glowing yellow eyes. His nails were as sharp as claws as he had his arm cocked back. He too had the aura of an S-rank hunter.

Once I got there all heads turned in my direction. There was people in tuxedos who had frightened looks on their faces. For some reason when that muscular guy looked at me his smile grew even more cruel as he ran at me.

He was kinda slow though. Once he was close enough he pulled his arm back as red energy swirled around his fist. I used my left hand and pushed his forearm to the right so his punch misses me.

While he was going to my right I spun around and kicked him in the back of the neck. The force of the blow sent him flying through some old power plants.

We were at a old rusted power plant which was like a mini connection with other power plants. After the kick, there was an explosion as a burst if flames was shot into the air.

"Would I be the one paying for that?" I asked as I turned to look at the calmest one. Usually calm people are strong or the boss of things. The guy I'm referring to had orange hair that was slick back with one strand hanging out and in a tuxedo that had the sleeves completely ripped.

Just from his arms I can tell he's strong, but his aura is A- at most. Looks like a little push would get him to A+, but hunters domain seem to be able to get stronger after their awakening.

"No, this place was due for demolition in the first place. Although, I would like to have a meeting with you at some point." He said. As he tossed me a black card.

'Woo Jin-cheul, the manager of the monitoring division.'

"Oh, so you were the one that called me." I said. He nodded and I turned my head to the guy who looked nothing like he did before.

He had spiky orange hair, orange eyes, pronounced canine teeth, and neatly trimmed sideburns. He was also wearing a tuxedo as he looked at me weirdly. His eyes were also glowing yellow again.

"Excuse me." I said as his staring got weird. He shook his head as his eyes went back to orange and he cleared his throat.

"I'm Bark Yoon-ho. The guild master if the White Tiger guild. Nice to me you." He said as he held his hand out for a handshake. I shook his hand and introduced myself to him.

"I'm Sung Ming-yoo. Nice to meet you too."

"Are you and Sung Jin-woo related at all?" He asked.

"Nope. My eyes are naturally blue and his are gray and I think I look better." I said with a thoughtful expression. Baek laughed a bit as he sighed.

"I'm sorry to ask this after just getting your name, but is there anything you can do about this red gate? My guild members are in there along with E-rank Sung Jin-woo." He asked with a serious expression.

"I can try. Also shouldn't someone be checking on that other guy? I haven't sensed any movement from him yet." I said as I walked towards the gate. The energy coming from it was definitely around A+ rank or somewhere between S-.

I put my hand to it as I tried to force my way in. I used [Empower] as blue energy flowed around my arm. My fingers were in and so I continued to use [Empower] and pushed my whole body through.

Once I turned back the gate was gone.

"What the hell." I said as I looked around me. The gate just disappeared. How am I supposed to get out of here? Was it a trap? Nah, if it was I don't know why it would be set for me or how they would predict I would come here.

'Is Jin-woo or anybody even in here?' I sighed as I started walking around the forest. It was snowing everywhere and and I didn't want it to melt on my clothes and I get wet, so instead I used [Air Manipulation] to form a sort of wind barrier.

These skills that had "Manipulation" on the name didn't need mana, so I was free to use them all day and they would level up. The only thing is that the strength and efficiency is weak till it's a high level.

So as I walked around I used [Wind Manipulation] as the barrier pushed away the snow on the ground that I walked on and kept the snow away from my body. I could still see perfectly as I explored this place.

Eventually I started to see claw marks on trees, blood, swords and armor, then these huge bared that looked like they were cut to pieces. I stopped to inspect them and these were sword marks and things like axes.

With the knowledge I have Jin-woo doesn't use swords and axes. Then again he's not the only one here. Just as I was about to start walking I tilted my head to the right as an arrow that looked to made of ice flew past my head.

'The arrow got past the wind barrier huh.' I let it down as I turned around and looked into the trees. Further into the forest I could see shining blue eyes looking at me and once I was able to see them completely I was sort of shocked.

"Elves." There was blue skinned elves with long white hair. They were carrying bows and arrows as it looked like their body faded into mist. I could still feel them though, because they had too much energy.

Around A-rank if I'm going based off this gates energy. Instead of letting them running away I used [Cloud Movement] and my body started to transform into clouds that were being guided by the wind.

I was following them and I think they knew that as one shot an arrow at me. The arrow passed through my body as I continued to follow them.

After a few moments of chasing them I was slightly surprised at what I'm seeing. There was around 20 if them and they all gave off energy around B- in ranking. Well, there was one that gave off the energy of S- and another that gave off A-rank energy.

They were on horses and they looked to be heading somewhere, but the three that I was chasing ran up to the one with A-rank energy and pointed at me.

I was standing in a tree looking at them as it smiled at me. In the next moment he was jumping from his horse and was coming towards me with a nice looking dagger.

It still wasn't as good as the one I have currently. In the moment he got close enough, I grabbed his wrist and yanked him to the left while in mu right hand I swung the dagger across his throat. Completely cutting his head off and throwing his body.

I looked at the elf with S- rank energy and he had a huge smile on his face.

'What a creep.' I thought as I jumped down from the tree.