
Solo Leveling: Monarch of Space-Time

Leonardo the Sage of Elements the Strongest Magnus, dies at the hand of those he once looked down on in a ploy to destroy the world. Then in a fit of madness he does so himself, but before his soul is obliterated as well, it is blown to a distant world in which Leo has to find out how to save this world now as it is on the brink of destruction despite the people living there lives with magic and power, the world is still blissfully unaware, Of beings called Rulers and Monarchs capable of destroying worlds easily, can he grow back to the power he had in the past, or even surpass it with his new found Affinity for Space and time magic? #No Harem (I do not own Solo Leveling or any of it characters only my OC's) ( I do not own cover photo if it is yours let me know and i will take it down)

Sol782 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 5: Trouble

 Leo, who was training heard the explosion he rushed to the sound, only to find that there were strange creatures, that had purple skin, large tusks protruding from their mouth, and large clubs in their hands, they were fat and stood around 8'. 

 Leo seeing them was stunned, weren't they the trolls from his world, thinking this he started cursing, "Shit, this is going to be troublesome, the trolls from my world have hyper-speed regeneration and super strength, as well, that despite their size they move like a mid-B-rank."

 The more Leo thought the more annoyed he got he had just reached Peak B-rank himself and now had to deal with Middle A-rank monsters in strength, good thing Leo knows how to deal with them. 

 With that Leo snapped his fingers and set up a spatial lockdown in the basement so no one could come down and disturb him. "Now what should we start with," said Leo, causing the trolls to look at him and charge him in a frenzy.

 Leo pointed at one troll, and he was set ablaze, the fire started to spread to other trolls as the one on fire tried to put out the fire in a hurry causing it to jump from troll to troll, in just three seconds there was nothing left of the troll except a pile of ashes. 

 Seeing this Leo couldn't help but chuckle a little, "Well, a Troll's weakness is fire and mine is a little special having added wind and special water magic to it so it is hotter and spreads faster, Now to find where they came from, this should be the entrance to the houses more advance training center, Dad had it installed so he and mom could train at home and be closer to me when I was born, but with Mom being pregnant with my baby sister they haven't used it in a few months." 

 Leo started to head further inside killing any trolls he saw along the way with relative ease working his way to the center of the training facility more and more trolls were killed, he had killed about 150 now and they were still increasing, after 3 more minutes he reached the center with a strange portal there in the center of the room with lots of trolls walking out in droves.

 Leo seeing this understood a gate had opened in his parent's training center, this alone isn't much of an issue though rare, it does happen when a gate opens in a building or some cave underground, the problem is that these monsters originate from Leo's old world which should be destroyed.

 "Well, before I think of anything else let's finish this gate," said Leo as he started to charge up a spell that reached S-rank in power called Hellfire a combination of flames made in hell that burn the body and soul to nothing in a matter of milliseconds.

 Just before the spell was cast Leo let up the spatial lockdown for the basement so he could use all his remaining mana for this spell. 'Hellfire' shouted Leo in his head as he watched all the remaining trolls burn to ashes in an instant. 

 Just as Leo was about to breathe a sigh of relief that he massacred them all, a Pressure that could only belong to a High S-Rank descended on the floor, making Leo realize they had a chief and a prince level one at that however before he could even react it was in front of him swinging his club.

 "FROZEN WORLD" a shout came from behind Leo stopping the Troll and his club in front of Leo in place, then in a flash, the Troll was chopped into a thousand pieces.

 Seeing the Troll dead and not regenerating Leo let go of the tension in his body and collapsed after being caught by two strong hands his mana was now very little, and his Mother and Father had arrived so he was safe.

 John looking at his 10-year-old son in his arms was shocked and a little helpless, he started to say, "I know he awakened his Magic last year but how can he have such power and control over it as well?" He looked to Sarah to see if she knew something, to which she just shook her head and said, "I don't know any more than you about this, but he spends most of his days in the training ground, we also have to figure out what stopped us from entering the basement before, as well as what these monster are as they have never appeared before." 

 John agreed, he brought Leo upstairs and laid him in his bed, they would now have to wait for Leo to wake up, ask him about the situation, and scold him for trying to play hero at such a young age.


 A few hours later Leo started to wake up, he sat up looking around to see he was in his bedroom and that it was night time, he felt some movement and looked down to see his Nanny Rebeca sleeping on the side of his bed, Leo smiled Rebeca was like a second mother to him and was a B-rank Barrier magic user, having felt Leo move Rebeca started to wake up.

 Seeing Leo wake up and looking fine she first hugged him and expressed how happy she was that he was fine, then started to scold him about how dangerous and stupid it was to play hero and almost die instead of run and hide and let his dad deal with it. 

 Leo seeing this smiled warily, while on the inside he felt the warmth of a family, in his old life, he was an orphan and had to work hard just so people would even look at him let alone care if he was injured, that was until his master found him and took him in as his student.

 Leo's Parents hearing the commotion came in and realized that they no longer needed to scold Leo, Rebeca had it covered, But John still said "She is right Leo don't be so reckless Next time hide and wait for me or your mother, once she has given birth you will be a big brother and who watch over her if your not there to do so?" Rebeca hearing this stopped yelling at Leo and nodded along.

 "Mom, Dad, Rebeca I'm sorry I just wanted to put my training to the test so I didn't think of the danger and dove head first into it next time I'll hide and wait for help," said Leo with a sad face and tears in his eyes. 

 Seeing this they all hugged Leo and told him it was okay just not to do it again if they had not arrived in time things could have ended very badly. 

 Then a very large man rang the doorbell and everyone felt pressure like no other, and Leo's father hurried to open the door it was...


(So that is chapter 5 if you are wondering how they killed a high S-rank so easily Sarah Frozen World froze the troll from the inside out it was dead in an instant, that is her strongest attack and she is close to that rank. Also, let me know if you all like Leo's fighting style or is it boring.)