
Solo Leveling: Monarch of Space-Time

Leonardo the Sage of Elements the Strongest Magnus, dies at the hand of those he once looked down on in a ploy to destroy the world. Then in a fit of madness he does so himself, but before his soul is obliterated as well, it is blown to a distant world in which Leo has to find out how to save this world now as it is on the brink of destruction despite the people living there lives with magic and power, the world is still blissfully unaware, Of beings called Rulers and Monarchs capable of destroying worlds easily, can he grow back to the power he had in the past, or even surpass it with his new found Affinity for Space and time magic? #No Harem (I do not own Solo Leveling or any of it characters only my OC's) ( I do not own cover photo if it is yours let me know and i will take it down)

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Chapter 4: Growth and Changes

 Time passed like flowing rivers and the seasons changed, five years later things were a little different now.

 Leo could be seen at the playground with Lily and some friends they made, Chris Franklin is one year older than Leo, with blonde hair and blue eyes, then there is Gus Philips, who is the same age as Leo, he has brown hair and brown eyes, he's also a little dumb and carries around a hammer, the last one which is now an addition to Lily's family is Beverly Hill, now Beverly Ferne, she can change her hair color and eye color and well as everything else, she mostly has purple hair with black ends and purple eyes.

 Leo when he first met Beverly was shocked and frightened because he could feel the aura of Chaos on her, this made him wonder if that guy was involved here since he left at the start of the war and went off the planet in search of an extreme affinity, and chaos magic can only be passed on through an inheritor.

 When Leo asked Beverly she replied, "A strange man came into my dream and has been teaching me things called Chaos something I don't remember." Leo just sighed when he heard that and said, "Just be careful you are now Lily's little sister you know how she gets about magic." Beverly just nodded, she knew Lily hated everything related to magic.

 Lily's father was out on a mission a few months ago, when he saw a starving kid, and seeing that they looked about his daughter's age. He decided to bring her home with him and get her cleaned up for now and then a few weeks later he and Nina adopted her when they found out her parents abandoned her a few days before Kaleb found her, she has been with them since.

 "Hey, Leo what do you think my magic will be?" asked Chris in a cheerful voice as he walked over to Leo and Beverly.

 "I'm not sure it could be anything, what do you think it will be Beverly?" said Leo passing the question to Beverly, he can feel an affinity for water in Chris the problem is, Chris hates water magic calling it weak, and not as cool as fire magic and the flashy types of magic, to this Leo had to say kids will be kids.

 "Hmmm, I think Chrisy will get water magic," said Beverly in a teasing voice.

 "Beverly!, I told you not to call me Chrisy, and who would want stupid water magic, it's not cool don't jinx me!" Chris complained in an annoyed tone, she was always teasing him like this.

 Lily heard their conversation when she was on her way over with Gus and said, "Why are you always on about magic this magic that, magic is bad and should be gone, how many people were hurt from it and kids abandoned because they do not have any, like Beverly she was abandoned because she didn't have magic."

 In the last few years, there has been a new invention that allows people to see if they have dormant mana in their bodies. Leo knew Beverly was found to not have magic because of her Chaos affinity it is undetectable so it comes back negative.

 This is why she was abandoned and why everyone but her and Leo think she has no magic. "Lily, how could you say that magic has made things so much safer now, who would fight the monster if not the hunters keeping us safe," said Leo to make her see the good side of magic as well.

 "Yeah, Lily if you had magic you would see how wonderful it is," said Gus from behind her. Lily, just hmphed and walked away still saying how bad magic was.

 Leo just sighed and said "Well guys she will come around, I'm going to head home for today, talk to you all later," With that everyone said their goodbyes and headed home while Beverly went to go comfort, Lily. Leo went to the Limo where his nanny Rebeca stood with the driver waiting for him to return. She asked, "Did you have fun Leo?" 

 "Yes, I did we played hide and seek, tag, and some other games but in the end, Lily ruined it with her hate for magic again." Leo said with frustration in his voice, He obviously isn't really frustrated but he has to act like a kid whose fun was ruined.

 "Well, Leo you know why she is like that you can't blame her," said Rebeca.

 "I know, it's just she used to love magic but after losing hers she seems like a different person, she is mean and hates anything and everything to do with magic," said Leo with a childlike whininess in his voice.

 "Well, Leo with her condition her personality is the opposite of what she was originally like, thinking magic is bad and kindness breeds weakness, so her thoughts are in reverse do you understand?" said Rebeca in response, knowing it is hard for a child to understand she tried to explain. 

 Leo just stayed quiet with his arms folded, in reality, he was thinking 'Now that I have recovered to a high B-rank in strength and can protect myself I need to consider how to help Lily reawaken her magic, I really can not believe I would see a second person who rejects there magic, good thing Lily's is much simpler than his to fix.' Thinking of him Leo couldn't help but sigh. The second rank Magnus after him was the Order Magnus, even though he was ranked second he was just as strong as Leo if not stronger, he just didn't appear so he was ranked second, because no one knew his true strength.

 Having returned home Leo went to his room to rest and resume training tomorrow.


 Leo on the training grounds in the basement could be seen moving around the training room at a speed impossible to see with the naked eye. "Phew, I think that's enough practice of spatial steps for now." This space magic is a combination of his father's footwork and his newfound affinity for space magic. 

 "I have also made a way to use space magic to have my own ever-increasing pocket dimension, It is a combination of space magic and barrier magic using the barrier magic to make cube spaces in the space and allow my item to be stored separately kind of like an inventory in a game," said Leo with a hint of pride as he thought of this when he saw how the inventory in Minecraft worked. 


 "What the hell was that?!!" yelled Leo as he rushed to check it out.