
Solo Leveling: Monarch of Space-Time

Leonardo the Sage of Elements the Strongest Magnus, dies at the hand of those he once looked down on in a ploy to destroy the world. Then in a fit of madness he does so himself, but before his soul is obliterated as well, it is blown to a distant world in which Leo has to find out how to save this world now as it is on the brink of destruction despite the people living there lives with magic and power, the world is still blissfully unaware, Of beings called Rulers and Monarchs capable of destroying worlds easily, can he grow back to the power he had in the past, or even surpass it with his new found Affinity for Space and time magic? #No Harem (I do not own Solo Leveling or any of it characters only my OC's) ( I do not own cover photo if it is yours let me know and i will take it down)

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11 Chs

Chapter 6: Visitor

 …Opening the door there was a huge man with long blonde hair and a Hawaiian shirt with matching shorts and black tattoos, he was the strongest man on earth, the leader of the Scavenger Guild, the Goliath, Thomas Andre.

 He looked down at John and said, "Hello John may I come in, there are some things I think we have to talk about."

 John understands that his former boss is here for the power released here before, and to find out the culprit as it didn't match Sarah's power, and John hasn't reached High S-rank yet.

 From behind Thomas came a voice "Hello John, may we speak about the incident that just took place on your property." the figure came into view as she spoke it was Laura, the Scavenger Guild's secretary.

 John invited them in, led them to the living room to chat, and called his family to come.

 Leo and Sarah came into the living room, Sarah knew who was there and wasn't surprised, Leo, on the other hand, was shocked, he couldn't believe someone had reached such a level in this world, a man so close to the rank of a Monarch he was a peak National-rank in this world, wait there is something else, this man should not be able to reach such a level by himself, what is he missing.

 John seeing Leo and Sarah enter, John introduced Thomas to Leo and Leo to Thomas.

 "So this is the kid that you told me about, interesting," said Thomas as he looked at Leo, and smiled like a beast who had just seen an interesting toy.

 Leo felt a shiver go through his whole body under that look, feeling as though his probes had been caught. "uhm" John coughed to shift the topic.

 "Yes, let us get on with this little meeting shall we, what exactly happened here that caused the pressure of a high S-rank monster to appear?" asked Laura.

 "Well from what we could gather there was a gate that appeared in our underground training facility, this was left unnoticed since my wife is pregnant and we have not needed to use it, since then, causing a break," said John.

 "I see so how did you and your wife deal with the Monsters and Boss that came from the gate, this gate should reach S-Rank in difficulty, and just the two of you should not be able to clear it," asked Laura, wondering how they cleared it, as with Sarah pregnant she should be at about half power or less.

 "You see we dealt with the boss with Sarah using Frozen World, her one-time use skill, as for the monsters, you will have to ask Leo as when we arrived there were no monsters, we just suspect it was one of those weird gates with only a boss," said John in response. (A.N. I know this is a terrible way to add this but Sarah's Frozen World drains all of her magic so one-time use.)

 "Leo, did you see and kill monsters on the way there?" asked Sarah from the side giving Leo a verbal cue to Lie.

 "No, Mom there were no monsters when I got there were just the gate and the boss," said Leo in a sweet voice like a child. 

 "Why would Leo be the first to find the gate?" asked Thomas from the side, he didn't like to hear that children were in danger even if the child was a National level hunter.

 "Leo was Training in the basement Training facility and heard a loud explosion, he went to check it out which led to him finding the gate first, we got there just in time to save him," said John to help cover up what happened. 

 "You just said that the gate was opened in the training facility, how come Leo or you didn't notice the gate then if he was training there," said Laura noticing the flaw in their story.

 "We have two separate training centers, as when we train it's too much for Leo's training center to bear, so we got a more advanced one for me and my wife to use," said John knowing this would come up in the conversation.

 "Very well thank you for your time and for answering the questions on this late at night, we are investigating since strange monsters are starting to show up, and the gates are appearing more frequently." said, Laura, getting up to leave.

 "I'll be seeing you Leo till we meet again," said Thomas, as he started to stand up and leave as well.

 Watching them leave Leo started to think, 'These new gates could have Monsters from my world in them and how do they have them, from what I could sense from the gate it is just a pocket dimension that holds these monsters, and lets them into our world if not cleared in a certain amount of time, but how did someone make them and get monsters from my world to put in them this should be impossible."

 "Leo let's finish getting ready for bed, and we will talk more tomorrow we have all had a long day." said his father from the side.

 "Yes, Dad." after saying that Leo went to get ready for bed.

 Leo, in bed, was thinking about the events of today. How could there be such creatures in this world I'm sure I blew up my world in a fit of madness, wait how am I even here then as what I did was equivalent to self-destruction? Maybe there is more to this than I thought, instead of just luck this might have been planned but by who?

 Leo, who was lost in thought failed to notice a pair of eyes fixed on him, "HAHAHA this is going just as planned, now all we have to do is wait till he and Ashborn fight.

(So that was chapter 6 Let me know if yall like it or not)