
Chapter 6 How Did 1 Minute Go Missing_1

Translator: 549690339

Ji Yun and Wu Kai's job was in rescue, but because it was a civilian organization, they often found themselves idle.

When money ran short, they naturally took on odd jobs, such as helping out in high-end restaurants, where the wages for a day's work could be quite substantial with an introduction from an acquaintance.

As children left behind on Craftsman Street, Ji Yun and Wu Kai had no interest in attending so-called class reunions. After all, even among those who were less successful, they were practically non-existent.

So, when Ji Yun, dressed in a waiter's low-end tailcoat, pushed open the door to the private room, everyone inside froze, including Ji Yun who felt as if he was suddenly being roasted over an open flame!

A ten-year class reunion, and it just so happened to be at the restaurant where he was temping, and he was the server bringing dishes, uncorking wine, and handing out tissues!

There are no such coincidences in the world. Ji Yun understood that it was a trap Luo Yao had set for him.

The location was booked by him, and that "acquaintance" who introduced Ji Yun to the temp job was an old classmate, likely offering a higher daily wage on purpose to ensure he showed up!

It was all to humiliate him, to utterly strip him of his dignity as a man in front of many familiar classmates, and in front of Qiu Mo!

Even now Ji Yun was still seething with anger!

"Do you think I'd tell my good brother to get lost? Of course it's you who should get lost, don't block my sunshine!" Ji Yun cursed directly.

Originally full of question marks, unsure how to clear up his current predicament, Ji Yun could use Luo Yao, that damned jerk, to test the waters!

"Wow, Ji Yun, you're so impressive now, aren't you? Just because you were rejected by Qiu Mo a few days ago, it's no reason to take your anger out on your classmates!" Luo Yao deliberately raised his voice a few notches so that others could hear him.

Luo Yao would never pass up an opportunity to embarrass him.

Ji Yun first glanced at Qiu Mo under a nearby tree, then sneaked a peek at Vice Principal Wang not too far away.

Without hesitation, Ji Yun swung his fist, smashing it hard onto Luo Yao's self-righteous face!!

To hell with your damn trap!!

I'll kill you now that I've traveled back in time!!

Screams of agony beautifully echoed across the campus, and as those resounding punches fell, Qiu Mo under the tree didn't seem so appealing anymore, and the gazes from the windows of the teaching building all fell upon this octagonal cage.

"Brother, brother..." Wu Kai was frantic on the side.

Finally, taking advantage of his physical strength, Wu Kai managed to grab hold of Ji Yun.

Just when Luo Yao thought he could finally catch his breath, Wu Kai suddenly kicked him while he was down.

"Brother, go ahead and kick him too!" Wu Kai had never seen Ji Yun so explosive before—that ferocity hardly left room for him to get involved.

Luo Yao's two henchmen were stunned; they had no idea what was going on.

At last, a stern rebuke came!

It was Vice Principal Wang!

His timing was perfect, letting Ji Yun vent his anger while still leaving room for disciplinary action!

"What are you doing, what do you think you're doing!!" Vice Principal Wang bellowed furiously.

Broad daylight, in this sacred campus, and on a day when he, Vice Principal Wang, was patrolling, they dared to fight in public!!

"Vice Principal Wang, my name is Ji Yun, from class eight!" Like a student who had done a good deed and lingered to make sure his name was taken, Ji Yun repeated it several times, as though worried the other party might forget.

Vice Principal Wang was also bemused.

What's this situation?

Do you think I'm an octagon cage referee, that I should raise your hand to signal to the whole teaching building that you're the victor?

"Fighting in public, you...you...you disregarded school discipline, which class are you from, what's your name!!"

"Teacher, he just said it, his name is Ji Yun, from class eight."

"Yes, Ji of seasons, Yun of clouds!" Ji Yun hurriedly spoke.

Vice Principal Wang's face began to sour.

This student, was he provoking him??

"To the Discipline Office with me, this time you two will definitely be punished!" Vice Principal Wang finally played his trump card.

"Teacher, I was the one being hit..." Luo Yao whined.

"He whispered to me that he took a few pictures of female classmates, said they were really beautiful and wanted to share with me. I couldn't stand such lewd behavior, so I hit him," Ji Yun said.

"You...you're full of shit!!" After hearing this, Luo Yao first showed an astonished look, then his face turned to rage!

"Enough, you two come with me to the Discipline Office, this is outright outrageous!"

Ji Yun said no more, letting Vice Principal Wang drag him by his clothes toward the Discipline Office.

Passing through the 'H' shaped teaching building, the loudspeakers of the teaching building began to play melodious music, followed by the sound of the broadcast station gently touching the microphone...

Ji Yun also looked up at the sky.

From this angle, he could see the sun perfectly, the sky sliced into a narrow rhombus by the teaching buildings, with the sun, missing a big chunk, framed within...

Before Ji Yun could retract his stinging gaze, he felt an inexplicable shaking!

His consciousness once again peeled away from his sixteen-year-old body, as if it was sucked away by that strange daystar, passing through the rhombic portal to the other end of time and space!

Capitalizing on that last bit of time, Ji Yun glanced at his watch.

10:08 AM!

He remembered, when he first woke up in the classroom, he also glanced at the clock at the back.


It was 10 o'clock sharp!

This time around, the experience card, 8 minutes??

Ji Yun clutched onto his immense bewilderment, allowing his consciousness to drift in this elusive solar eclipse spacetime.

Finally, Ji Yun felt his consciousness make landfall again.

Why "again"?

Because he saw the hospital's ceiling with its incandescent light!

"Young man, why are you lying on the floor, is it cooler down there... oh my, nurse, nurse!!!" exclaimed an aged Vice Principal Wang.

Ji Yun was unable to move; he could only listen, only watch. His body had sensation, but he simply couldn't control it!

The surroundings played back like a film.

"A nurse will jump right out from the bar area... Ah, right."

"A woman will walk by here, dressed in black... Ah, right."

"A male doctor will come over with a stretcher in advance... Right!"

Sigh, the third loop!

Ji Yun felt an increasing headache, his brain seemingly unable to grow any more!

What's the situation??

Just cycling between the classroom and hospital?

"Mister, could you help us out later by checking if this patient's family is nearby? If there's a medical history, we could respond better in an emergency," said the male doctor.

"Oh dear, I really don't know this young man... I... I was just... Eh!" Finally, the elderly Vice Principal Wang seemed to recognize something. He scrutinized carefully and then as if struck by a realization, he exclaimed, "A student, yes, he's a student from my Lixue Middle School, his name is, what's it... Luo Yao!! Right, I think his name is Luo Yao!"

I'll Luo your daikon head, Luo!!

Ji Yun wished he could instantly heal and give this senile old Vice Principal Wang a whirlwind kick!

How could he get it wrong!!

The Ji of seasons, the Yun of the clouds!!!

"Are you sure?" the male doctor asked, noticing the uncertainty in his voice.

"Well, I'm not that sure, he's definitely my student, but I might not remember the name that well, it's always been about fights and brawls. It's probably been a decade, ah, the kids at that age are all impulsive. I usually let them off with a lecture," Vice Principal Wang said.

Upon hearing this, Ji Yun nearly ground his molars to dust.

You don't take Luo Yao, that bastard, seriously after beating him up so bad, but kissing a female classmate is a bigger deal; what kind of principal are you!

"The cardiology department is busy with an operation, they are saving lives over there too, and probably cannot make it," said the female nurse.

"Ah, why hasn't this equipment been replaced yet, with a replacement we might have been able to hang on for a bit longer. Director Deng really is..."

"Damn it, the patient's heartbeat is irregular!"

"Begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation immediately, prepare the defibrillator!"

"Three, two, one!"


"Again, three, two, one!"



Another delicate, smooth line returned to silence.

"10:07 am"

"The patient shows no signs of life."


Consciousness drifted once again.

Ji Yun awoke from the desk.

Ji Yun paid no mind to the raucous black-curly-haired boy behind him.

Rising neatly to his feet, he walked straight to the window.

A football flew in at just the right moment, and Ji Yun didn't wait for it to hit the corner girl's head. He leaped up and kicked the football out of the window!

This sudden, spectacular clearance stunned everyone in the classroom!!!

The fair-skinned girl by the window had her eyes wide open!!

Behind him, Mushroom Head Lou Yu's eyes sparkled even brighter!!

All the boys lingering in the classroom had an expression of "whoa", the kind of admiration that came from the bottom of their hearts!

However, the person in question simply put his hands in his pockets, his demeanor light as a breeze, yet his brows furrowed tightly, clearly troubled and desperate to vent, he exclaimed:

"How the hell did I lose a minute!!"
