
Chapter 7 Can We Charge for It?_1

Translator: 549690339

Just because Vice Principal Wang didn't recognize me in the hospital, the hospital can't find my file?

That is to say, the initial time I lay in the hospital, I was rescued for only 7 minutes and then I kicked the bucket.

Last time I managed to live for 8 minutes, because I stole a kiss from Qiu Mo, got caught by Vice Principal Wang, who was then impressed with me, and even after ten years hadn't forgotten me, so he timely provided the hospital with my personal information. Based on my medical history, the hospital allowed me to live for an extra minute in the resuscitation room!

"I'm now back to ten years ago, which means the things I do now have a chance to affect that emergency surgery ten years later..."

"Like letting the hospital know my personal information in advance, or finding a way to have a cardiac specialist perform the surgery on me, or maybe..."

Suddenly, a heavy slap landed on Ji Yun's shoulder, interrupting his train of thought.

"That kick of yours could make it into the history books for students, even I have to admit it was a bit handsome. It seems that the passion for soccer has awakened the ailing you. Come on, let's go to the field and thrash Class Seven, this time sure to redeem ourselves!" Wu Kai said to Ji Yun.

"Give me your watch," Ji Yun said.

"What for?"

"Hand it over!" Ji Yun said unapologetically.

After snatching Wu Kai's watch, Ji Yun walked straight to the banyan tree on the grass field.

The sun, despite missing a small chunk, still radiated sacred light. After passing through the dense green leaves of the banyan, it turned into strands of light that interwove with the aerial roots, forming a beautiful, dappled pavilion of light.

"Qiu Mo."


"I actually have a terminal illness..."

"You're not joking, are you?"

"Just think of me as a passerby who inadvertently made a hoof sound..."

Across the blue-glacier eyes of Qiu Mo, a tenderness flashed by, melting into clean little droplets in her eye sockets.

Oh my god, this boy just quoted her favorite poem!

Then he must not be lying to her!

"Alright then."


"How could you..." Qiu Mo flustered like a little deer.

"Ah, sorry, sorry, I couldn't restrain myself, I really tried hard not to burden you, I'm so sorry, Qiu Ya... ah, autumn, I hope I can endure the summer heat, to once again witness your gentle, watery beauty of autumn's evening!"

"Wuu wuu wuu~~"

Behind the tree, several middle school girls had already started crying.

"Senior sister, please agree to him, we're running out of tissues, wuu wuu wuu."

Ji Yun was also stunned for a moment, how had he not noticed there were people behind the tree before!

"Yeah, a kiss on the cheek is too regrettable, do you know what a French kiss is?"

Ji Yun gave those junior high school girls a mental thumbs up. The world should have more of these mischievous sprites fluttering in, adding more divine assists!

"What are you doing!!!"

"To do such a thing in the sacred campus, under the broad daylight!"

Finally, the rotund Vice Principal Wang came over in a huff!

At that moment Ji Yun looked at the watch he had snatched.

While there was still a bit of time, Ji Yun hastily declared his claim over Qiu Ya to the whole school.

"My name is Ji Yun, 'Ji' as in season, and 'Yun' as in cloud!!"


"Well done, senior!!!"

"So cool, I love brave seniors like you! Senior sister is so lucky."






Time is up!

7 minutes!

This time it's 7 minutes!!

Ji Yun's experience card had expired once more, and his consciousness drifted toward that sun bitten by a dog!

"Sun Grandpa."

"How much do I have to pay, just name it."

"I can't take it anymore, stop sending me back to the hospital!"

After negotiating, Sun Grandpa himself was too busy fighting with the celestial dog, he had no time to deal with Ji Yun's first recharge issue.


"Young man, you can't just lie down like this even if the ground is cool, eh... aren't you that guy, the one who dated Qiu Mo... Ji Yun!! Well, you little punk..." Vice Principal Wang arrived as expected.

"What's the situation with you, lying on the ground and playing dead? Are you... are you not feeling well??"

"Oh my, nurse! Nurse!!!"

For some reason, Ji Yun felt that this time, Vice Principal Wang looked even more old.

And his big belly was gone, replaced by a sickly, emaciated thinness.

This time, Ji Yun watched closely and noticed that Vice Principal Wang was holding a medical record book. While helping a male doctor, Ji Yun saw the scribbled writing on the medical record book.

"Hypertension, diabetes?"

Vice Principal Wang has both conditions??

Taking medication for diabetes and blood pressure long-term, leading to a loss of appetite and such drastic weight loss??

But why, in the previous three hospital visits, was Vice Principal Wang still paunchy?

My cycle this time should have largely followed the script of my first return to ten years ago.

But this time, Vice Principal Wang recognized me faster, and he himself has changed a lot. What caused him to fall ill?

Is it possible that he got hypertension because of me ten years ago?

After I expressed my feelings for Qiu Mo and was caught and chided by Vice Principal Wang... what happened after that?

Each cycle seems like a movie replay, but Ji Yun could clearly feel that each time was actually different, not completely following the previous script.

Their words, their behaviors, their actions, even though broadly the same, had subtle differences.

And this time, the biggest difference was Vice Principal Wang's figure.

Ten years ago, he was a middle-aged man with a big belly.

The previous loops where I saw him in the hospital, he was also a middle-aged uncle with a belly.

But this time, he had lost a lot of weight!

So even though I am looping between the classroom and the hospital at two different times, the ten years that flashed by weren't illusory; they truly existed and continued to operate...

And, as if by some butterfly effect, they had changed!

"Why hasn't this old equipment been replaced yet!" the male doctor complained.

"I've already talked to Chief Deng!" the nurse said.

"By the way, did the newly transferred attending doctor in the cardiology department start work today?" the male doctor asked urgently.

"Hasn't she officially started her job yet?"

"Give her a call and ask if she's nearby," the male doctor said.

To be honest, during several resuscitations, this male doctor performed textbook operations. Ji Yun was glad to be attended by such a dedicated doctor when he went down. Otherwise, he might not have lasted even seven minutes and would have kicked the bucket directly!

"Hello, Doctor Lou, where are you now? We have a patient with a myocardial infarction..."

"Suspected!" the male doctor emphasized.

"Oh, right, suspected myocardial infarction patient..." the nurse quickly corrected herself.

"Is it a plaque rupture?" that Doctor Lou asked.

Because it was on speakerphone, Ji Yun could hear the voice coming from the other end of the call.

That Doctor Lou was a woman, and her voice was soft and pleasant.

"We just performed a resuscitation, and the patient's condition is complicated and extremely critical. Can you come over?" the male doctor said.

"I can!" The other end gave an affirmative answer.

"Sister Lou Yu, Sister Lou Yu, we haven't finished filming our special on 'Why Become a Doctor' yet!" At that moment, from the still connected phone, the voice of a female assistant shouted.

On the resuscitation table, Ji Yun heard such a sentence from the phone, which struck his body like a shock from a defibrillator!!

What??? Doctor Lou Yu???

So different!!

So different this time!!

First was Vice Principal Wang, and then that intern turns out to be Lou Yu...

Oh, no!

The nurse had said "attending doctor" just now!

She had been transferred over, not one of the interns from the previous loops!

It changed again!

Right, what did I do??

I shielded Lou Yu from the soccer ball headed for her head, and then she became a doctor??

And on top of that, a doctor worthy of being filmed??

That's right, Wu Kai even told me that last night, he saw Lou Yu being filmed like a star in an old house on Craftsman Street for something like a memoir!

So, if she's here, there's a good chance she could save me?

Sister Lou Yu, Brother Yun was blind to your worth, it turns out you really are my saving angel!

Hold on, hold on, Brother is coming to find you!


"10:08 AM."

"The patient shows no signs of life."

"Inform Ji Yun's family." The male doctor put down the defibrillator with a sense of helplessness, filled with regret.

"Wait, what did you say the patient's name was?" came the astonished inquiry from the still connected phone.

"Ji Yun."

"As in 'autumn' for Ji, and 'cloud' for Yun?"

"That's right, how do you know? Do you know the patient???" the male doctor said.

The male doctor stood there stunned, not hearing any response from the other end for a long time.

But after an indeterminate amount of time and a choked sob, the call was finally disconnected.


Lan City could be considered large, with an airport and a ring road that, when congested, seemed endless.

But Lan City could also be seen as small, a place where one could bump into many old acquaintances.

Ji Yun knew that many of his classmates had stayed in this city, and over the past ten years, Lan City had provided more opportunities for talented young people.

At a ten-year class reunion, Ji Yun realized that the people who once shared a classroom with him had embarked on completely different life paths.

Mushroom Head, who used to hide in the corner reading books, had transformed into a beautiful swan—a surprise Ji Yun had never anticipated.

Ji Yun opened his eyes and, without waiting for the boy with curly black hair behind him to speak, struck first.

"Could you move your desk back a bit? It's in the way of me getting up!" Ji Yun said.

The boy with curly black hair and freckles, who was playing with his game console, was taken aback for a moment before retorting, "You could just move your desk forward!"

Ji Yun walked straight towards the window and, glancing at Lou Yu reading in the corner, surveyed her.

He hadn't taken his eyes off the girl when he lifted a foot and kicked the soccer ball flying in from the window right out!


A chorus of shouts filled the classroom, and Ji Yun didn't even notice the stars twinkling in many of the girls' eyes.

"Brother Yun... brother." Lou Yu turned around but involuntarily ducked her head back down.

At some point, Lou Yu felt unable to meet eyes with Ji Yun.

Especially after being assigned to the same class, Lou Yu was careful not to let others know that she and Ji Yun had grown up together on Craftsman Street.

"Are you reading extracurricular books?" Ji Yun asked.

"Uh, yes..." Lou Yu hid the book behind her.

"I noticed the cover just now; it looked like a medical journal?" Ji Yun continued.

In previous loops, Ji Yun hadn't noticed that the books Lou Yu read in the corner were medical textbooks.

Perhaps the content was too difficult for her at the time, which was why she was so invested, not even noticing when a ball hit her head.