
Chapter 5 Intentional Setup_1

Translator: 549690339


The light was dazzling!

It looked like the ceiling of a hospital!

Ji Yun only felt his consciousness returning to his body again, he could hear the noise around him and vaguely see some figures, but his body was unable to move, and breathing was incredibly difficult!

What had happened to him?

He seemed to be lying on the floor.

This place was so familiar!

He was indeed in a hospital!!

"Young man, young man, the floor might be cool but you can't... hey, young man..." an middle-aged man approached Ji Yun.

"Nurse! Nurse!!!"

Nurses nearby noticed the abnormality, and one of them didn't even bother going through the door, leaping over the counter instead.

"What brought the patient to the hospital, does he have any medical history??" the female nurse asked urgently.

"I don't know this young man, I just got here myself... Eh, this... this young man..." The middle-aged person was now carefully examining Ji Yun's features.

"Patient can't breathe, get the respirator ready!" A male doctor ran over with a stretcher and said to the female nurse.

"Uncle Wang, give us a hand, help get him onto the stretcher, we need to take him to the emergency room," the male doctor said.


"Uncle Wang, I'll need another favor in a moment, try to find the patient's family or companions, we need to know his name, age, medical history, whether he has any drug allergies..." The male doctor said this while moving the stretcher, speaking to the helpful Uncle Wang.

"This young man seems to be my student, Ji Yun, yes, Ji Yun!" Uncle Wang finally remembered something, speaking with some astonishment.

"Uncle Wang, are you certain?" the male doctor asked.

"Certain, it's this brat, even after ten years I remember him. He was caught by me on the sports field in high school, flirting and deceiving girls!" Uncle Wang said with conviction.

"Alright, I'll have someone contact his family." the male doctor said.

Ji Yun's mouth began to tremble again.

Had he entered some sort of pre-death loop?

At that moment, Ji Yun could still see through the haze, and hear clearly.

What surprised Ji Yun was that the enthusiastic middle-aged man helping him onto the stretcher was none other than Vice Principal Wang!

The first time, he really hadn't recognized him.

But now, Vice Principal Wang looked much older than he had on the sports field just before.

Moreover, Vice Principal Wang had even recognized him, bringing up what he had just done!

I'll remember it even after ten years??? What did that mean?

Could it be that he had returned to ten years ago and the things he did to Qiu Mo became a reality ten years later?

But then, why did he have to experience the onset of his illness again?

As Ji Yun tried hard to move his eyeballs, he saw the city outside the window while being carried through a corridor; it was pitch black!

An eclipse.

It must be an eclipse!

It seemed... when he returned to ten years ago, there was an eclipse then as well, and while he was getting cozy with Qiu Mo, he had seen the sun missing a piece!

"What's going on, where's the new respirator?" the male doctor demanded.

"I don't know, Director Deng didn't replace it," replied the female nurse.

"The patient can't breathe, darn it, that old ghost Deng... go call someone from the cardiology department here," the male doctor said.

"The staff from the cardiology department are in surgery..." the female nurse replied.

"The patient is likely having a myocardial infarction, and the situation is very complicated," the male doctor said.

"Found it, the patient is Ji Yun, no known allergies, and there are some records of cardiac history..." the female nurse said.

"There's a cardiology department intern who just reported today, should I call for him over the PA system?" the female nurse suggested.

"Hurry up and call him over!"

The same conversation.

The same resuscitation.

It was like his life-saving scene was replayed.

Yet there were some differences—specifically what was different, Ji Yun couldn't pin down.

It seemed that the intern doctor arrived a bit slower.

And maybe because his medical history was found, the resuscitation was a bit more effective.

"The patient's heart has stopped!" the intern doctor announced.

"Defibrillator, ready!" the male doctor ordered.

"Three, two, one!"

The surging electricity hit his chest, Ji Yun still felt no sensation, but like a vegetative person, he could sense everything happening around him.


"Three! Two! One!"


Suddenly, a flat, unvarying line shot across, indicating Ji Yun's life had fallen into eternal silence.


"Patient shows no signs of life."


Hey, he lived an extra minute.

Ji Yun was a bit puzzled; this time, from the start of the resuscitation to the point it was deemed ineffective, it had taken 8 minutes.

He remembered previously he was gone at 10:07!

While Ji Yun was still caught in confusion and curiosity, he once again experienced a blinding brightness.

The light was either from the sun or the glow of midsummer outside the window!

Ji Yun slowly opened his eyes to the familiar classroom, the familiar scent of books, the familiar cacophony of youth.


Ji Yun subconsciously propped himself up.

"Don't lean on my desk!" an unfriendly voice rang out from behind.

The curly-haired, freckled boy looked fierce, like a menacing black German Shepherd not to be trifled with!

"Seeing as you have a heatstroke, I won't hold it against you," said the curly-haired, freckled boy before Ji Yun could speak, pushing the desk back a bit himself!

Ji Yun's eyes were full of confusion.

How, back to this again?

The classroom from ten years ago!

And it was still that day, the same moment when he had last woken up here.


A soccer ball flew in from outside the window, bounced a few times on the desk, then landed on the head of Mushroom Head, who was reading in the corner.

Her cowlick stood straight up, and Mushroom Head didn't seem to feel pain but touched her head.

"Hey, you guys, watch it, the ball hit my Lou Yu!" the fair-skinned girl by the window scolded towards the outside.

The girl walked up to Lou Yu, comforting her.

"I'm fine," responded Mushroom Head.

"We should get going to practice, it's getting late."


Lou Yu and the fair-skinned girl left the classroom, still sneaking a glance towards Ji Yun.

Ji Yun kept watching her, and she immediately lowered her head and ran off.

Suddenly, Ji Yun raised a hand, firmly catching the large paw that was about to smack him from behind!

Sure enough, Wu Kai's hand hovered just above his shoulder.

"Quick reflexes, eh? You're not sick, are you?" Wu Kai smiled, then continued, "Come on, let's go play soccer..."

"Do we have to trounce Class Seven today, to wash away our previous disgrace?" Ji Yun tentatively asked.

"How did you know I was going to say that? Yeah, to wash away our previous disgrace!" Wu Kai said.

"I can get up by myself, don't pull on me!" Ji Yun said.

"Alright, alright!"

Ji Yun was observing everything around him keenly, unlike his previous state of mind.

It was the same conversation, the same sequence of events.

Ji Yun had experienced it all once before; he didn't know why he was reliving it again.

Could this be the luminance effect of life, cycling over and over at certain stages of time?

Cycling in the hospital?

In the classroom?

During the solar eclipse ten years ago and ten years later?

"Wu Kai, give me your watch," Ji Yun said to Wu Kai.

"Why do you want the watch? If we don't go now, we'll miss the chance to show off our exquisite soccer skills in front of Qiu Mo!" While Wu Kai spoke, he still took off his watch and handed it to Ji Yun.

Ji Yun looked at the time.

It was 10:03 AM.

Boys were exuberantly sweating it out on the field.

Heads popped up by the windows of the teaching building, admiring the beautiful views.

Girls were whispering in the hallway...

Not far away, Ji Yun saw Vice Principal Wang making adjustments to the display on the study wall.

So Vice Principal Wang was nearby; last time, Ji Yun hadn't noticed him, which is why he arrived first on the scene right after Ji Yun got intimate with Qiu Mo, and caught them in the act!

In the hospital, he was the one who helped Ji Yun onto the stretcher.

But it was him ten years later.

"Initially, Vice Principal Wang couldn't remember me as a student, so he couldn't call my name the first time in the hospital," Ji Yun reflected.

"Then, I went back to ten years ago, and because I had kissed Qiu Mo in front of everyone on campus, he remembered me as a typical case."

"So, ten years later, when I collapsed in the hospital, he recognized me while giving a hand to the doctor."

"And then I lived for an extra minute?"

Standing in the hallway, Ji Yun began to feel puzzled.

He looked up at the sun hanging in the sky.

It was missing a small piece!

It seemed like when he first woke up, the sun was whole.

Now, four minutes had passed, and it was missing that little piece.

"What's wrong, Ji Yun, still not feeling well?" Wu Kai, noticing Ji Yun's expression, couldn't help asking.

"My head feels a bit itchy…" Ji Yun scratched his head, unsure of what kind of world he had stumbled into.

How was this different from the mainstream rebirth narratives? He truly wanted to be a calm and quiet reborn man!

"Is it because your brain is growing?" Wu Kai asked.

"Buzz off!"

No sooner had Ji Yun uttered these words than a few people happened to walk by.

They suddenly stopped; their eyes fixed on Ji Yun with great hostility.

"What do you mean, are you telling me to buzz off?" Luo Yao, still quite tall with an air of arrogance, demanded.

Ji Yun was taken aback for a moment.

It was this bastard!!

At last night's ten-year class reunion, it was this guy who had deliberately set him up!


(Bringing benefits to the family, there's a "New Book Launch" event in the review section; everyone is welcome to participate, there are little gifts to be had!)

(The sixth season of the anime The Full-Time Mage has finally premiered on Tencent Video today, buddies, let's go binge-watch!)