
Chapter 4 I have a Terminal Illness_1

Translator: 549690339


However, it was just such an act that provoked discontent from several teaching buildings around, and the air became scorching hot!

Qiu Mo was also exceptionally confident and generous, not caring about the gazes of her classmates.

However, it was from her eyes that Ji Yun saw traces of panic, like an elegant yet feignedly calm deer.

"Actually, I've contracted a terminal illness," Ji Yun slowly began.

Qiu Mo's beautiful eyes widened.

"You might find it absurd, but my reaction was just like yours now when I learned about it. There's nothing I can do; it's hereditary. It could be tomorrow or ten years from now. I admit that confessing my feelings to you was a bit rash, but... but I just didn't want to have any regrets." Ji Yun's expression carried a touch of sadness, and he didn't look at Qiu Mo but stared at the thriving banyan tree instead.

Qiu Mo was dumbfounded by Ji Yun's words.

Originally, she had wanted to give an open and straightforward reply, since she had promised to do so.

But she never expected to hear such thunderbolt news from Ji Yun.

Although there was a trace of doubt in her heart, connecting the dots with Ji Yun's sudden collapse like heatstroke during the last class and now his sincere explanation without any pretense, Qiu Mo could not help but believe him a little.

"You're not joking, are you?" Qiu Mo's voice was a few notches quieter?

Hearing this, Ji Yun couldn't help but want to laugh inside.

Just having gone through a matter of life and death, could I possibly fail to deceive a teenage girl in the prime of youth?

Even if you shine brilliantly, even if you're the goddess White Moonshine, aren't you just a young girl?

A direct emotional manipulation!

Qiu Mo thought she was there to listen to his answer, but in reality, such matters, if not immediately consented to, are likely to be rejected by a girl after calm consideration due to the pressure from teachers, parents, and friends.

Ji Yun also realized how foolish it was to wait for someone else's response!

Taking the initiative was key.

"I too wish it were a joke the doctor played on me... I didn't come here to hear your answer, actually. I think some things are better left unanswered. Isn't it more meaningful to leave a beautiful memory in each other's hearts?" Ji Yun spoke.

Having said that, Ji Yun once again slightly lifted his chin, fully displaying the charisma like that of the Tulip Prince.

Of course, inside, Ji Yun's heart was soaring with a little figure waving its arms and shouting "awesome" excitedly.

Yeah, I admit you're outstanding and hard to pursue, recognized by the whole school as the heart's White Moonshine, the dream's red rose, with suitors rejected by the hundreds if not thousands.

But when you bring up these words you said to me ten years from now, how will you respond?

As expected, Qiu Mo appeared greatly shocked, her delicate rosy lips parted!

Mainly because these words resonated with the hazy and beautiful impression she got from a book she once read, and she liked that feeling!

It couldn't be fake, right!

"So... what will you do next, can I... can I help you with anything?" Qiu Mo had completely turned into a flustered deer.

Ji Yun looked at her like this, and the little devil inside his heart was already celebrating with crossed arms.

No matter how intelligent or mature at heart, in the end, she is just a young girl, easily influenced by seemingly advanced literature and films on the market!

"I am not someone who easily gives in to fate, so I will follow the doctor's advice and actively seek treatment. I will be leaving school tomorrow, I actually came to say goodbye to you," Ji Yun said, almost instinctively reaching into his pocket for a sorrowful matchstick to light up the melancholy of nicotine.

"I... I... Ji Yun, I'm really sorry, I didn't know about your health condition, actually..." Qiu Mo suddenly became a little flustered, feeling ashamed and guilty for her own little tactics of stalling for three days.

"No, no, I don't want you to feel obligated to give me a positive answer because of my health condition. That would make me even more upset. You deserve better, and I am content to be a passerby who is only heard in the trotting of horse hooves," Ji Yun continued to lay it on thick.

A passerby heard only in the trotting of horse hooves...

Hearing these words, Qiu Mo could no longer hold back her emotions.

Tears already misted on her eyelashes, Qiu Mo looked at Ji Yun, finding herself unable to speak.

Seeing the moment was ripe, Ji Yun positioned the side of his face where the sunlight was pouring down and asked, "May I hug you, as a form of encouragement between friends?"

Qiu Mo hesitated upon hearing this.

This was still quite a public place, after all.

But to refuse a boy like this at such a time, if he truly didn't overcome his illness, she would regret it for the rest of her life!

In truth, Ji Yun didn't wait for Qiu Mo to reply, but slowly opened his arms and approached Qiu Mo with a very gentlemanly manner...

Qiu Mo was beyond thought, letting him embrace her.

Only when she suddenly felt a slight cool dampness on her cheek did Qiu Mo realize someone had kissed her!!


In that moment, Qiu Mo's cheeks were flushed red, the rosiness pairing with his ice-smooth and fair skin, was simply mesmerizing, captivating anyone who saw!

"Sorry, sorry, I couldn't help myself, really sorry…" Ji Yun, after achieving his goal, immediately began to frantically apologize!

He took the initiative again, playing his game unlike anyone else!

Qiu Mo didn't even know what to say, thankfully on the side Ji Yun kissed, the people on the teaching building side probably couldn't see clearly, but those ambiguous movements and actions…




"My Qiu Mo!!!!!!"

From the teaching building to the sports field, a chorus of howls and cries ensued!

Of course, the jeering was just as loud in the teaching building!

The youthful hormones ignited the summer campus!

Finally, the commotion alerted the school leaders.

Before Ji Yun could escape the crime scene, a middle-aged man with a big belly in a suit stormed over.

"Vice Principal Wang…" Qiu Mo recognized the teacher.

Ji Yun, however, stood there with a mischievous smile on his face.

The first rebirth mission, a perfect success!

"Which class are you in, what's your name!" Vice Principal Wang stared at Ji Yun and demanded.

"Class Eight, Ji Yun!" Ji Yun, at this point, answered loudly.

His demeanor was not that of someone being critiqued, but rather like he was declaring his sovereignty to the whole school!

With that shout, he reignited the atmosphere of the entire school!

Today, it seemed no one would be unaware of his name, Ji Yun!!

Looking up, Ji Yun waited for the school leader's criticism with the air of a damp pig who doesn't fear boiling water.

The sunlight was not as fierce as before, Ji Yun heard a torrent of angry reproaches from the Vice Principal, but somehow couldn't make out the exact words.

In the sky, the blazing sun, which had been high overhead, now for some reason had a chunk missing, casting an eerie and sinister light over the summer campus!

Gazing up, Ji Yun suddenly felt dizzy!

At first, it was like a heatstroke, then his consciousness felt as if it were peeling away from his body…

What's happening???

Is he about to ascend to heaven!

Could it be just a trial run of rebirth???

This was only a few minutes.

What comes next, would he be charged a fee or what???


(Just rambling:

Four chapters updated today!!

Not keeping it a secret from you guys, I had a reserve of twenty-three thousand words.

Today, I've put out twelve thousand.

I am indeed a clever author.

In fact, I used to have a reserve of over a hundred thousand words, but by accident, I got a better idea.

So, I deleted those tens of thousands of words!!

The main issue is, without flattery and sincere salutations while writing in solitude, I feel uncomfortable; it's all about creating an impromptu serial atmosphere!

Hereafter, I will update two chapters each day, three thousand words each!

At 5 PM in the afternoon and 11 PM in the evening, I'll try to update on time, hehe.)