
Soaring Phoenix

You jinx it's all your fault, said Cynthia. What are you up to this time? Linda asked feeling confused and annoyed. Cynthia became increasingly infuriated, 'how dare you call my name? It's all your fault that anyone who is involved with you gets in trouble. Previously you seduced our teacher and threw yourself into his arms, now you have used dirty tricks to harm Robb. Just as she tugged on Linda to deal with her, she accidentally pulled off Linda's bracelet which restricts the strong spiritual power she was born with and boom the power of the Phoenix erupted and threw Cynthia onto the wall.....

alexchimezirim123 · History
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58 Chs

The Phoenix In The devil Clan

 In a wooden house, Stanley just woke up since falling unconscious after the demon Lord's strike with the formula. He looked around and only he was in the room, so he stood up to go outside. Outside, Linda was busy preparing some food grains when someone came visiting.

Hey girl, she called out while smiling sweetly. 

Linda turned to look at her as she walked up to her and gave her the basket of vegetables she was carrying.

You can cook them for the dumb guy.

Thank you aunty.

It's fine.

She then looked at the door and saw Stanley coming out.

Wow! The dumb guy has woken up, she said. 

Linda immediately dropped the basket on the ground and rushed up to him.

How are you? Do you still feel uncomfortable? She asked looking worried.

No, he answered.

The dumb guy looks more handsome than before, the woman said and laughed heartily. 

Linda stood awkwardly after hearing that and refused to look at Stanley's face. But Stanley nodded a thank you at her compliment.

Where is this place? Stanley asked.

It's is the border land, it is the boundary between the devil clan and the mortal realm, Linda replied. There are humans and devils here, she explained.

Many years ago the humans and the devils were at war, the woman chipped in. The armies of the humans came to the devil clan and fought the devils but were defeated, so the survivors stayed in the devil clan and got help from some kind devils and gradually later fell in love with some of the devils and refused to go back home. Later their descendants who were afraid of being ridiculed or mistreated left and came to the border land to stay till this day. Enough of the old stories, I won't disturb you guys any longer.

She turned wanting to leave and said to Linda don't forget to cook a nice meal for the dumb guy.

Okay, Linda replied.

Then she left. 

 Immediately she left, Linda looked in the opposite direction of where Stanley stood and pretended like he wasn't there. Stanley came forward and stood in front of her and cleared his throat.

Dumb guy? He asked.

No no that.. eh.. I didn't mean to ruin your reputation. That day when you fainted, some kind villagers passed by and helped us, Linda told him looking shy and awkward. In order to hide our identity, I told them that we were a couple. Teacher don't be angry, she pleaded and looked down, unable to look up.

Call me the dumb guy, he said and walked inside.

Oh, the dumb guy, she repeated. Then she bent down and picked up the basket of vegetables and followed him.

 In a beautiful courtyard with a serene environment, a man who looked dignified was sitting down at a table with two ladies by his either side and was having a fun time when someone rushed in panicking and bowed. The dignified man is the devil king.

Look at you panicking, you are the chief advisor of the devil clan! The devil king said.

It's really something urgent, the subordinate replied.

What can be so urgent that will make you panic?

Ah ya! He wanted to scream but calmed down and went straight to the King's ear and whispered something. After hearing it, the devil king cried out;

Why am I so unlucky? What do I do now? I have never seen the phoenix in my life, how will I know even if I see it? Then he pointed at him and said "I thought you had the best nose, why didn't you find it out?"

You are the devil king from the wolf segment, you didn't find it out either, the subordinate replied.

How... dare you... You, the devil king stammered and calmed down. Go and find out who had the guts to bring the phoenix into the devil clan.

I think we should first if all clear of this things, the subordinate said pointing to the sky.

There in the sky, the demons have already stayed ready to launch an attack at any moment.

Ah ya! This is calamity, the devil king cried out. It's like I need to see the demon lord, he thought silently in his mind. 

 In the demon realm, all the war lords have been summoned and having a meeting with the demon lord.

Everyone prepare, today I will personally lead the demon army to attack the devil clan so as to find the phoenix, the demon lord ordered.

My lord, attacking the devil realm will break the balance between the three realms, please think twice, his right hand man told him.

Although he didn't get angry, he pretended no to have heard what he said and gave the order:

Get ready to attack the devil realm and we will go immediately.

After that someone rushed in immediately.

My lord, the devil king is requesting an audience with you, he said.

Let him in, the demon lord ordered.

 After the devil king came in, he walked straight up to the demon lord laughing stupidly and saluted him.

My lord you have become more handsome, all the girls in the three realms will be attracted by you. Unlike me who is getting older and older, the devil king tried to make him smile.

What is it? The demon lord asked.

I heard you came to the devil clan a few days ago, why didn't you inform me you were coming? I would have prepared an honourable feast for you.

I didn't mean to be your guest, I was only looking for someone, he said sternly.

Then.. then tell me.. about it. That's my place, I will help you find the person. Who is it? He asked and brought his ears closer to the demon lord. 

The phoenix.

Immediately the devil king heard this, he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

What? The phoenix? My lord you must be kidding. How can the phoenix be in the devil clan? Besides if she comes, how could I not know?

The demon lord immediately grabbed him by the throat, strangling him. He gasped for air and kept on tapping the demon Lord's arm. After he had almost run out of breath, the demon lord left him.

My lord you know we devils have never been enemies with the demons even though we have always minded our own business. This time, how about we just don't get involved?

The demon lord only looked at him but didn't utter a word.

Ok how about you give me some time, ten days so I can bring you the phoenix? If u don't agree then I can only meet the heavenly emperor and ask for his forgiveness. After all the phoenix concerns the three realms.

The demon lord showed him his palm, indicating five days.

One more day, please, the devil king pleaded.

The demon lord reduced it to three, making the devil king to succumb.

Okay okay, five days later I will bring the phoenix to you. You are so cruel, he said and left.