
Soaring Phoenix

You jinx it's all your fault, said Cynthia. What are you up to this time? Linda asked feeling confused and annoyed. Cynthia became increasingly infuriated, 'how dare you call my name? It's all your fault that anyone who is involved with you gets in trouble. Previously you seduced our teacher and threw yourself into his arms, now you have used dirty tricks to harm Robb. Just as she tugged on Linda to deal with her, she accidentally pulled off Linda's bracelet which restricts the strong spiritual power she was born with and boom the power of the Phoenix erupted and threw Cynthia onto the wall.....

alexchimezirim123 · History
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59 Chs

The Kitchen God

 You.... Are very stupid! How dare you get involved with the phoenix? Do you know how much trouble you have caused for the devil clan?Fred scolded his sister Zina. 

It was Mark who asked me to help him, speaking of which, how can I reject him? She said with a loud mumble.

It's Mark! Mark again! He shouted and slammed his fist on the table.

Calm down aaah... Please brother don't think too much, she said as she grabbed his arm in other to please him. 

Hmmm! He flung her hand away and said "I'm not in the mood". Now the devil king knows about the phoenix and has promised the demon lord to look for who brought the phoenix into the devil clan and punish him severely. And will return the phoenix to the demon lord. 

What? She became startled. Oh my God that means Mark is in trouble, I have to inform him before it is too late, she thought and ran out.

 Zina ran into the wolf howling cave shouting "Mark! Mark! Get up and leave now, run, trouble is coming".

What trouble? He asked.

The devil king is going to punish the person who brought the phoenix to the devil clan and even hand him over to the demons if the phoenix isn't found. Run away first.

But where can I go?

Anywhere, as long as you are not caught. Run! She urged him and pushed him out of the door. Mark! She called him as he was about to leave. Take care of yourself okay?

Yes I will, he replied. You take of yourself too, okay?


I will be back once it's over. Then he turned and ran off. 

 In the immortal(heavenly) realm, the empress walked to the Emperor's chambers and heard him saying "dirty clothes, armpit sweats, garland withers, body smells and feeling restless". She became extremely worried, because those were signs an immortal's life is about to end. The emperor's hair had turned from black to fully white, wrinkles all over his face. For the mortals the immortals don't die, but that isn't the reality. The immortal only live a very long life, up to thousands of years that is why they are thought to live forever. After sometime, she took a deep breath, sighed and said "what will come must come".

 In the devil clan, Mark ran to an old house and went in.

Prophet, he called out.

Hrmm hrmm, an old man sitting on the ground coughed. Mark have you found the girl who you couldn't help falling in love with?

Yes I have found her, he replied. She is the phoenix. I have kept her by my side since then. 

That's good, there's finally a ray of hope in changing the fate of our devil clan and the whole demon realm at large. Once we get the phoenix feather, our demon realm and devil clan will start bearing female children again, he said contemplating. Where is she now? He asked.

She... She ran away, he said looking awkward.

Ran away? I thought you said she was always by your side?

Yes I kept her by my side all the time but she left.

You must look for her, do you hear me? Make sure you find her.

Yes prophet, Mark answered. Then the prophet sent him away using his spiritual power. 

 In the demon realm, a girl appeared in a forest full of trees with black leaves. Her name is Ann, she is the kitchen god in the heavenly realm. She could cook any type of food, be it for the demons or for the heavenly immortals. She had some history with the demon lord who has some feelings for her but only wants her as a friend. The only person he wants to be his soulmate is none other than the Linda, his non biological sister from his past life. The kitchen god Ann hadn't come to the demon realm for years because she was restricted by the heavenly emperor and empress who are her uncle and aunt, they didn't want her to have anything to do with the demons. If she ever came she will be punished. But now here she is because she wanted to help relief her aunt's worries.

Wow! I haven't been here in a long time, I miss here. It's a pity I can't hang around today, she said not putting much thought to it. Forget it let me get down to business. The demon realm grows with demon tree. A hair comb made from it's branch can turn hair black. I will take a branch, make a comb and give it to aunt. This is good as it will help her relieve her worries regarding the emperor. 

 Just as she was about to take a branch using her spiritual power, one of the demon lord's special force member caught her.

Stop! He shouted with a harsh, deep voice. 

She turned in fear and wanted to run but was bounded by his spiritual power.

I wanted to take what I wanted and leave without a trace and not hurting the innocent. But since you didn't want it that way, don't blame me for being ruthless, she said trying to sound brave.

You sneaked into the demon realm to steal, I think you are the one coveting death, he told her the facts. 

Seeing that it didn't scare him at all, she tried to talk it over with him calmly.

"I didn't sneak into the demon realm, it's just... My godfather is I'll and needs the demonic tree urgently...

Swish! Came the sound of an unsheathing dagger as it was stabbed into the tree behind her, cutting her words off.

It's an even more crime cutting the demonic tree secretly. You will be killed without mercy! He bellowed and put the dagger against her throat.

I didn't cut the demonic wood secretly, I just wanted to borrow it, she said panicking as fear gripped her. Your lord and I are friends, if he finds out you did this to me he will cut you into pieces.

He thought for a while and said "nonsense! If you know my lord, why did you steal things?" As he raised his hand to stab her to death, a strong vital energy hit the dagger away from his hand. 

My lord! He said and bowed in fear as he saw the demon lord. 

The demon lord looked at her, unable to get his emotions right. 

Leave! Said the demon lord referring to Ann.

Did you hear that? Leave! She said and kicked the subordinate who immediately stood up and fled.

The demon lord wanted to correct her but the words stuck to his throat. He then removed the spiritual energy used to bind her.

Thank you, she said.

He looked at her, not knowing to smile or frown but he frowned anyways.

I mean you should leave, he said.

What? Me? You saved me again, I just want to thank you.

Please leave, he said and turned to walk away but she ran to his front and blocked his path.

You saved me so many times, I really want to thank you. How about I cook something delicious for you?

If you really want to thank me, just leave, he said and started walking away again.