
Soaring Phoenix

You jinx it's all your fault, said Cynthia. What are you up to this time? Linda asked feeling confused and annoyed. Cynthia became increasingly infuriated, 'how dare you call my name? It's all your fault that anyone who is involved with you gets in trouble. Previously you seduced our teacher and threw yourself into his arms, now you have used dirty tricks to harm Robb. Just as she tugged on Linda to deal with her, she accidentally pulled off Linda's bracelet which restricts the strong spiritual power she was born with and boom the power of the Phoenix erupted and threw Cynthia onto the wall.....

alexchimezirim123 · History
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57 Chs

18. Peahen Saintess

I've found the people you want, Frank said.

Thank you, she said and grabbed Linda by the hand wanting to take her away but to her surprise she raised her head up only for both her and Frank to realize that it was Zina who changed her appearance to that of Linda and came to the feast. Zina exchange some moves with her while standing up.

Mark run, she shouted.

Stanley also stood up and it turned out to be Mark. They both impersonated the people they wanted and attended the feast. After Mark has fled, the demon special force member grabbed Zina by the throat and started to strangle her.

Brother tell her to stop she is killing me.

Stop fighting and go after Mark, the people you are looking for are probably hidden by him, he told her.

She immediately stopped and went after Mark. Then Frank looked at his sister and said "we don't know the identity of those two people, the demons are looking for them not even the devil king can stop them. Stop getting involved with them or you get into trouble, he told her in a pleading manner.

In a courtyard somewhere at the far end of the devil clan, Stanley and Linda were sitting around a table facing each other.

Will Mark and Zina be fine? Linda asked

The demons are looking for us, now that we left when they went to the feast in our stead, they will be fine, Stanley assured her. 

Just then the demon lord appeared. When he saw Stanley, he looked surprised.

Bernard, I remember you now. How dare you stand beside my sister? He asked. Let her go with me and it will atone for your sins, the demon lord said.

I do not know what you are talking about but the Phoenix is not something you can covet, Stanley replied.

He nodded in anger and said "after so many years you are still so shameless, do you think I will give up? And immediately he attacked and vital energy surged from both he and Stanley. The clash was powerful enough that it broke the barrier that protected the devil clan from letting outsiders to get inside. Stanley immediately took Linda and fled after the clash had died down. The demon lord seeing this took the formula he exchanged for with his smile and cast it on Stanley's body. But Stanley ignored it first and fled with Cynthia. Then the devil's started screaming "the demons are coming, the demons are coming" and immediately the demon lord left.

After fleeing for a while Stanley felt dizzy and collapsed on the ground.

Teacher, teacher, Linda called out but he didn't answer. She then looked around for a safe place to stay first.

 In the mortal realm, inside the emperor's palace, the emperor was having an audience with the imperial advisor and Emerald.

Please your majesty, I ask that you forgive me for not being able to find out the true phoenix and also failing to find out if the Phoenix was good or evil but God bless Dayu, we have the peahen who can match the Phoenix, he explained. The peahen is the only spirit animal that looks alike the phoenix, so it's easy to confuse them hence I made the mistake, please forgive me your majesty. Robert Emerald, the daughter of minister Robert is the real peahen, only she can match the phoenix. The phoenix and the peahen are connected that's why I made the mistake, please give me the punishment I deserve, he stated. The emperor looked at him and sighed, for a moment he didn't know what to do because he had expected the appearance of the phoenix to be a blessing to his kingdom.

Your majesty how are we to know if she is really the peahen? His concubine who had been having a secret affair with the imperial advisor asked.

Your majesty, Linda called. Sorry for my impudence.

Then she disappeared and appeared right in front of the emperor on the throne. The emperor was shocked and gasped. Th... Thi.. this is.. he stammered. Then Linda took him by the arm and disappeared and appeared inside the immortal Cultivation Academy.

Where am I? He asked.

You are at the Immortal Cultivation Academy.

Just then they heard a cry and looked ahead only to see a woman crying, holding a pot with ashes in it.

My son, my dear son, why? It's all because of that phoenix immediately it appeared evil things began to occur, she said amidst wails.

Some of the students in the academy said "that day the phoenix went crazy and colluded with the demons and started killing people."

The woman is the mother of the student who was a spy but was killed by the demon lord. From the look one would already know that the woman and some of those students have been bribed to spout nonsense. But it was a stage to make the emperor believe the phoenix was evil.

Let's go back to the palace, the emperor said.

 Back at the palace, the emperor said "it's hard to say if the appearance of the phoenix is a good sign"

Your majesty, I Robert Emerald is willing to serve you and help you eliminate evils and demons, Emerald said.

The emperor being impressed agreed.

Good, you are powerful, it's good you are willing to work for me.

Emerald smiled and said "thank you your majesty for acknowledging me." And the emperor nodded affirmative.

Imperial advisor! The emperor called out.

Yes, your majesty, he answered feeling proud of himself.

There was an auspicious sign in front of the immortal bone measuring mirror about the appearance of the phoenix and everyone in Dayu have been talking about it but no one expected the phoenix to be a demon and even colluded with other demons. Keep it a secret, no one should be know about it, he commanded.

Yes your majesty.

Take my order, said the emperor. And immediately everyone knelt down, bowing with their heads on the floor.

Robert Emerald is now the peahen saintess of our kingdom. Only the peahen can protect our country and our people.

Long live your majesty! Everyone proclaimed. Then the imperial advisor looked at Emerald and nodded. 

 At the market place in the mortal world, people were all discussing in groups.

I heard the peahen is the mother of all birds, one person said.

Yes, another replied.

And only it can protect our country and people, so from now we can only rely on Miss Robert Emerald for protection.

And there came a noise as people cleared from the road hurriedly.

It must be lady Robert Emerald coming, let's bow, let's bow and they all knelt down and bowed while she was carried in a carriage and passed the market place. She felt so accomplished as the first step to her revenge has just been done.