
so lucky you came

Veera: is a talented Mafia and also a successful businessman. He is insensitive to all girls and is only interested in men. His heart suddenly opened after a one-night stand with Kasem. Kasem: an accountant who started his own company and ran it. After three years of being rejected by his first love, he still hasn't resumed a new relationship. Since meeting Veera has opened up many new things that have never happened to him The story revolves around the love of Veera and Kasem, despite many obstacles and prejudices, they still find each other among thousands of people.

DaoistKXRJnw · LGBT+
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28 Chs

Chapter 15

After two days, Veera was discharged home. Kasem continued to take care of Veera at home until the wound was completely healed. Before fulfilling her promise to Thany, Veera wants to go to Kasem's house to visit Kasem's parents.

-Kasem: Did you decide to meet your parents for real?

-Veera: So you think I'm joking? For everything about you, I really want to do it.

-Kasem: Then what will you meet as?

-Veera: First, I have to apologize to your father.

Kasem: Why?

-Veera: You must have known about his past, right?

-Kasem: I heard it from my father but it has nothing to do with it.

-Veera: I have to apologize for putting his child in danger, not being able to protect you so well, but still taking you away without a word.

-Kasem: I'm not a kid so you don't have to.

-Veera: I also have to go to the main road to ask you to come back.

-Kasem: What if my parents don't approve?

-Veera: I will convince and prove to them that I am right for you.

-Kasem: How can you be so attractive no matter what you wear?

-Veera: Just me in your eyes is enough.

Three days later, Veera had prepared presents and dressed up. Honestly, every time I see him dressed like that, Kasem's heart flutters. On the way home to meet his parents, Kasem always held Veera's hand tightly. It's not Veera who's tense, but Kasem, Kasem's parents know they don't love their daughter, but Kasem himself understands why he's so nervous, like being caught in the act secretly doing something.

-Veera: Why are you so nervous? (Veera laughs lightly)

-Kasem: Don't laugh anymore, I don't understand why.

-Veera: Have you introduced anyone to your parents before?

-Kasem: Used to be.

-Veera: Is it Han? (Veera turns to face the glass door, one hand on her chin, the other lets go of Kasem's, her voice is low and scary)

Veera's expression scared even Karawek and Lop, who were sitting on top of them, silently watching the rearview mirror. Kasem saw that the atmosphere was starting to become more tense, looking at Karawek and Lop's faces, Kasem knew that although he was honest, he had done something foolish, slowly turned to beg Veera. Kasem tried to hold Veera's hand with one hand, one hand on Veera's thigh moved up and down to soothe. Seeing that it was not good, Kasem put Veera's hand on his leg and moved it the same way he moved on Veera's leg. But Veera's eyes, face, and attitude remained unchanged.

-Lop: How can you control your lust so well today, even when Kasem did it. (Lop moves his lips but doesn't speak)

-Kasem: But it's not the same. Han didn't actively want to meet my parents, I brought him home myself. And he is active. (Kasem feels that the more he talks, the more something is wrong.)

-Veera: So if I don't take the initiative, you're not going to introduce me to your parents, right?

-Kasem: It's not that you didn't bring me back, but you didn't find the right time, I wanted to meet them. Candlestick…

The conversation did not come to an end, but the car stopped at the door of Kasem's parents' house. As soon as they entered the house, they had just time to say hello, and Kasem's father immediately called Veera out to talk privately.

- Kasem's father: Veera, can you go out with me to talk?

- Veera: Okay.

-Kasem: Mom, do you have something to say privately that you don't want me to know?

Kasem's mother: I don't know, ever since I told him he wanted to meet, my father has always been like that.

-Kasem: I have angered Mr. Veera just now, not able to coax him.

Kasem's mother: It's rare that someone sulks you. But what is he angry about?

-Kasem: I was worried that my parents would accept him and blurted out that I had taken Han to meet my parents.

Kasem's mother: His possessiveness is very high, so I don't know if I should give it to him.

-Kasem: Mom… don't make fun of me, I'm still scared.

Kasem's mother: You should be more relaxed.

Meanwhile, Kasem and Veera's dad goes to the rooftop to chat.

-Dad Kasem: Veera, your name in the industry is not that I don't know but it is not safe for my son.

-Veera: Please give Kasem to me, if he loses even a single hair, I will take all the punishment. The previous times I was injured, I also had to say sorry.

-Father Kasem: So what will happen to the two of you, will the two of you withstand the judgment and prejudices of this society.

-Veera: Although the law is not legal for my relationship with Kasem, I only care about the people I consider important what they think of us. I will also protect Kasem so he won't be hurt by those prejudices.

-Kasem's father: Easy to say is difficult, but I temporarily hand Kasem to you, hoping you will prove to me that my son is really happy when he is with you.

-Veera: As long as you believe, I will definitely do the best in my ability. Protect him with your life. The morning light emerges from the ashes, thorns don't worry, I will love her wholeheartedly without hesitation, won't wet your eyelids. Because I'm always watching her.

Kasem couldn't tell what they were talking about, but he could see his father's approval. Although he wanted a daughter-in-law, he put Kasem's happiness first. Veera's face remained the same throughout the meal, making Kasem both confused and awkward.

Kasem's mother: Is the dish to your taste, Veera.

-Veera: The food is delicious.

Kasem's mother: Ukm, I heard you have a flower farm?

-Kasem: That place is very beautiful, I'm sure mom will love it.

Kasem's mother: The landlord hasn't allowed you to be so quick, Kasem.

-Veera: It's nothing, Kasem manages the place so she has the right. If you don't mind, I'll take you and Kasem there someday to rest.

- Kasem's father: Then trouble you for a meal.

-Veera: Yes.

- Kasem's mother: Will you two stay tonight?

-Veera: I have work in the afternoon, so I will move, and Kasem can stay with my parents.

- Kasem's mother: Then another time is fine. You two go ahead and eat. (Kasem's mother responds quickly when she sees her son's expression)

After lunch, Veera took Kasem home and took care of the business. Kasem was more confused by Veera's sulking, in his heart he was afraid whether Veera would return tonight or not. Kasem waited until evening as soon as he heard Veera's car, Kasem ran down but Veera moved into the office leaving Kasem helpless. When he saw Karawek leave the room, Kasem approached to ask.

Kasem: What is your boss doing?

-Karawek: The boss just finished the work, now just reviewing the documents. You can go inside.

-Kasem: Did he have time to eat?

-Karawek: Not yet.

-Kasem: Okay, you go eat first then rest.

Kasem entered the room only to see Veera looking outside through the glass door, holding a glass of wine in his hand. Kasem approached and hugged Veera from behind.

Kasem: You haven't eaten yet, why have you been drinking? Be careful of that stomachache, I'll bring food in for you to eat first.

-Kasem: Can you answer me, are you still angry with me about this morning?

At all of Kasem's questions, Veera remained silent, her face still cold. Kasem didn't feel well at all, risking his own initiative tonight. Kasem mustered the courage to move from behind to stand in front of Veera, one hand still holding Veera, the other hand slowly unbuttoning Veera's shirt. Kasem moved closer to her shirt to reveal Veera's chest, Kasem kissed her chest then neck, put one arm around her neck and the other flirted on Veera's chest. Kasem pulled Veera closer and kissed Veera.

-Kasem: I was so proactive, but you still didn't shake, still didn't forgive me. So what should I do?

-Veera: Are you sure you want to work here? Rarely do you take such initiative, how can I hold back. I'm not mad at you, I'm angry at myself.

Kasem: Why?

Veera pushed Kasem gently onto the sofa, kissed her on the lips and buried her face in Kasem's neck, one hand propped on the chair, the other tucked inside Kasem's shirt. Kasem let Veera's hand do whatever he wanted, Veera's breath on his ear made Kasem feel his body heat up.

-Veera: Angry that I couldn't see you sooner. I won't let you suffer for so long.

Kasem smiled sweetly and kissed Veera lightly on the cheek.

-Kasem: What if I met you earlier and didn't love you like now. I believe every meeting has its right reason and time.

I never thought I'd see you soon, but I begged you not to leave me when I was in love with you like this. Is it possible?

-Veera: What will I promise, I just act to prove it to you. But it's not that I always come to you to do this, but I want to do everything for you to make you happy.

As soon as he finished speaking, Veera carried Kasem from the office to the bedroom and "serve" a long night.