
so lucky you came

Veera: is a talented Mafia and also a successful businessman. He is insensitive to all girls and is only interested in men. His heart suddenly opened after a one-night stand with Kasem. Kasem: an accountant who started his own company and ran it. After three years of being rejected by his first love, he still hasn't resumed a new relationship. Since meeting Veera has opened up many new things that have never happened to him The story revolves around the love of Veera and Kasem, despite many obstacles and prejudices, they still find each other among thousands of people.

DaoistKXRJnw · LGBT+
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28 Chs

Chapter 16:

Ever since the Kasem family's meal with Veera, their lives weren't as chaotic as before. Is the meeting like a promise to ensure the happiness of Veera and Kasem. Kasem still comes to the company every day to solve work with colleagues, in addition, Kasem is still worried about Veera's health because Veera's work seems to be busier than ever. So Kasaem spends two days working from home a week to prepare meals for Veera to bring to the company. On the other hand, on nights when Veera doesn't come home from work at the bar or warehouse, Kasem will prepare snacks and drinks to bring to the bar where Veera works. Veera was busy with company paperwork and unfinished business before being hospitalized. Besides, the farm's work also started to go into production, so Kasem could only support a part at the beginning.

That night, after dinner, Veera returned to his home office, and Kasem asked Atid to watch a movie before going to his bedroom.

-Kasem: Atid, is your homework done yet?

- Atid: Now, I've done it all. Is there anything you want me to do, Mr. Kasem?

-Kasem: No, I just thought it was early so I wanted to invite you to the movies with me. Is it convenient for you or do you need to rest early?

-Atid: I haven't watched the movie for a long time, so I want to watch it too. Would you like to see a movie, Mr. Kasem?

-Kasem: I haven't thought of it either, does Atid have any suggestions?

-Atid: Actually, I see that you guys talk a lot about the movie "Rogue Genius", so I'm very curious about the content of the movie. Brother Kasem, watch it with me, okay?

-Kasem: Ah, okay. So let's watch it, before we go to bed.

Kasem and Atid seem to be absorbed in the movie, and from time to time, they utter a few words of surprise and praise for the film. The movie they watched was about "Lynn was a girl who studied well. During the midterm exam, Lynn showed her best friend Grace a successful exam. Knowing the story, Pat, Grace's boyfriend, asked her to remind her. reminding the rich children in exams in exchange for a large amount of money, however, the girl's recklessness grows when she devises a "huge" plan to cheat on the STIC international gifted exam, In order to help her wealthy friends get good grades and bring home millions of baht, she is forced to ask for the help of Bank, a poor student who owns money. super memory but righteous and like to "tell." The chain of trouble begins here." At the end of the movie, Kasem and Atid discussed the movie together for a bit. Because Kasem didn't want these kinds of movies. affect Atid's thinking or development is erroneous.

-Kasem: Atid, what do you think about this movie?

-Atid: Brother, they're really good! I wish I was as good as them. (Atid said in excitement)

-Kasem: If you were as good as them, would you act like them? (Kasem said in a slightly worried voice, not sure if the movie will affect Atid's thinking and way of thinking.)

-Atid: Kasem keeps joking with me, if I'm as good as them, I can't do it. Everything we do is visible and regulated by law, so I won't do that. (Atid continues to answer innocently)

-Kasme: Yes, everything we do must comply with laws and regulations. But I think our Atid is also very good so please work hard. (Kasem said while letting out a sigh of relief)

-Atid: Thank you for cheering me on. So what do you want to do next?

-Kasem: I didn't notice the time, it's too late, you should go to bed early, you still have school tomorrow. Sleeping too late is not good for growth at your age.

- Atid: Yes, Mr. Kasem good night. See you tomorrow.

-Kasem: Karawek brought him back to the bedroom for me.

-Karawek: Yes, Mr. Kasem. Let's go, Atid.

After Karawek took Atid to his room, Kasem also went back to his bedroom. Just as Kasem was about to go to bed, suddenly the phone rang, the name on the screen was Han.

-Kasem: What's wrong Han, is there a problem?

-Han: Thank you Kasem for still answering my phone. I just want to see you, okay? It's been a long time since you answered my phone

-Kasem: It's just that after that night, I still don't know what happened so I'm not ready to answer your phone but I'm better now. I dont know. I don't want to both reconcile with him and continue to misunderstand him. (Kasem answers while still full of doubt)

-Han: Kasem, I just wanted to say sorry and see you before going abroad to study.

-Kasem: Then will you tell me everything about that day? (Kasem was both skeptical and surprised at Han's decision.)

-Han: Okay, so Veera, didn't he tell you? See you tomorrow, Kasem. (Han smiles lightly in response)

-Kasem: Same place, at 8 o'clock.

She hung up the phone, but Kasem's heart was still filled with worry about whether this was another trap, not knowing whether to tell Veera or not. Veera's entry stopped Kasem's thoughts. Veera approached and kissed Kasem lightly on the forehead

-Veera: Why haven't you slept yet? Or are you still waiting for me? What am I thinking about?

Before Kasem could answer, Veera pushed Kasem onto the bed, kissing Kasem's neck and lips. One arm Veera wrapped around Kasem's waist, the other hand unbuttoned Kasem's shirt like a familiar action every night when Veera was with Kasem. Kasem couldn't seem to resist the movements, but the date with Han made Kasem restrain his lust, gently pushing Veera aside, gently refusing. It's not that Kasem doesn't want to but there is something more important that Kasem needs to say before doing it.

-Kasem: Mr. Veera, can I talk for a bit? I don't want to spoil your interest, but it's pretty important.

-Veera: What's wrong?

-Kasem: I… I… (Kasem confused)

-Veera: If you don't want to, I can stop. (Veera said while looking a bit lost)

-Kasem: Veera don't misunderstand me, it's not that I don't want to. I just wanted to say that I will see Han tomorrow. I need to see him to solve some problems.

Veera said nothing but just looked at Kasem with cold eyes.

-Kasem: I will be careful, absolutely nothing will happen like that night, absolutely will not disappoint you. (Kasem said scared as if about to cry)

Kasem suddenly felt fear in Veera's eyes, afraid of what he thought would happen again and Kasem would lose Veera again. The more Veera didn't speak, the more confused Kasem became as to what to do or how to proceed. Kasem once fell into a situation where he didn't want to lose someone, so he loved Veera, and Kasem was even more afraid of losing Veera.

-Kasem: Veera, I can tell you. I hate this atmosphere and fear your silence.

-Veera: Kasem, promise me, I will protect myself well, absolutely no problem. I don't care what you say to him but don't make me jealous of him again. (Veera said while burying her face in Kasem's shoulder)

-Kasem: I will definitely protect myself for myself. Thank you for understanding me. Thank you for agreeing to let me meet Han. (Kasem puts his arm around Veera, cheerful voice returns.) But were you really jealous?

-Veera: So you want to see that? If you want I can.

-Kasem: No, that makes me uncomfortable and seems to have lost you.

-Veera: I'm as scared of losing you as you are of losing me, maybe even more.

When the atmosphere was so quiet that they could hear each other's heartbeat and breathing, the two became one. Every movement, kiss mark clearly shows the sovereignty and hidden jealousy inside Veera left on Kasem's body. Kasem did not feel fear or hatred but instead accepted them spontaneously as if he was used to it and it was obvious. However, Veera was also not someone who didn't know why, so the places were easy to open, Veera wouldn't leave a trace even if Kasem agreed.

The next morning as scheduled, Kasem came and ordered his usual drink and waited for Han to arrive. When he reached the door, Han paused for a moment as if thinking, considering something before stepping inside.

-Han: I still like to drink cappuccino like before. Luckily, he accepted to come see me. And it's lucky that Veera didn't come here with you

-Kasem: I promised, I will definitely come. Order a drink and then slowly tell me what happened that day and why you did it. This is my last chance for you, don't lose our friendship while I'm giving you one.

-Han: Okay, since when did you become so serious. Indeed, love can change people the way Veera can change you.

After ordering drinks and introduction greetings. Han started telling the story to Kasem.

-Han: Kasem remember the class reunion party?

-Kasme: Of course I remember, it's been a long time since we met like that. But why do you mention that day, what happened after that day?

-Han: Yes, when you chose challenge but received punishment and I chose truth and also received punishment, Min had doubts about our relationship before. Min doesn't like people with gender differences, so we've been arguing non-stop ever since. Until the day I drank a lot, the bar called him because we just broke up. I was too sad when she left me so I didn't think much and just went for a drink. At the bar, I met Manee.

-Kasem: I also guessed from Min's eyes that day and the hotel meeting when she came to ask me.

Time goes back to the day Han was drinking and Kasem came to pick him up.

-Manee: See anyone sitting here drinking? Disappointed huh! What made you like this? (Manee said mockingly)

-Han: I have nothing to do with you anyway, do you have any other plans? I believe it is not coincidental that I would meet you here like that. I don't want to join you anymore. I don't want to hurt Kasem like that once.

-Manee: Do you still feel sorry for him? Ask yourself if you consider him a friend or still have feelings for him. If you still have feelings for him, I will help make him yours again.

-Han: How? (Answers are given without pausing for a second to think)

-Manee: You have quick answers. You just need to help me get pictures between you and Kasem as proof that he doesn't have feelings for Veera. When Veera no longer cares about him, Kasem will be yours and Veera will be mine.

-Han: Why Veera? Since when did they know each other, why didn't I see what Kasem said. Kasem is not suitable for Veera and Kasem does not like people in that world.

-Manee: Just do as I say, don't ask too much. There were many things he didn't know, even understand, about Veera or even Kasem.

Back to the cafe:

-Han: So while I was a bit drunk, I gave your phone number to the staff and told them to call. After you arrived, I felt confused and scared so I gave you some anesthetic. However, when I saw Veera's bodyguard beside you, I was a little worried that the plan wouldn't work out as planned. Fortunately, I am very surprised by your actions and the bodyguard's obedience to you. That made the plan go as expected smoothly.

-Kasem: How can you take advantage of my kindness like that.

-Han: While I was weak, I thought I really regretted that day I decided to refuse your love. Except you, no one can stand me and I feel like being with you more. So when I heard Manee's plan, I immediately accepted without thinking about your feelings.

-Kasem: Tell me more, what happened after that?

-Han: After you fainted, he opened the door for Manee to come in, taking pictures of you and me on the bed while doing intimate movements. Besides, I make sure not to do anything more, because even if I wanted to, it wouldn't be in time.

-Kasem: Can you still say that? Haven't you always rejected me before? But who saved me?

-Han: I don't know how that day the bodyguard who was with you ran up to bang on the door of the room, threatening to break the door if it didn't open. So I rushed to help Manee hide and open the door. Seeing you and me like that, he quickly punched me, then dressed you properly and took it away.

-Kasem: Lop? Yet he remained silent as if he did not know what had happened.

-Han: I regret doing it to you according to Manee's plan. I'm really sorry, after that day I tried to contact you but you always didn't answer the phone, not even reply to my messages. So I can only wait until you are ready. Dad decided to let me go abroad to work and study more so decided to call you back. If I don't meet, I'm really upset that I can't say sorry for that stupid act.

-Kasem: Okay, I can accept that apology. Hope your future career will be better. I hope there won't be any unresolved problems between us. Meeting Veera, he made me completely forget what it feels like to be with you and me to be myself.

-Han: But... If one day, Veera leaves you, don't forget me. I am ready to wait.

-Kasem: No, I will reuse my discarded items (Kasem joked)

-Han: Actually, Veera came looking for me right after that day. He warned me not to touch you and I had to pay for what I did. I was quite surprised at Veera's composure knowing of our previous relationship.

-Kasem: Did he come to see you? Maybe I'm not worth his attention.

-Han: Veera really respects you that's why he did that. Maybe everyone has a past that needs to be forgotten, so instead of us taking it as an excuse, let's learn to forgive.

-Kasem: Yes, forgiving them is also forgiving ourselves and helping us to grow up. Thanks for your honesty.

The meeting helped clear Kasem's doubts about that day. Kasem joked and chatted for a while before saying goodbye to his friend.

Back in the car, Kasem's gaze on Lop made Lop both embarrassed and scared.

-Lop: Mr. Kasem, what's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that? (Lop asked worriedly seeing Kasem's angry face in the rearview mirror)

-Kasem: Why didn't you tell me the truth that day about what happened when you knew it all?

-Lop: Mr. Kasem, don't be mad at me, I really don't want to hide it from you, but my boss told me not to tell so I can't disobey orders. If you are fierce, your boss will also be fierce. I'm stuck in the middle and can't do anything else. I would die with my boss if I let you know what happened that day.

-Kasem: Then why did you decide to run up to me that day?

-Lop: I saw you for a long time that day and didn't come back, and I didn't mean to bother you because you told me that you would deal with it yourself. But I saw Miss Manee and felt something was wrong. The time he was arrested in the hotel project party, was also when Miss Manee and Han shook hands to plan a plan to distract the boss. So I have a bad feeling. Even so, I think the boss warned her, she probably won't touch you again. Waited fifteen minutes, still no movement from him, so this time I have to go up no matter how he scolds. Then you probably already know.

-Kasem: Ukm… Thank you, Lop. Because you always protect me. But there won't be a next time.

-Lop: Okay, Mr. Kasem. The boss has put your safety in my hands so I really dare not let it go. (Lop replies in joy)

The car sped along the road until someone stopped. They attacked Kasem's car, their men were countless, Lop alone could not resist, just watching Kasem being taken away like that. They left Lop alone after a few brutal blows. Lop hastily reported the news.

-Lop: I'm really sorry boss for not being able to protect Mr. Kasem safely.

-Veera: It doesn't matter, how can you fight alone. Quickly find out who did it.

Before Veera could investigate, Danel himself sent a provocative video.

-Danel: Do you recognize this person, Veera? You will save your best friend or lover! Whoever you are, trade the hotel ownership for me. Remember you can only come, if I find out that you have people with you, I will not guarantee their lives. See you at the address I sent you. If not, wait for their bodies to be received.

Not letting Veera cool off his anger at touching his body, immediately followed by Khan's phone call as another warning.

-Khan: This time you were negligent. You have never let me down, but why are you so negligent this time? Are you weak-hearted?

-Veera: I will handle it quickly without bothering you to move your hands and feet. After the handling is done, I will personally go to you to receive the punishment.

-Khan: Solve it, then let's talk. I look forward to hearing the results from you.

Ending the call, Veera arranged what Danel needed and went to rescue Kasem and Manee. Both Nahm and Atid are worried, they pray for Kasem's safe return.

-Danel: The papers I need, where do you keep them? Do you still want your people back? But you're also brave to come alone, that's a compliment I give you and I appreciate it.

-Veera: How should I react to that statement. Where they are, I have to see them safe first.

-Danel: Bring them out for him to see.

-Veera: Here are the papers you need. With one hand I deliver, but with the other I need to receive my people.

-Danel: In my territory, you dare to set conditions. Alright, I can do as you please

While Veera and Danel delivered their belongings and people, it was only when Veera was sure that Veera was holding Kasem's hand that Veera's people outside started firing warning shots and fighting each other. Veera attacked Danel's bodyguards at the side, snatching his guns and shooting down those farther away. Veera doesn't trust anyone to protect Kasem, so Veera always pulls Kasem with him, entrusting Manee to his juniors to protect. The gunfight and kickback ended when the boss Danel was shot down. Kasem doesn't know if the inside of the package is actually a transfer paper, but Kasem chooses to trust Veera.

-Veera: Kasem, you don't hurt right? Sorry again I'm late.

-Kasem: As long as you come, I will wait even if it's late. So, is Miss Manee all right?

-Veera: Rui, where's Manee? Is everything all right?

-Rui: She's with Kit, she's fine. Her mental state was a bit off from being locked up by her cousin, everything else was fine.

-Veera: Okay, bring Manee back. I'll bring Kasem back. Please inform Mr. Suwannarat about her condition for the doctor to check.

-Rui: Yes, sir.

-Veera: Please clean this place up, let others know this is a warning if they do the same thing.

Returning, Veera informs Aunt Nahm and Atid that Kasem is safe and takes Kasem up to her room. Veera asks Aunt Nahm to prepare dinner and he will bring it to Kasem's room.

-Veera: If you're scared, tell me, I'll be with you.

-Kasem: Where would you go if i don't afraid?

-Veera: This time I have to go to France to meet Khan. I was negligent so I met him to pay the penalty.

-Kasem: Can I go with you? If I hadn't become your weak point, you wouldn't have made you so negligent. What will be the penalty? is it serious?

-Veera: No need for Kasem. I can go alone. I haven't let that happen before so I can't predict what Khan will do. After this, I definitely want to leave the industry. I don't want you to go through the same thing.

-Kasem: Okay, I just hope you get out of the industry soon so you don't have to put yourself in danger. Today when the gunfire broke out, I was only afraid that the person who got hurt was you. At that time, I didn't take care of myself, I only cared about you. I don't want to see you in the hospital because of the bullets.

Veera: If you want me to take care of you, you have to take care of yourself. Among millions of people passing by, we accidentally found each other, so there is no specific number I want to keep you with me for the rest of my life.

Veera stayed for a day or two with Kasem to stabilize Kasem's spirit and then boarded a plane to France to meet Khan as scheduled.