
so lucky you came

Veera: is a talented Mafia and also a successful businessman. He is insensitive to all girls and is only interested in men. His heart suddenly opened after a one-night stand with Kasem. Kasem: an accountant who started his own company and ran it. After three years of being rejected by his first love, he still hasn't resumed a new relationship. Since meeting Veera has opened up many new things that have never happened to him The story revolves around the love of Veera and Kasem, despite many obstacles and prejudices, they still find each other among thousands of people.

DaoistKXRJnw · LGBT+
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28 Chs

Chapter 14

Sitting in the car Kasem still couldn't believe what had just happened. Kasem's heart became confused, the feeling of anxiety was strange. Kasem didn't know where these feelings were coming from either.

-Kasem: Who are you? Why did you come to pick me up? It was really my father who told you to come.

-Gus: Mr. Kasem, you don't have to worry too much. We follow the orders of Lord Ritthirong. For the rest, ask him. I will not harm you at all.

Meanwhile Kasem returned home, rushed to hug his parents. Kasem's mother patted Kasem and took Kasem back to his room to rest.

-Kasem: Mom, where's dad?

Kasem's mother: I'm talking to some people downstairs. Just let me rest.

-Kasem: Who are they, why do you know them? It won't be what I thought it would be.

-Mother Kasem: We will tell you this story later, you are tired now, so go to sleep first. We'll talk more in the afternoon.

Kasem pushed all his tech stuff aside, turned off his phone, and went back to sleep. When Kasem woke up, it was already dusk, and Kasem went downstairs to have dinner with his parents. During the meal, Kasem's parents told Kasem about their secret and how he left the industry.

-Kasem: Dad, how are things?

Kasem's father: Do you have a fever, eat a lot, you have lost a lot of weight.

-Kasem: Dad, don't change the subject.

-Father Kasem: So what is the relationship between you and Veera?

-Kasem: I will tell after you finish telling my story.

- Kasem's father: It's nothing. When my father was young, he saw that the job was also good, so he learned to do it, and then when he did it, he saw many things that were not what we thought. Gradually, I also wanted to withdraw from there, what I did not expect was that the family needed a large amount of money to treat your grandmother's illness. So I continued to work to earn money until I met your mother. Dad thought that if he continued, his small family would still be in danger from the enemies around. So the three decided to leave the world and start a business from scratch. As time goes by, the name also fades, so now few people know that his father used to be the Mafia.

-Kasem: Then how can you ask someone to come pick you up this morning?

-Kasem's father: They used to work for me, even though I didn't work with them later, but when I needed help, they were still willing to help. The people in this profession, even though they are cold-blooded, are brothers and sisters.

-Kasem: I see that, no wonder Veera's juniors too.

Kasem's father: Although he is no longer in the industry, there are some things he still knows. Veera is also a pretty prominent name in the industry. His way of working is also a bit different, not too cruel but also leaving no trace when dealing or handling someone.

Kasem's mother: Kasem, what is your relationship with him?

-Kasem: I… You can consider him as my beloved.

-Dad Kasem: When you love someone, they will do everything for you. So I still repeat that saying, if that person doesn't love you, when you come home, your parents will always welcome you.

-Kasem: I know your parents always respect my decision. This relationship is the same, I need more time to think.

Kasem's mother: Loving someone who is still in the world, you must know it will be very dangerous, especially someone with a reputation like him.

Kasem: I don't know either, but I feel like he's always protecting me except this time...

Kasem's mother: I just met him! There will be many challenges to prove whether he really loves you as you think or not. Now I need to rest more.

Parents are Kasem's safety and give Kasem peace and advice to heal his broken heart.

-Kasem's father: This time you stay here with us until it gets better.

Kasem: You've made my parents worry again.

-Dad Kasem: These days, I went to plant trees with my father, don't go on social media to read the news a lot, let yourself relax. Dad told the kids at the company, if there's anything, they can go directly to the house to solve it.

-Kasem: Dad, the children's work is hard. Now I don't go to the company but force the kids to bring it here.

- Kasem's father: So you did it wrong. (Kasem's father said jokingly)

Kasem: Dad...

Two days have passed, and Kasem feels isolated from the outside world because he did what his father told him to do. These days, even though he wasn't bothered by Veera, Kasem remembered that feeling. There was a time when Kasem unconsciously picked up the phone to call, but the other end just rang but no one picked up the phone. The feeling of disappointment made Kasem unable to understand "how can I miss you so much." Downstairs, Kasem heard a commotion. Moving from his room downstairs, he saw Kasem's younger brothers standing below with large and small documents. Their faces changed from worried to happy

-Lya: Is Kasem getting better? We are here to visit you.

-Diny: We brought work, do you mind resting?

-Gin: I tried to stop it but people told me to bring it or else there would be too much backlog. If you are tired, talk to us for a while and then rest again.

-Kasem: Okay, I'm much better now. I've been lying down a lot, I think I need to move. Bring the documents to your room, we'll do it together.

-Ken: What happened, why didn't you tell us?

-Sam: I also switched off the phone so we couldn't contact.

-Kasem: Oh, I forgot to turn on the phone. I'm really sorry guys. I'm fine too, don't worry.

-Diny: I still don't feel well, so we better bring the documents back.

-Kasem: Okay, I acknowledge your hearts. You guys have worked hard to bring documents here, isn't it a waste to bring them back? Let's do it together and then stay for lunch with my family this afternoon.

Just like that, work together until noon, then have a meal together. Kasem asks the children to stay for a while because Kasem is bored at home and wants to have friends over to chat.

-Ken: We feel more secure seeing you like that.

-Diny: Don't leave us anymore. Come to the company for fun.

-Kasem: Ukm, in a day or two I will come to work with everyone. So is there any other problem at the company?

-Lya: Everything is still going normally, we can handle the small changes by ourselves.

-Kasme: Oh that's right! The contract with that hotel, is about to be announced soon, right? So it's almost over. (Kasem said in a slightly sad voice)

-Ken: The hotel has been announced to belong to someone, so the audit contract is over, they have already paid us.

-Kasem: Who owns it?

-Sam: But does Kasem know... (The words didn't end, Gin quickly covered Sam's mouth, causing the unspoken words to be swallowed quickly)

Kasem: What's wrong? Is there a problem with that contract or the owner of the hotel?

-Ken: It's nothing, because without you, we'd be heartbroken. But there's no problem with the contract.

-Lya: It's more successful than expected.

Sam: I mean so.

-Kasem: Didn't trick you?

- Diny: Really. You're a little suspicious of us these days.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, everyone was waiting to see who came in, Kasem's mother opened the door.

- Kasem's mother: Tan, it's been a long time since I've been there. Looking for Kasem?

-Tan: Yes, I went to the apartment but didn't see it, so I guess he's at his aunt's house.

- Kasem's mother: Kasem has been here for two or three meals. The kids go home.

Kasem's mother: Kasem, Tan came to visit you.

-Kasem: Why didn't you call first?

-Tan: So did you turn on the phone?

-Thany: Do you still miss me, Kasem?

-Kasem: Are you back? (Kasem ran to hug Thany, it's been a long time since Kasem saw her again)

-Tan: The earth is so small, so we all know each other.

-New: We won't bother you, right?

-Kasem: No, the more people the merrier. What do you bring to that?

-New: We heard you were sick, so we brought some fruit. Are you better?

-Kasem: Thanks New, you're much better now.

-Tan: If so, do you want to go to the basketball court?

-Kasem: It's been a while since we played, so let's go. Wait for me to pick up my stuff.

-Tan: You haven't told him about Veera yet, have you?

-Lya: I'm afraid Kasem is sad again, so I don't dare to say.

Gin: Who is this girl?

-Tan: This is Thany, Veera's sister.

-Ken: They don't look alike.

-Thany: Of course, Veera and I are both orphans, it's just that Veera always takes me along and allows me to be his sister.

-Diny: Then we'll apologize, for saying that.

-Thany: It's okay, I don't mind that.

Walked around a bit, asked each other, and then everyone went to the basketball court together. Only the boys were out on the field together and the girls were outside cheering. If this was a real match, the girls' screams would add a lot of strength to win. After two rounds, they also seemed to be tired and sweaty.

-Thany: Please rest your hands and drink water first.

-Kasem: It's been a while since I've played, so it's a bit tiring. But the feeling of touching the ball is over.

-Tan: You're still the same, no one wins the ball. Should we organize to play together, it will be very healthy.

-Ken: You should have organized such sports activities for us.

Gin: I'm so free. Aren't you afraid of not having enough time for your lover?

Sam: Can't you see that Gin's face is about to faint.

Thany gestured to Tan to inquire when Kasem's morale was much better.

-Tan: Hey Kasem, there's a question I want to ask you. Do you know your boss right?

-Kasem: Boss? The person who helped you when you were in college. I've only heard you mention it, but I've never heard you mention that person's name before.

-Tan: Right! My boss is Veera.

-New: I don't know if Mr. Kasem is really the lover of Mr. Tan's boss.

-Thany: Mr. Kasem, Mr. Veera is also my brother.

-Kasem: How is it possible, Mr. Veera is an orphan.

-Thany: Veera and I grew up together in an orphanage, I was bullied a lot but was protected by Mr. Veera. Until Veera was adopted by Mr. Khan, Veera still took her with him. Mr. Khan is Veera's guide and mentor, so Mr. Veera is very indebted to Mr. Khan.

-Kasem: So why do people mention him?

-Lya: The winner of this project is Mr. Veera. The newspaper also reported that there was chaos that day and that several people were injured. However, I don't know who was injured and what made them so upset.

-Ken: So we thought you were there, so we wanted to ask you. Fortunately, his father called to let him know he was safe.

-Kasem: That day, I was angry with Mr. Veera, then he directly sent someone to bring him back so he didn't know. In the end what happened? (Kasem is also starting to worry, he just hopes what he thinks won't happen)

-Tan: During the party that day, there was a shootout after they announced the hotel owner and boss who had been shot and seriously injured were still in the hospital.

-Kasem: Why…? Anyone else injured? (Kasem's face starts to turn pale)

-Sam: I was going to say it, but I was afraid that you would be sad so I didn't mention it further.

-Thany: There were Mr. Karawek and Mr. Rui, so they were also injured but not seriously, they returned to work the next day.

-Kasem: Then wait for me to come back and change, then let's go to the hospital together.

Kasem, three souls and seven astral beings, hurriedly prepared and went to the hospital.

-New: Mr. Kasem still worries a lot about Mr. Veera.

-Thany: Well, even if your brother was shot, it's worth it.

-Tan: Thany, don't talk like that boss. He followed his boss for a few years but understood enough, the boss did not worry about anyone so much.

-Diny: So do you need any help?

-Thany: With Kasem's attitude, we don't have to do anything.

Feeling now that Kasem is only worried about Veera, all the frustration that Kasem suffered from Veera has disappeared. Sitting in the car, Kasem clenched his fists or clasped his hands together just hoping for Veera's peace.

-Tan: Kasem, calm down. The boss is out of danger.

-Thany: That's right, my brother is awake. Don't squeeze your hand like that.

-Kasem: I felt uneasy that day, now I won't be calm if I don't see it with my own eyes.

When he gets there, Kasem always mutters that it's okay, Veera will be fine. Opening the door to the room, Kasem found him lying still on the bed. For some reason, Kasem couldn't hold back the tears, pouring out like a baby. No one entered the ward with Kasme, they left Kasem alone with Veera. Veera was awakened by a cry. Kasem slowly approached him.

-Kasem: Mr. Veera, are you really okay?…

-Veera: Kasem, why are you here? I was okay.

-Kasem: Be careful of the wound. If you're tired you don't need to get up.

-Veera: You seem to worry about me a lot? Honestly, I don't care about you and Han, and I have no doubt you betrayed me. Merely…

-Kasem: Everything is over, it's all my thinking. Let me help you up.

-Veera: Kasem, I tell the truth, I don't want you to leave me, I want to keep you with me forever.

-Kasem: How long will you have to stay in the hospital?

-Veera: In three days I can leave the hospital and go home to recuperate.

-Kasem: Then I will go to the hospital to take care of you, you have to follow the doctor's instructions. That was way too dangerous.

-Thany: You have a brother-in-law, don't you? Finally someone can take care of my brother. But, when Veera comes home, I won't take care of you.

-Veera: I can take care of myself, such injuries are not unheard of.

-Kasem: It's not the first time you've been injured like this. Could you value your life more? (Kasem said in a reproachful voice)

-Thany: The roof is wrong to say forbidden.

-Kasem: Thany... but even if he comes home, I'll take care of him.

-Veera: It's also your house. Why say so?

-Kasem: Nothing.

-Thany: Then wait for my brother to get better, can we go to Phuket? I want to go to the beach.

-Kasem: Okay, let's wait for him to get well.

When Veera was hospitalized for treatment, Kasem was always on duty by his side, even if someone came to replace Kasem, he did not move. Seeing Kasem like that, even though Veera felt pity in her heart, she felt happy because someone was always by her side to worry and take care of her like that. No longer have to take care of yourself or overcome the unhappy and anxious things in life alone because Kasem is always ready to listen and encourage Veera.