
So Like, Im Speedster Now. Right?

Guy gets struck by lighting for the third time time. But instead of the excruciating pain he expected, he was now no longer where he once was. In a universe so similar yet dissimilar, how is Kain Jackson, now Barry Allen, meant to survive? Oh, and better yet, he doesn't read fictional stories or watch movies often, so he doesn't have dependable meta knowledge! What does fate have in store for our protagonist? ~~~~~~~~~~~ All right. first and foremost no Harem. That's concrete. Hmm, let's see. I'm not adverse to at the very least trying romance. But I've never tried it. No cheats, I barely remember CW's flash's plot, so it's mostly memories and whatever the hell I want it to be. But if you have any recs, or any flash villains you like, let me know and I'll see if I can include them. Mc won't be held back. If he has speed thoughts, he will use it. He will not have one hit wonder feats. If they appear, they'll likely continue to appear. I recently saw a clip where the flash phased a damn explosion and it hurt no one. So that inspired me. And I watched this one guy rant about how bad flash is a year ago, so yeah, I understand the short comings of flash from a fan's point of view, so let me know if you have any ideas. I barely know or care about DC to be honest, I just love The Flash.

WarlordJalen · Movies
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A New Look On Life.

I'm probably going to edit this chapter later since I can definitely make it better. This is basically a rough draft. I'll post like 5k more words later. I hope.

Now, eat up your 1.6k word meal!


"Tch, Motherfucker." Was Kain's first swear word of the day. His wounds from when he was struck by lightning were beginning to flare up. They hurt pretty bad, he still gets phantom pain from the thought.

Make no mistake, he's not irrationally afraid of lightning, his wounds just ache sometimes. Surprising that he's not traumatized, to be honest. He was struck by lightning twice in his two decades of life.

Kain Jackson, an olive-skinned, twenty-one years old male with neck-length brown hair and plain brown eyes, with a nice facial structure. He made plain looks look beautiful. Before he was struck by lightning that is. Now? He just looked like a Lovecraftian mistake. His scars stretched across his face and held his beauty captive with no intention of ever returning it.

Kain stretched his muscles and prepared for his day. He had refused to let a freak accident make him become less of himself. His will was incredible.

"Alright, I've got this. Let's fucking go, the faster I get a job, the faster I can move out of my mom's house!" He hyped himself up. That's right, he was job hunting.

He was nineteen years old when he was first struck by lightning. The most he had worked was part-time jobs in his free time after classes, and he didn't save up the small amount of money from that and instead spent it for comfort. The skies fell upon him and ruined that.

And so, when he was struck by lightning and hospitalized, he was forced to end his studies early and move back in with his mom. It took him months to begin to walk again. And that's not to take away from his other health problems. The bolt of lightning did some serious damage, he temporarily forgot who his siblings were, he often has seizures, and he found it hard to focus. Eventually, he got over the amnesia and lack of focus.

He got his muscles working again, and he went back into the world, scarred from the lighting and down, but not out.

And boom, two months later, he's struck by lightning once again. This second round of lightning brought up old health problems and made new ones. His seizures were now more severe, from simple bouts of stiffening to full-blown clonic seizures. His ear drums were significantly damaged, and this nearly deafened him, also causing him to lose his sense of balance if he got up without preparation, his skin was thoroughly charred and scarred, and he often found it hard to even move in the mornings.

And even still he couldn't give up, he wouldn't allow him to simply be taken care of. Not because of some stupid belief in the fact that he was a man and because of the presence of his dick which decreed that he was obliged to die for any stray woman or be strong. No, it was because he hated his mom.

As simple as that. She was stuck in the 1900s. She couldn't adapt to the new century. She was basically a Karen. And she made his life hell, always spouting bullshit about how he should be a man and other such a nonsense.

But that didn't matter to him now, it was many months after his second confrontation with lightning. He had to get a job and become self-sufficient now that he was able to. He had looked around and found that Walmart would be fine with him working there as a cashier. A lucky break.

'I've got this. Lightning isn't enough to stop me, mamba mentality and all of that. I'll read lips like a master, get a nice girlfriend, and hopefully basically live off of her once I work long enough to retire. It's like eight years, right? Wouldn't it have to be a full-time job for that? Shit. I'll figure this out once I get my first few checks in.' Was what was going through Kain's mind as he made his way out of the door. The lightning set him back a lot, but it wouldn't stop him. When he nearly lost his hearing he learned ASL.

When his skin was scarred and ugly, he just wore skin-covering clothes. Not because he was embarrassed, but to get a job. He was basically living in poverty for most of his life. Why? Because his mom didn't deserve to have children so he she didn't give him a dime more did he ask for one, a terrible mom. If Kain had the Mamba's mentality, then she had the Spartan's mentality. Toughest love possible. It definitely made him tougher, he'll give her credit any day. But all in all, a terrible parent.

Kain made his way out of the door and silently closed it. He missed driving vehicles, but he'd be a danger to himself and everyone else with his current disabilities. And so he walked on his burning legs.

"Damnit. Last time I'll do leg day before I go job hunting." Is what Kain said. Most wouldn't be able to tell, but under his covering, and baggy clothes, he had quite the physique from his consistent working out to fight his demons.

Luckily, the Walmart was only four blocks away. So he would be able to make the consistent trek to it. Or, worst case scenario, he would have to ask his mom for a ride.

Or so he thought. If only he knew what was in for him.

Halfway through his walk, his legs began to fail. And so he sat down at a bus stop bench a few strides away. The realization that his will couldn't take him any further made something in him snap. Angry even.

He had fought his entire life to get where he was. He stole, fought, sold drugs, killed… Not that he was proud of breaking the law. He was proud of fighting for his survival. So to find that he just couldn't do anything anymore regardless of his wishes… Hurt. He sat at that bench for hours. Thinking about his life.

About his struggles. About having to hold a gun when he was only thirteen years old just because some gang members threatened him. Having to steal from corner stores for food, having to rob the very same corner stores for money. Having to kill who he once thought of as his brother. His struggles in school. It all just… Crashed onto him.

His hard-working nature forced him to put off processing most of his emotions, having to work every moment of his life. Falling asleep basically as soon as he made it home.

He regretted a lot of things. He regretted believing his mom would ever change her heinous ways. He regretted committing all of those crimes. He regretted being so naive when he was young. Just, everything. He gazed at life and wondered.

"What did I ever do right?" He said as he gazed beyond the cloudy skies, looking but not seeing

He hated the idea of being depressed, but when he looked back at his life, he couldn't help it.

"Why?" A question often raised when thinking about his actions. Himself.

'Why did I turn to crimes? Why am I such a narcissist? Why did I believe him? Why did I try that? Why didn't I believe her? Why am I alive?!' He questioned, his emotions thrashing about inside of him after every question.

"WHY?!" He screamed, his emotions pouring out of his mouth.

He felt his eyes sting as tears escaped his eyes. Not that he noticed, his tears were disguised in the rain that he didn't even notice just yet.

'Why am I so unlucky? Why me? Why am I so lame? Why am I so stupid? Why is it never enough?' He thought, his emotions mellowing out.

"...Why?" He barely uttered.

He felt an odd sensation on his neck. A tingling feeling, not that he cared. He was still in his mind, his overflowing emotions were more important, he had never felt this way before.

After a few seconds, his eyes regained clarity. It felt as if he saw the world in a different light. His chest felt lighted, as did his back. It made him wonder if he was Bipolar, considering just seconds ago he was basically crying his eyes out.

He decided to worry about that next time. And instead made his way back home as it the rain might make him sick. There wasn't anything he could do about a job now. Not drenched in water.

He barely walked two steps before he felt a familiar feeling.

Pop quiz. What do you do when it's raining outside and you feel your hair stand up, and the bench you were sitting on had a metal pole near it?

A normal person may respond with nothing. It doesn't seem too crazy right? Nothing odd.

Wrong. As a man who had been struck by lightning twice, he was well acquainted with what happened before lightning struck.

As quickly as possible, fell to his knees and knelt forwards, nearly lying on the ground. He didn't even notice the thunder in the distance earlier.

'How lucky am I to be sent right back to the hospital just after a thought about turning my life around huh? I might even die this time. If I do die, I just hope I can do better in heaven or wherever else I end up.' He thought, closing his eyes and bracing for the pain.


But It never came.