
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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171 Chs


Now this had been fun.

I honestly hadn't expected much of an enjoyment when I accepted the villain role that Company wanted somebody to have in this world. One of the higher ups had gotten pissy at My Hero Academia and wanted somebody to go down there and pretty much destroy the Hero society. Not exactly the most outlandish request though.

Getting off point.

The point was that I hadn't expected much of an enjoyment when I had been given this assignment but now that I had basically crippled the main teacher of this series, I had a weird sense of joy inside my chest.


Though that feeling might have something to do with the notification from my Company device that alerted me to the fact that I had completed my mission. Which was to traumatize the next generation of heroes with a reward of ten credits.

That was one of the reasons I decided to join this USJ raid, this was practically the perfect opportunity for me to land a psychological blow since all the characters were basically green as grass with only the more ideal side of hero work in their minds. The perfect time to show them the more... grittier side of the life they were trying to get in.

"Not gonna lie, this was easier than I thought it would be." I said with a smile as I appeared beside the kneeling form of Eraser Head once more with a burst of speed and put my foot on his back, forcing him down. "So, can you use your quirk with only one eye or is it an all or nothing kind of a deal? If so, sorry about crippling you permanently I guess." I ended it with a shrug, applying even more pressure on his back as I did so and looked up at the stairs where a guy in a mustard colored suit was looking with wide eyes and a trembling frame.

Then Kurogiri came back to us with the sad news that he let one of the kids escape. Which was actually kind of impressive on his part considering that he was literally a living, or undead, warp gate; he should definitely be able to just open a portal to the runaway kid and bring him back!

"If you weren't our way out of this place, then I would have dusted you right here!" Shigaraki, who I still had difficulty believing to be a woman, screamed as she harshly scratched her neck.

"Hah, I guess this raid is a bust then. The kid will call backup from other heroes after all." She then immediately calmed down and sighed, bipolar much.

On an unrelated note, the moment the words left Shigaraki's lips; my ears detected a small cheer and splash from near Shigaraki. I Wonder if she heard that as well.

"I wonder what kind of expression All Might would make… if we killed a few brats!" Oh yeah, she heard it. And now she was about to dust a frog themed girl. Shame, I had been hoping to get some cute attractions for my petting zoo later on and she, along with the horse girl from the other class, was on the top five of that list. Still, at least it wasn't someone really important that I would have to… oh.

"So you can use your quirk with only one eye." I said with a raised eyebrow as I looked down at the hero beneath my feet that was glaring at Shigaraki with one ominously glowing red eye.

"...not gonna lie, you are pretty damn cool." Shigaraki said with begrudging respect in her voice, guess even she could not deny how metal it was that the guy was still trying to fight after what I did to him. "But there won't be a second..." Her words were cut short as a huge explosion sound came from behind me and I believed that all of us felt approach of a disaster.

"It's fine now." And lo and behold, our feelings were not false as it was proven by the giant mass of muscle and American Dream who was taking off his yellow jacket and had a very angry look on his face. "I am here." And then he was in front of me.

Honestly, I would like to say that I had no problems with the number one hero glaring down at me but that would be a lie. Being stared down by a creature of muscle that stood over two meters while you were stepping on their friend was a very stressful thing. So, yeah, I didn't keep my calm and started to blabber.

"Before you might do something that I might regret, let us just realize that the proof of us doing anything actually evil here is very superficial." And then the number one hero's fist met my face.


The number one hero of Japan, All Might, was willing to admit that he may have put a little more force than usual into that punch he landed on priestly looking villain's face.

In his defense; the villain was standing over a very bloodied Aizawa, who seemed to have lost an eye, with very bloody knuckles and a very disturbing smile. Villains tormenting heroes with such a look was something of a trigger for All Might.

Still, the man was more than likely quite disfigured now; going by the blood on All Might's fist. He would likely need some medical attention too, no matter how little he deserved it, so he should deal with the rest of the villains as quickly as possible and...

"That hurt!" All Might's thought process was cut short by a yell from the villain who was climbing back to his feet and, much to the hero's shock, his face was healing at a visible rate till it looked like no injury had ever happened.

A regeneration quirk, and a powerful one at that. No wonder he had managed to defeat Aizawa, the underground hero's true speciality was to deal with those who were dependent on their powerful quirks. That is not to say that was all Aizawa could do, the man was a very talented martial artist and the fact that this villain had defeated him made it very clear that he was dangerous.

So All Might would not let him get away.

"Carolina..." The number one hero immediately sped towards the villain with his arms crossed in the shape of an X, ready to unleash a devastating double chop. He was a regenerator so he definitely could take it.

"Nomu." Only to be interrupted by a very dark shoulder slamming into him.


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