
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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171 Chs


"I have to say, you weren't kidding about this thing being an anti All Might weapon." I whistled as I looked at the brawl between the local Symbol of Peace and the bio engineered super weapon.

Honestly, Nomu shouldn't actually be able to go against All Might. The walking corpse had lower stats, as Shigaraki would say, in strength; speed and durability. But one thing allowed it to actually keep up with the blonde hero and give him a chance to beat him. Stamina.

Nomu did not tire and the regeneration quirk it had quickly healed any damage it actually took, keeping the monster in top shape as it kept punching and getting punched.

"That's right! Nomu is special and is my best min maxed unit to deal with this boss!" The villainous girl, and it was still weird to see Shigaraki as a girl, dementedly giggled as she kept watching the battle between Nomu and All Might; to the point she didn't even care about the two students she had been about to dust leaving with Eraser Head in her arms.

The green broccoli that was meant to be the protagonist of this world stayed though. Probably thinking something along the lines of how All Might would have already won if he hadn't been given One for All, or how he needed to see this fight as All Might's successor or even something along the lines of waiting for an opening to jump in and help the number one hero. Typical shonen hero with more dreams than brains.

It was going to be so much fun breaking him. The only question was how exactly I would break him and whether I would keep him or not after that. I probably would, the suffering of the kid would be a great entertainment. Not to mention there were several missions of this world that I literally couldn't finish if the kid died or if I sold him.

Sorry Deku-kun, but my desire for mission rewards is greater than my unwillingness to be a true hentai bastard towards you. Wonder if I could get a tan as a demon...

"So, are we gonna kill the kids now?" My fantasies of profit through the suffering of this world's chosen hero was interrupted very rudely by Shigaraki, who was glaring at where the living broccoli and now his Stockholm giver bomber friend, the guy whose power was to get super hard and the child of the current biggest domestic abuser of this world. Except the child's hair was far longer than I remembered, and the child also had a far bigger chest than I remembered.

Oh great, female Todoroki. I would have to have a small freakout about that later.

"No, we won't be killing the kids." I said with my arms crossed over my chest and Shigaraki's glare turned towards me, and so did her twitching hands.

"And tell me why? Better yet, tell me why I shouldn't just dust you for that?" Because I needed those dumb kids for credits and because I would die if she dusted me. But some tiny part of my brain was whispering that those were not the answers she was looking for. So I decided to do, what I do best.

"Because we already are killing All Might!" Bullshit.

"What does that have to do with anything?!"

"You can't just commit two big crimes at the same time, unless you do one big thing that leads to the happening of two big crimes." Random bullshit go! "If you do two things back to back at the same time like this, you just look like a maniac. So if we're killing All Might, we can at best traumatize or cripple the kids. That's enough to be overshadowed by All Might's death with no chances of things getting mixed up." I declared with a sagely nod and could feel, not only Shigaraki, but also the quartet of junior hero wannabes.

"That's such bull..." Shigaraki's next words would be forever unknown as a huge shockwave suddenly erupted from where All Might and Nomu were fighting, each punch from the number one hero causing another shockwave that kept us and the students away from the fight, which also kept us away from each other. For a complete meathead looking blond, All Might was actually kind of clever.

"PLUS ULTRA!" And then he actually managed to land one final punch that not only bypassed Nobu's shock absorption; it also launched the black monster through the ceiling and, going by the distant boom I heard, through the sound wall.

"Now then." And then the literally steaming hero turned towards us with his signature grin on his face. "Shall we continue, villains?"

"...not gonna lie, I kind of want to go home now." I said with a small chuckle.


This was bad.

This was really fucking bad in holy stinking super crap level.

He really should start taking the principal's, and pretty much anyone else who knew about his condition other than young Midoriya, advice about going a bit more easy on the whole heroing thing. If he had actually allowed the smaller crimes he had ended up encountering today be handled by other heroes, who definitely were qualified to do their jobs, then he wouldn't have ended up spending all of his three hour limit and would have been here in USJ from the very start.

He could have dealt with these villains the moment they arrived, likely defeat that creature with far less effort and strain on his body, save the young students from such a traumatic experience and save Eraser Head's eye from that monk looking villain!

Instead he did spent all of his time limit, pushed himself to the extreme against that multi quirked monstrosity and now was literally about to turn back into his frail form in front of villains, bluffing and hoping that they would escape or that the reinforcements would arrive soon being his only hopes.

"...this is the revenge for Nomu!" Hopes that were not answered as the female villain with hands on her face, eww, ran towards him with her actual hand stretched forward.

And this was the moment things seemed to get even worse as suddenly young Midoriya was beside them with his fist cocked back and sparkling with the glow of One for All.

"Stay away, from All Might!" And then his successor there a bunch towards the villain...

"Nope." Only to get hit in the face by some sort of whip that sent him away with a small trail of blood in the air. The source of the whip being the back of the monk villain, did he had several quirks too?!

As questions started to appear in his head, the villain2s hand touched All Might on his chest and he could feel cracks forming and the skin dying under her fingertips.


Only for bullet to pierce through her arm and sending her away. The reinforcements were here!

"Damn you! Damn you! Damn you!" He could hear the villain yell as the warp gate villain swallowed her whole and then sent a smaller gate towards the monk who simply waved at them as the portal sent him away. And that was the limit of All Might.

He would have to thank Cementoss for the wall later on as he returned to his true skeletal form, but that would have to wait. Now he had a successor he needed to check on and make sure that the young boy was okay.


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