
Snippets by EgyptianDio

Snippets by yours truly, the weeb among weebs, EgyptianDio!

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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171 Chs


"Do all you… people understand the plan?" Shigaraki asked with a tilt of her head, closely avoiding calling the people she gathered for this mission 'NPCs'. They probably wouldn't have taken kindly to that and dealing with her own mooks right before a raid was not exactly her description of 'good start'.

Sure, it was likely that majority of them would end up get defeated and she would never see them again but they did have the role of softening All Might for her Nomu so she might as well play nice with them for now. Even if such a thing took most of her self control as she had to hold herself back from laughing a guy with long arms as his quirk declared that he would be there when All Might bites the dust. Sure you will buddy, Shigaraki would even prepare him a nice cushion and have the girl with gorilla arms give him a blowjob. Fucking moron.

Guess there was a reason most books were called dumb muscle. At least they were smart enough to, or at least pretend to, understand their plan and how most of them were simply meant to terrorize the kids in order to distract the actual boss while some others softened him enough for Nomu to land the finishing blow.

Easy peasy.

"My, this really is quite a specimen." Shigaraki definitely did not scream at the unexpected voice coming from behind her but she did almost silenced it forever as her hand went towards its source and stopped only because she recognized him. A guy with black hair wearing some sort of monk like clothing, buddhist or something like that; Sensei was the one who actually knew about that weird religion thing that went quiet after the emergence quirks. Still, why the hell was this guy so close to her Nomu?!

"What do you think you're doing?" She asked dangerously as she leaned forward, ready to leap at the guy's face within a moments notice if she didn't like his answer.

"Ah, my apologies. I just wanted to take a closer look at this secret weapon of yours, since we're all pretty much betting our lives on this thing's capability to deliver what you claimed." He said with a smile that made her want to just decay his face, but he did made his question so reasonable that she would definitely lose more than a few followers if she were to dust him now.

"It will deliver." So she simply growled while glaring from behind her fAtHeR's hand. "Nomu possesses everything needed to deal with All Might as long as you people properly do your jobs."

"...very well then." And then the fake monk simply raised his hands in mock surrender and took a few steps back, allowing her to focus on what was really important.

It was time; the pillar of this rotten society that created the concept of losers, that kept people asleep in a fake sense of security, that allowed them to pass a frightened child with no sense of responsibility was going to be crushed under her machinations! It was time for those that the society had labeled as losers to rise from the ground and show them what they were capable of!

"Kurogiri, gate us." This was the glorious beginning.


This was bullshit!

All that time, all that preparation, all that effort and their fucking target was not even where he was supposed to be!

The fucking class schedule said that this Rescue Training class was meant to be taught by All Might, Eraser Head and Thirteen. Not by Eraser Head, Thirteen and no All Might! Why the fuck did people prepare schedules for if they were not going to be followed?!

As if that wasn't bad enough, the guys she had brought in order to soften All Might were all getting their asses kicked by Eraser Head, all the items she had gathered for the boss raid were getting wasted on a mini boss!

"My, they are really getting destroyed there." And why was this fake monk just standing beside her instead of doing something?!

"Shouldn't you be trying to beat him too?" She asked while scratching her neck, politely trying to tell him to get his ass in the battlefield!

"Nah, I'm gathering information right now." Okay, then he could stay for a little while longer. "And the way he beats up all those mooks are just so funny!"

"Just go!" She finally snapped as she tried to slap him in the back, uncaring of the fact that such a thing would decay the flesh on his back, but he simply moved out of the way.

"Infighting already?" And then they both had to dodge because Eraser Head had thrown one of her minions at her with his capture weapon slash scarf thingie. "Normally it takes your kind longer to start arguing like that." He said as he kept beating up other villains around him, looking completely nonchalant as he did so.

"Our kind? That sounds suspiciously racist." The fake money said as he got up and dusted off his shoulder. "Do you want to get cancelled or something? Not that the masters of the current society, that is built firmly upon the fake belief of heroes being invincible all good beings that will save their worthless asses even if they do nothing in front of danger, would let the fact that there is a racist hero be known." He went on a tirade before ending it with a stuck out tongue and Shigaraki had to admit, she had not been expecting that.

And she definitely had not expecting the guy just taking a crouching position in front of Eraser Head, was he just asking for his quirk to be erased or something? Just when she had started to think that he might be smart, he just goes and...

Her thoughts were cut short as the fake priest suddenly disappeared with the ground he had been standing on now a small crater, and then a bloodcurdling scream came from Eraser Head who was kneeling with his hand on his face... and lots of blood on the ground.

"I'm guessing you won't be needing this anymore." Fake monk said with a laugh as he reappeared with Eraser Head's googles in his hand but what got her attention was his other hand, which was clenched and covered in blood.

"Sensei!" She heard one of the students scream out but her attention wasn't on them, it was on this bizarre reality in front of her.

Motherfucker... he had gouged out Eraser Head's eye!


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