
Snap "I am Spiderman"

when Hulk's snap brought everyone back, Peter came back but was not just Peter no more.

freakofntur · Movies
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I am Vision

The next day, I found fury at the crown of lady Liberty. He handed me a box and said while looking at the New York Skyline " heavy is the head that wears the crown. Stark said you wouldn't get that, cause it's not from star-wars " he laughs. I stay silent for a bit but then say, " My uncle ben used to say something similar, he used to say ' With great power comes great responsibility" .

"Wise man" fury says. He handes me a phone number and says " if you ever want to do more, let me know".

That evening, while messing around with E.D.I.T.H. I was able to hack into S.W.O.R.D base in Florida and watch as Wanda says her tearful goodbyes to vision's corpse.

The next day, I intercept her in new Jersey and we catch up. I tell her I was just hanging around, patrolling in civilian clothing and all. We went to a cafe and had a good time. I was able to tag along with her when she goes to Westview to see the plot vision left her.

After reading his letter, she still broke down, but because of my presence it wasn't as bad. It still created a illusory reality around us, but I was able to leverage the fact that the real reality considers me WORTHY to gain some control over the illusion around me.

I was able to alter the creation of illusory Vision and replace him with myself in this illusory reality. Further, instead of reality becoming 90's tv show, it became their porn parody.

Like Wanda found solace from her family in tv sitcoms , I cope up with my ADHD with my addiction for porn.




I wake up in a luxury Suite in Upper East side of New York. I pick up the blanket to see a white haired beauty giving me head. I smile and pull her up into a kiss.

"Good morning sir" , she says. " Good morning EDITH." I reply. I continue to take it to the next level and satiate myself on her.

After our session, while cuddling I ask " What's the status". "Well, we are stuck in a illusory world seperated from the real world through a portal. If we want to leave this world, we can do that at any time by traveling to Westview, New Jersey and use the portal there". Replied Edith.

This complicates things. in the orignal timeline, Wanda's illusion dominated the Westview area, imposing itself upon reality. While in this timeline, due to my influence, the illusion created a whole new dimension (like mirror dimension). This dimension's only interaction with real world is through a portal in Westview, in both worlds .

Edith continues " Both You and I have gained powers of Vision, but they only work in this illusory dimension. We both have an Android and human form. Ofcourse, goes without saying, I only get to be corporeal in this illusory world."

"Where are we" I ask her. " We are in THE PLAZA HOTEL, New York. Your father in this world owns this hotel and many more. His name is Benjamin Parker. " She replies, while using her holographic projector to show me the hotels and Benjamin Parker.

"You are Peter May Parker, heir to Billion dollar Empire. I am Felicia Edith Hardy, your girlfriend in this world. My mother is a divorce lawyer with 9 ex-husbands. Most of our wealth comes from her earnings from the divorces."

She continues " Both of us are also secretly V-tubers , we use our Android Vision Avatar as our online persona. We usually just play games and react to stuff on streams, but recently we released a Duet album, one of the singles from which is topping the US charts right now."

"So, have you been able to figure out what story is going to play out. " I ask her. She says " We seem to be in the world of Gossip Girl, but the whole cast is different, only the theme is present. There is also some aspect of Hanna Montana sprinkled, due to our secret celebrity personalities."

"What about Wanda?" I asked " where is she?, who is she."

Edith replies " Wanda Jane Maximov is our new classmate, she is just joining our school this year on scholarship. Similar to us, she also has an online Avatar, Gossip Girl. The most popular Blogger in New York."

Edith shows me some of her blogs about the rich and famous. I ask her Anything else of note. She replies " Yes, one Elizabeth Gwendolyn Allen, seems to have spotted you at the cafe in Westview with Wanda and followed you to the plot. She was outside the orignal casting of the spell, but seemed to have jumped into the portal after you. "

Lizz Allen is in this illusory world !!! . I had already noticed her stalking me at the cafe, I didn't confront her. I basically ditched her on prom and put her dad in jail. I thought she was far enough away in her stalking, even for the orignal spell. Who would have thought she would have jumped into the spell.

"Why?" I ask Edith. She replies "presumably, to save you". I'm a little shocked by that. " Who is she?, in this world" I ask. Edith replies " Her father is the chief of police and her mother is the senator for new York. She is also one of your classmates."

I guess we'll have to to school to know anything more about them.

We went about our school schedule till lunch and made our way to a nearby storage room to get frisky. We left the door slightly open to catch a stalker.

We noticed Liz watching us kiss and I give her an inviting smile as Edith gently pulls her into the room. I notice Wanda taking a picture of this scene so I close the door behind us.

"Peter ! What is happening? Who is this? Where are we? Why are my parents different?". Liz asks me "Liz, calm down. This is Felicia Hardy. We are in an illusory world created by Wanda. That's about all I know as well, what about you, how did you end up here."

" Well, I saw you get sucked into a portal, I jumped in to pull you out, but I was too late." Liz says. " Don't worry, we'll figure a way out of this. Thank you for trying to save me, but please don't jump into unknown portals in the future" I say to a blushing Liz.

By now both Liz and I have noticed that Edith's hands have been wandering around Liz's body. Liz asks " Felicia, what are you doing". Edith replies " why! You got me so turned on with your talk of self sacrifice to protect my damsel Peter."

"But aren't you two together" asked Liz, clearly turned on by Edith's wandering hands. "We are, but, well we can be three-gether" says Edith as she goes in for a kiss. Liz looks to me, as if asking for my approval.

" I will always want you Liz , you know I'm attracted to you. I'm still so sorry about missing the prom.". Liz interrupts me " I know you are Spiderman. I know what kept you from prom". I look down in shame " I'm sorry about your father Liz ". "Don't be, I loved him, but I get it, he was a good father, but a bad man. I still hope he will one day find the good in him, but I don't blame you for putting a dangerous criminal behind bars." She tells me.

I snatch her away from Edith and pull her into a deep kiss. Me, Edith and Liz have a wonderful and passionate threeway in the storage room. Edith and Liz get into each other's faces while I get free use of the rest of their bodies.

As we pull ourselves out of storage room, we are greeted by a murmuring crowd. Some of the students take our pictures. A teacher pulled is aside and told us to go to the principals office.

At the principals office, I found out that Wanda had uploaded a picture of Edith pulling Liz into storage room as Gossip Girl, with caption "menage e trois? ".

After the school was over, I caught up to Wanda alone and told her I knew she is Gossip girl. Gossip girl had exposed a lot of teenage celebrities and made a lot of harmonal enemies. Considering the number of death threats she gets regularly, atleast some have to be serious.

I asked her to meet me at my hotel's restaurant. During my interaction, I realised that Wanda is too into the character right now, I don't think she even remembers her life with the Avengers right now. She only remembers her life in this world.

I let Liz inform her maids that she will be staying at my place tonight as we are driven to my hotel. There I make sure Liz and Edith are comfortable and satiated. In the evening I meet Wanda for dinner. After greeting her gentlemanly, I give her my obligatory threats regarding her journalism.

After we have our dinner and are about to say goodbye I look her in the eye, turn myself into vision and ask " Do you really not remember anything?" She is shocked at my transformation. She seems to be remembering her life when she suddenly jumped me and started kissing me.

I return her kiss. After we back away a little, she asks " what is going on?" Behind her, Edith shows up and starts explaining " You got emotionally unstable and created an alternate reality. In trying to create an illusory version of vision, your spell interfered with Peter Parker and tried to turn him into vision. It succeeded to a degree, but somehow to protect Peter from being dominated by vision's personality, I came into being. Hello Wanda, You are a sight to sore eyes."

Wanda looks at Edith and asks " You are vision?". " In a way. I am the Vision you know and Felicia Hardy you created. Similarly, Peter is the Peter Parker you know, the one you created and a version of vision in this reality." Replied Edith.

"But I guess what you want to ask is if I'm the vision you love?" Says Edith," I can be, I know I love you. I know Peter also loves you because of his bonding with vision. " She continues as she approaches Wanda for a kiss. They make out right there in public. I invite Wanda to our suite.

When we open the door, we are greeted by the sight of Liz Allen covered in cum, passed out by pleasure. Wanda looks jealous for a second but Edith seems to have read books known to man, including the sex ones. She just moved her fingers on Wanda in such a way that she forgets about Liz instantly.

We take her to our room and treat her like a queen. She wanted her vision back, well she's getting two now.

We both stay in our Vision Avatar. At some point I tell naked Wanda " Despite your good attitude now, you have still acted to expose a secret that was not yours to expose. How shall I punish you for your cyber bulling ".

Wanda tried to explain herself, but I put a finger in her mouth, for her to suck. " Your excuses have no place here. Afterall , everything in this illusory realm can be traced to you. If you forgot your past, you did so because of yourself.".

" For the crime of exposing my sex life, you must expose yours" I say as I bring out a red masquerade mask. "Wear this and join me and Felicia whenever you want".

Edith had set up the stream setup and had positioned the webcam to our bed. In this illusory realm, This is not our first sex stream, but this will be first to feature anyone outside of the two of us.

Me and Edith inform our onlyfans viewers of the guest today. Wanda walks into the scene naked , only wearing a masquerade mask. In the start, the 3 of us just cuddle and answers some of users questions. But soon we shifted to some kissing games. From there we went into full on makeout sessions.

Wanda seems to be enjoying being the center of attention. She has both me and Edith focusing on her, while the Chat was filled with curiosity about the new girl.

I might do a spell check and gramer check if I get some powerstones

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