
Snap "I am Spiderman"

when Hulk's snap brought everyone back, Peter came back but was not just Peter no more.

freakofntur · Movies
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6 Chs

Marvelous mischief

We spent the next year of high school I'm illusory world. Edith had access to stark servers in real world, even through the portal. Because of that we were able to figure it that while one year had passed in the illustrious realm, only a day had passed in real world.

Because of her access to stark servers, Edith became our teacher in math and science. Me and Liz were both A grade students, we are able to help Wanda along, intermingling study games with sex games to really get our full high school experience.

We all got black out drunk on the night after our final exam. The next meeting we woke up in different houses.




I woke up with Edith again, but this time in a much less wealthy household. I ask Edith for status and she replies " We are both high school sweethearts, about to attend the same community college. We are both talented in sports, but missed out on scholarships from the best schools, in the end, due to financial limitations we decided to go to the nearest community college"

" Wanda is a rebellious spirit, she has volunteered for everyone from peace corps , red cross and FEMA. After watching a lawer protect a river that her protest couldn't save, she decided to become an environmental lawer at our community college"

"Liz is a nerd from our school who got addicted to adderall after a car accident. She lost most her prospects because of her addiction but is trying to get back on her feet through community college."

"What is new, and most likely the catalyst for change is a Miss Agatha Harkness. In this illusory world, she is a fake psychologist. She didn't have a degree to practice, and have her clients sexual relief in name of reducing tension. After getting caught, she was able to avoid jail by pledging for this course."

Ah, I was expecting the darakhold to make its appearance. How am I going to deal with this.

We get oriented to the college that day. I join the basketball team and all the girls join cheerleading club. Both Wanda and Liz remember themselves but I ask them to act out the scenario to keep it from Agatha.

Agatha joins the cheer squad , pretending that cheering up and psychology are related and that claiming that the exercise would be good for her figure.

Eventually over the course of a month in the illusory realm, we created a new story of why we were together. Now, it wasn't unconventional for me or the girls to be seen kissing each other openly in campus.

After beating the oppositing team , I was in the cheer sqad's locker room, fucking Edith, Wanda and Liz, while Agatha was skulking. I gave her an inviting grin, one she was used to buy now.

She has been watching be such my girls often, being only part of the squad that does the watching and not the fucking. Today it seems she was extra sexually frustrated. Today she returned my flirty grin and left her post as lookout and pulled me into a deep kiss.

I ask Liz to become the new lookout and start trying to pleasure Agatha Harkness. I did it to protect Liz from our eventual showdown.

That showdown came at Agatha's weakest moment. While she was being splayed on the ground, being penetrated by me, Edith held her legs, while Wanda held her hands. I asked her " who are you really? What do you want". Asks Wanda while I continue to fuck Agatha and pretend I'm still under the Wanda's illusory spell.

Agatha replies , between breaths and with broken voice "Oh, so you've had your mind with you,..... you still played through, ....what a pervert my Wanda" .

They continue to contest with words while I'm plowing Agatha, trying to give Wanda an Advantage. But Agatha's experience showed through, she was centuries old, it would take more to break her rhythm.

Eventually, Wanda kisses me and pretend to lift a spell from me. I pretend to come out of the spell and pretend to just realise about the illusory world. I pull out of Agatha, much to her disappointment and start panicking.

I suddenly saw Agatha's eyes turn purple, she is trying to mind control me, I can get her command me to keep fucking her. This is the moment I've been waiting for.

Me and Edith have all of vision's powers. I have been setting up psychic traps within Agatha's mind while I've been fucking her. The fucking itself and Wanda's verbal confrontation were just distractions. The traps are useless by themselves, but they act as charged for next mental attack, enhancing the mental attack.

While Agatha tries to mind control me, I can use my vision powers to easily break out of it. But I use it as a bridge to her mind, using my psychic traps in her mind to conceal my control over the bridge, Rather than using it to enhance our destroy it.

Agatha thinks she can now mentally command me to do anything, and she can, but it is completely up to me to follow that command or not. To conceal that fact, I go back to fucking her brains out as I access her mind, using her own psychic bridge.

I use my access to her mind to completely read it, about her history, her motivations. I read darakhold through her and learn about magic through her. I send a copy of everything I recive to Edith , who is using her vision powers to conceal this flow.

Her psyche and motivations could be summarised in one sentence " I take from the undeserving". I am "WORTHY" in a very fundamental way, such that it had been acknowledged by the universe. Her action of trying to take control over my mind, as of I'm unworthy of my own mind angers me.

I decide that she is 'unworthy', undeserving of her own powers, and as such, I start to take her own magical powers. I use her own techniques to drain her energy, little by little as I fuck her. I use the bridge between our minds and lable her as unworthy and myself as worthy in both our minds, facilitating the transfer of powers.

She is still bantering with Wanda, believeing that I'm an in her control, whole Edith is still under Wanda's spell.

It is not until she becomes Such a husk of an old woman, that I break her hips fucking her that she realises what's going on. She is angry but powerless. She can't move a single muscle, she doesn't have the energy. I can see her have trouble breathing.

"Wanda, her plan would have ended with all of us dead, and she absorbing all our powers. I wouldn't care about her death after what I have seen in her mind, but her primary target is you, I'll let you decide if she lives or dies today".

Wanda looked to be charging a red killing beam when we are interrupted by Monica rambeau saying " Might I suggest a third option, handing her over to the law, you know we have like a division for superheroes and Villans now "

I smile at her and reply " they always had such divisions, they were just hidden from general public. I'm guessing unlike whatever agency you are representing, Miss rambeau.". She came from the window, bypassing Liz as the lookout. Secret agent bullshit. Who designed the girls lockeroom to be accessible from its windows.

She has been attending the same classes as us. While Edith, Liz and Wanda thought she was just another npc she created, I only knew about her being from the real world because of having seen the movies.

" So you figured me out. I am a member of Sentient Weapon Observation and Response Division or simply , SWORD. "

Me and Wanda chuckle at the acronym and ask her " and how are you going to handle her Miss law enforcement, do you have anything the dampens magic use, do you or your organisation understand magic, has you organism ever handled any superbeings as prisoners. "

After seeing her not reply, Wanda asks her "Cat got your toung". "Even so, I can't allow you to kill her" she says. I reply " She literally mind raped me. She used meet pets of mind control to get me to fuck her, as if I don't a right to my own mind, you think I'm going to let you say her free".

Monica gulps at that. I can see that she is struggling. I tell her " There is only one person I know who is capable of passing punishment for such supernatural crimes. The sorcerer supreme. "

" How can I get him here when I'm stuck here" replies Monica, frustratedly. I tell her amused " You just have to go to Westview New Jersey, and jump into the portal for your way out". Monica is stunned at the simplicity of the solution to a problem she had been wondering about since she got here.

"We will hold her as prisoner in this world until you come with a representative of the mystic arts." I tell her.

Monica takes the next flight from Colorado to new Jersey. Wanda has innate control over this reality. In her impatience to not wait, the time dilation reverses. As soon as Monica rambeau is out, the time in this illusory reality is basically Frozen.

It is literally the next second for us when she comes back with Stephen Strange. But it has been 10hrs for Monica, considering the time it took her to interact with her superiors and find Dr Strange.

We tell our story to Dr strange. About Wanda's grief , about me disrupting the spell, about vision incarnating as Felicia(Edith )and myself, about Liz jumping into portal to save me, about Monica comming here to spy on us, and about Agatha coming to steal everything from us, including our lives.

He sees the pitiful state of Agatha and lifts her up. " I'll take Agatha from here. This reality of yours is very interesting. I would have loved to study it more but it seems I'll be busy. If what Agatha told Wanda about possessing the darakhold is true, than I'm going to be very very busy. "

He looks at Monica and says" As far as what your superiors have told me. I don't see anything of concern here. They are hurting nobody and anyone claiming otherwise have come here of their own volition and with bad intentions. The portal to this realm exist in Wanda's legal property, so I don't really see your organization's jurisdiction over it".

"As you yourself, considering you organization's views towards supernatural, I would advice resigning before they figure out you have superpowers " revealing that Monica now has superpowers because of her back and forth with the portal.

Sometime After Dr Strange left the realm . The scenario changed again.




"Nine nine" we all chant as we bump our beer mugs. 'Status' I ask Edith in her mind. She replies ' another interference, one Miss Darcy Lewis has entered the portal.'

I find her among the group cheering. ' she is the captian of the 99th precinct of NYPD'. ' you are the secretary to the captian while others are detectives. Monica herself is the Sargent.

I telepathicaly ask Monica if she knows our guest and she nods her head in confirmation. I tell her to handle this. She takes Darcy to another side and tried to remind her of the real world. It takes her hours of inside jokes, but Darcy eventually realises herself.

She tells Monica that the vision is awake again, but their director has manipulated visions programming to kill Wanda. She is here because she specifically heard that any collateral is acceptable, even Monica, let alone me or Liz or this reality.

Monica thanks Darcy for risking her own life to come here and warn us. She them comes to us with Darcy and reveals everything to us.

"We need to prepare for vision. Ideally, we can subdue him without a fight, but we really need a plan B,C,D...Z if persuasion is our go to plan".

Considering the time dilation, we have about a week in this realm before white vision comes.

I might do a spell check and gramer check if I get some powerstones

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