
Slytherin devil

Vicente young bored university student, on an ordinary or unusual day happened and he had an opportunity to live a different life one with magic. demonic magic English is not my native language, this is my first time suggestions are welcome.

_Arthas_ · Book&Literature
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57 Chs

chapter 24 Rose Awaken I

April 17th, Yorkshire Orphanage!

Vivian POV

Under the gentle shade of an old English oak, children aged 2 to 4 huddled together, some moved with hard steps and inevitable stumbles, others delighted in putting pieces of grass, twigs, or dirt in their little mouths, reacting with cute little grimaces. .

They all shared curious eyes and an endless desire to discover and explore the world, and a joy that would infect any depressed dying person.

Vivian, like the other caregivers, watched them with a smile from ear to ear on her face.

But among these an albino "black sheep" separated from the group, its closed eyes inspire serenity different from their equals, their countenance was happy as if they had the most delicious of dreams, contrary to the almost infinite spirit of those puppies, Vincent is drooling like a puppy as he dozed lazily against the trunk, the mossy wood acting like the softest of pillows.

"Inspiring indeed" She thought as she watched the children having fun.

But she soon turned her gaze to the figure resting on the oak tree, beams of sunlight penetrated among the leaves illuminating the child, but without leaving he completely exposed.

The scene was one of solemn beauty, small patterns of leaves drawn by shadows and lights contrasted spread across the boy's skin, and the ice white hair was lit by the sun.

It was as if the little child were the ultimate symbol of beauty and solemnity.

As the very embodiment of purity.

It felt sacred.

Vivian turns her attention back to her activity, and soon the smell of paint and the sounds of markings, or the scratching of brushes, fought for her space in a rhythmic, almost hypnotizing way.

" Lol... R o se, take, wa hs ss" Vincent with his little mouth full of drool while babbling words in between grunts.

"Yes, now I just need to paint his eyes" Vivian, a dark-haired lady with delicate features, was passing brushes over a painting, immersed in the painting she was doing.

"But I don't want to wake him up, that would be a crime! … what to do?" She says to herself as she turns her attention back to the child.

It's been six months since she had the opportunity to work here at the orphanage, her life before that was like riding a Ferris wheel, successions of ups and downs.

First she grew up in a traditional home, received a good education, but her family wanted her as the bride of a local politician, an old man in his 50s, insufferable.

She ran away.

But how could a lady live in the 80s without support and alone?

Well, it was very difficult for her, she didn't have a home, and lived on the streets, sleeping in abandoned buildings, joining parks, or charity groups.

To survive she sold her talent.

Since she was a little girl, she has always been in love with paintings, so she left like a nomad going from city to city selling her own paintings.

The paintings sold well, people recognized her talents, at least the common people, who didn't have much money to pay for paintings.

Masters of Fine Arts despised her.

That way the income was low, barely enough to survive, but luck smiled on her and she got a job at an orphanage as an art teacher, in addition to helping to take care of the children.

She was tired of living aimlessly, here she could stay, have a fixed place to sleep.

Furthermore, she discovered her inspiration, Vincent Salvatore. The child was endowed with a beauty that would envy the angels or gods, she was enchanted by the boy's beauty, and pictures came out, many paintings of him.

As Vivian rambled absorbedly about her life, her model in question woke up with her eyes shining purple like two amethysts.

Vincent woke up from his dream, he was actually using his Dream Walker ability to spend some time with Rose.

While her body is still undergoing changes, her soul has completely transformed, The beast and the beauty that inhabited the same body have come together.

That way he managed to contact her in the mental space created by the two consciousnesses with his skill, the same place he met his wolf part.

He sketches a small smile thinking about the changes of his "Mother" in this new world.

But most importantly, she would wake up fully in a few days.

He turns his attention to the lady leaning on an easel "Hello Aunt Vivian".

"Hello Vincent, sweet dreams?" She is no longer surprised by the boy's intelligence, who already speaks fluently at the age of two.

"Another painting, I can see" He asks with curious eyes.

Vivian replies "Of course, as you know you are my role model"

"oh, I like this one" He looks at the picture of himself, about Vivian's vision and aesthetics, she really was a great painter.

"You know what, could you teach me how to paint?" he asked interested.

Vivia "Of course" said with an excited smile "But first let me finish this one, stay in that pose, I'll paint your eyes".

Inside the Greengrass mansion, Seraphine sat next to a large four-poster bed, in her arms a small baby girl snuggled comfortably in her arms.

"Look Dhap, this is your aunt Aradia" She says in a childlike voice as she introduces her daughter to her sister.

"When we were little, we went to the Greengrass forest in search of fairies', the forest was big, and we ended up lost, hungry alone, and at night. But Aunt Aradia never got discouraged always comforting me and hugging me, she was so kind and brave."

" After many hours, dads found us, he was possessed, dad brought a leather belt and wanted to punish us, Aradia came forward taking the blame, he hit her and cursed her with an Squib, shame on the family… even with all this she always took care of me" She said with small tears coming out of her ice blue eyes.

Dhap "Awah saah sa asv" Mumbling incomprehensibly as she looks at her mother, not understanding at all what was going on.

"When I went to Hogwarts, Dad did something unforgivable and took her out of my life, I thought I would never find her... I" she cries getting more and more intense.

Even Daphne was noticing her mother's crying and began to cry along with her.

Until Rose started fidgeting on the big bed, as she slowly opened her eyes.

Noticing her sister she hadn't seen in a long time, with a child in her arms as she cried

"SISTER?" she asks confused.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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