
Slytherin devil

Vicente young bored university student, on an ordinary or unusual day happened and he had an opportunity to live a different life one with magic. demonic magic English is not my native language, this is my first time suggestions are welcome.

_Arthas_ · Book&Literature
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58 Chs

chapter 23 Hookwood family.

In the small space that that family calls home, a man of tall but thin stature settled on his comfortable sofa decorated with embroidered flower prints, observing an orange wall that was also flowery, thanks to the peculiar taste of his beloved wife he tolerates, despite finding these ridiculous things, more accepting these feminine frills.

'These colors are terrible, I don't understand why she put these walls in vibrant colors, so irritating' thought Mr Hookwood as he took a sip of his butterbeer.

"This Shit is too sweet!" He mumbles even more irritated, while dripping drops on the sofa.

The man was exhausted from his day at work, because of this damn war he was constantly having a headache and his nerves were on edge.

While the heat coming from the fireplace did wonders for his tiredness, the scandalous noises of his wife putting their two children to sleep tested his patience to the limit.

The lady in question was in no better condition, for Morgana the gods have gifted them with twins, super healthy children, creative and lively, very lively, magical accidents happen all the time, all you have to do is look away for a second and one of your children or both are on a direct route to a horrible death, or setting the house on fire.

Literally setting the house on fire.

It doesn't help at all that her Husband spends all his time at that damn job at the ministry, having a week where I only see him once, insecure, afraid of war and growing distrust, when he comes back he has a strange smell of flowers about him , always the same scent.

Merlin knows how close she is to killing her absent husband any day now.

After finally settling her children, asleep they looked like the most beautiful thing she had ever seen, despite everything they were her life, even if they destroyed her house from time to time… "every day", she loved them.

Mrs Hookwood has descended an ancient wooden staircase, the steps marked by an irritating groan of wood, at least for her husband, who has turned his head suddenly with an irritated face.

"Damn, you can't make less noise" he mutters in a high-pitched voice, almost shouting.

The Highland troll, he was sprawled on that couch without the slightest bit of politeness or respect, his hands spilling Butterbeer on the floor and his damn boots dirty.

parked on the carpet, but that wasn't what caught her eye, disguised in that butterbeer smell, a faint fragrance of hazelnut perfume.

"He wasn't doing that, was he?" she spoke to herself, but his words were audible to everyone in the room.

" doing what ?" he asks without understanding anything.

In his mind he thought briefly about the dirty boot, the spilled beer, a thousand other things.

Mrs. Hookwood "Your Hazelnut perfume, explain to me" She said prompting to answer, her features were calm but looked like she would explode at any moment.

Peter "WHAT THE HELL PERFUME, ARE YOU CRAZY WOMAN?" He yelled, understanding her assumption.

"Bastard!" She yells, as she takes out her wand, casting an "expelliarmus" spell.

A red beam shot from her wand determined to disarm Peter's wand.

As a highly trained wizard and a great duelist, he doesn't even bother, defending with a simple "Protego".

A translucent shield formed defending his angry wife's spell.

Peter "THERE'S NOTHING GOING ON, THIS PERFUME IS FROM…" Before completing his sentence his wife used a Stupefy, leaving him petrified.

" So explain to me, you're not cheating on me? what bitch is that perfume, why the hell would you wear that rose perfume?..." She approached her husband tormenting him with a thousand words.

Because of the spell he was forced to listen to everything in silence while she vented.

At some point she was even more irritated, her husband was not responding.

Realizing her mistake, she undoes her "Finite Incantatem" spell.

Taking advantage of his wife's gap, he cast an Incarcerous, to restrict her movements.

Conjuring a long string from his wand, he quickly ensnared his wife, leaving her immobilized.

The lady reacted with irritated grumbles and tantrums.

"I swear I didn't betray you, that was because of my assistant, she uses that perfume spell on herself exaggeratedly, when I approached the smell was impregnated" He explained promptly, not even he believed his own lie.

The "Fight" continued for a while until they heard a company.

Their figures were messy, clothes torn, bite marks, light bruises.

By this time they were curled up on the floor, for a viewer who came in suddenly would mistake them for making love, in a very wild way.

Opening the door, they found a Humanoid figure, with a crow on its shoulders, This figure had aspects that resemble a Human, but nothing was visible, despite having reliefs indicating, it was not possible to see eyes, mouths, noses, ears.

But what really spooked the couple was the scene right behind the figure, the disemboweled remains of what were once five Men, along with remnants of Death Eater clothing.

He quickly put One and One together wondering what had happened here.

"Hello Mr and Mrs Hookwood, I have noticed a slight problem with rat infestation on your property" Said the mysterious figure with a slight smile pointing to the remains of these unfortunate death eaters.

Lady Hookwood "Who are you?" She asked suspiciously and holding back from vomiting, her face was one of horror as she witnessed the cleaning work of the man ahead.

"Well ma'am… I have many names… but you may refer to me as, The Shepherd of Wolves" he replied politely as he struck a flamboyant welcome pose.

"As for why I came here, I'm solved your little problem, and saved your family from misfortune, you see… I don't do charity, I'm not a 'Friendly' neighborhood hero, what I've done comes at a price! even though you didn't ask for the service" He took a small coin out of his pocket and handed it to Peter Hookwood.

Peter looked at the coin with an intriguing pattern minted, a butterfly resting in a perfect triangle.

"What is this for, sir?" he asked intrigued.

The spectral being at the front, he placed his hand on his chin as if thinking "A token, it means you owe me a favor, and one day you will do something for me".

Peter thought it wasn't a good deal, asking next " what if I refuse?"

Shepherd of Wolves" Let's say you would be in the same state as those rats!" he said calmly with a smile, as if daring him to refuse!

Lady Hookwood shuddered, and nudged her husband, "Accept Peter, we have no choice."

The specter smiled at her and said "I like you lady, good wife, good mother, let's make this more fun for you!" He waves his hand and the coin turns into a contract card, plus an order he can't refuse , two more clauses were added.

Clause one Peter Hookwood owes XXX XXXXX an undeniable request.

Clause two Peter Hookwood will become obedient, submissive and loyal to his wife.

Clause Three Pedro Hookwood will learn etiquette and behave like a gentleman.

Clause Four Failure to comply with any clause above, Peter Hookwood will pay with his life and his soul will belong to XXX XXXXX.

"It doesn't change much in Peter, now choose, do you accept it, or do you prefer the other fate?" She said smiling like a real devil.

Peter looked at the human mash, a shiver went down his spine, but he decided to sign, despite being unfaithful, angry, pig, and other horrible adjectives that were once attached to him, but he still loved his family, he would do this for his family , so he decided to accept.

"Great now we just need a drop of blood" Shepherd of Wolves nodded again the contract became the same old currency.

Shepherd of Wolves "just put your index finger on the coin and everything will be done" he said in a cheerful voice, he had closed another contract.

Peter put his finger in, feeling a sting as blood seeps onto the coin, the gleaming coin rising to the back of his right hand, where it became a brand of sorts.

"Done, remember that" Vincent said as he clapped his hands.

Mrs Hookwood "Could you tell me what happened here?" With a little fun, and curiosity, this stranger just fixed your husband, there's no way he's bad, right?

Vincent then delicately recounted the events leading up to the death of the five Death Eaters.


10 minutes before

When those masked men had finished locking the space so that no one could enter or leave, spells against separation blocked the Floo Network.

Casting one last spell of silence in the house

everything was going perfectly, until there was only the attack left.

A crow came down from the tree and stopped right at the door of the house.

Death Eater 1 "What's that raven doing here, Walter, is that magic?" he asks apprehensively, not even noticing the fact that he's revealed his mate's name.

Walter: "Damn it, can't you see you said my name?" replied angry.

Another angry Death Eater "It's just a damn raven, Reducto" casting a blue lightning spell from his wand.

But when the spell hit the crow he didn't die, but became two!


Walter "That's not right, Confringo" The explosion spell destroyed everything in its path raising dust.

But the two crows became four.

Death Eater 4 "We're fucked" realizing who it was.

The four crows became wolves, their fur red, and crimson flames erupted from their bodies.

They moved with impossible speed.

The first Death Eater didn't have time to cast a spell, when the wolf bit his throat, the fire spread to the man's body, leaving an amalgamation of blood, ash and entrails.

The second Death Eater, equally unhappy, tried to pull away, the fool forgetting that they themselves had blocked off the area.

This crimson wolf attacked him in the belly, taking out his internal organs and scattering them on the ground, while two other wolves butchered them on the ground.

The third and fourth were attacked by a wolf with blue flames, that was cold as ice.

These two men didn't have any injuries on their bodies, but their fate was more cruel than their previous friends, their souls were burned alive, killing them in a slow and cruel way.

Walter the last, lucky Death Eater watched the mess that were once his friends.

In hopeless dread, he just knelt, pointing his wand at himself.

"Avada kedavra".

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