
Slytherin devil

Vicente young bored university student, on an ordinary or unusual day happened and he had an opportunity to live a different life one with magic. demonic magic English is not my native language, this is my first time suggestions are welcome.

_Arthas_ · Book&Literature
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58 Chs

Chapter 21 Warming Up New Aurors

Adam McKinnon Pov

Adam sat uncomfortably in a wooden chair next to the magical tracking map of the whole of Great Britain, he watched a mountain of paperwork that accounted for many of the events of the last few weeks.

This damn bureaucracy was killing him, all he wanted now was to throw this job into another man and do something else.

But unfortunately it was not possible, again the problem of low manpower, those chosen for this service came from the aurors training academy, but the biggest challenge was that only the best students got their place in the academy with notable grades in their N.E.W.T.s, being so only a dozen new wizards made it into the Auror department, and into the Surveillance department even fewer.

Leaving him basically no choice but to continue his tedious bureaucratic work.

In the last few weeks Voldemort's terrible advances had ceased, these weeks they had after the grueling battle that took place in Yorkshire, but it was like the temporary lull before a storm.

At the Ministry tensions were running high, many Death Eaters were captured, and sent to Azkaban, many of them being from notable families got lenient sentences buying the court, not even the Minister can do much in this case.

These Death Eaters didn't commit or give away any damning information.

As a result, the Ministry couldn't get any really relevant information about anything from the Dark Lord.

The information that the ministry obtained came from a few spies, or from opportunists who sold the dark lord, but they never got conclusive information, the ministry did not get anyone who is in Voldemort's inner circle.

On the other hand, the dark lord has many members planted in the ministry, some of them are so brazen in their support for the dark lord that they don't even hide it, but there are others hidden in all departments.

The problem of spies in the Ministry is an almost unsolvable problem because of the political game and office, so Aurors are always two steps behind Voldemort.

Since he didn't have enough proof of his betrayals or participation in Voldemort's group, within the Ministry it became a political battleground, you could never trust anyone with certainty.

This political world is the part Adam hates the most in the wizarding world.

The human losses were terrible, murders, persecutions or blackmail.

Currently Ministry were replacing the casualties with new blood coming from Hogwarts, Adam looks at the documents of these young people.

A new envelope shaped like an origami paper airplane flies into the room and lands on top of the many other report papers, catching his attention and interrupting him from his previous work.

Picking up the papers he saw that they were the young people he would be responsible for.

"How many sacrifices, how many young people will die in this senseless war?" He snarls as he looks at photos of newly recruited Hogwarts students, brilliant students with a whole future ahead of them, now joined the ranks of this cursed war.

While examining the records, three of these young Aurors enter the room led by an Auror Ewart Graves.

"Excuse me Mr McKinnon" Ewart interrupts Adam

Meanwhile, the three behind stand in a martial posture they learned during training, as a sign of respect for the Man in front, his name was spoken by all departments of magic, his efforts and his achievements, being responsible for the capture or death of many Death Eaters.

"These three were assigned to our department," said Ewart, drawing attention to the tired-looking Auror in front of him.

Adam "that's good Mr. Graves, would you kindly organize these files while I deal with the rookies" his expression looked renewed, that was all he wanted an excuse to get out of these damn papers.

Ewart Graves "Right.." replied not at all happy, in his heart the desire to throw all the acting in the air, and run far away from this mess, unfortunately for him it was not possible, finally he resigned sitting at the desk full of papers.

Adam walked ahead of the three of them, his steps were firm and his footfall made a distinct sound of stiffness, which only increased the tension on the three of them.

"Juniors, you follow me to the training ground, I want to see for myself the level of your Skills" Said with a regal voice, it was so impactful that it made the bodies of the three move by themselves.

Three Juniors " Yes sir!" replied in unison, following the Auror sir from a distance of a few steps.

At the back of the room there is a corridor that leads to many wings, its decorations are elegant in neutral and golden tones, living pictures of Aurors from the past were lined up, they were placed here as a way to immortalize their deeds in addition to other vigilant uses, spies, or advisors in some cases.

As the group walks down the long corridor they are interrupted by an energetic and excited voice.

Frame "Look if it isn't Mr. McKinnon, it's been a while since you visited me for a good chat…"

" Jorge Osric, dark times, everything is in a rush… but I will definitely visit you for one of your good stories.." Pause your walk in front of the energy board, you could learn many interesting things from the former ministry employees.

Adam " Juniors this and Jorge Osric, a ministry official who contributed a lot to the wizarding world in his day" presenting the painting to newcomers.

Rookie Auror "That name… I know Professor Binns mentions it a lot in one of his classes about the goblin war" he says excitedly as if he remembers a fact.

"Yes, a man who was devoured by a cursed dragon at the beginning of the goblins-wizarding war, after it was discovered that the dragon was controlled by goblins, they wanted silence him."

Jorge Osric " I have no recollection of being swallowed by a dragon, the painting was done before, but yes you may be correct." The man waves while making a terrified face.

Adam "Okay, we have to go, another time I'll come hear one of your stories" He says goodbye knowing that the subject makes the picture a little uncomfortable.

Soon they arrived in the area that was specific for training Aurors, the place was spacious and well lit, libraries with books next to comfortable seats and some training dummies were positioned in the corners, in mine a dueling arena.

Adam " I want to know what they taught you in Auror training, but first introductions" He positions himself in the center of the arena.

"My name is Alice Longbottom, I joined the Auror team along with my husband, together we wish to help in the efforts to stop the dark lord." said the excited lady, hardly waiting to see the capabilities of the legend in front of her.

Adam "Excellent Miss Longbottom, what department does your husband belong to?" asked about Frank's situation, he had known him since he was a child.

Alice "He joined Mr. Moody's team" replied with a certain pity on her face, she wanted to stay with him, but unfortunately they were assigned to different places.

Adam "he is in good hands Mr. Moody and one of the best wizards I know… next" The boy would be fine, after all he learned a lot from Moody himself.

"Hello sir, I'm William Smith, I joined the Aurors because I want to end prejudice against Muggle-borns, my dream is a peaceful world where everyone can live without prejudice and happily" The boy looked shy, but maintained a determined attitude while answered.

Adam "well done sir Smith, I also hope we have a peaceful world without prejudice, for that we need to build that future" He replies with a brief speech satisfied with the young dreamer

"You can call me Wiggin Budge, I'm here under the free and spontaneous pressure of my family, as they are all ministry employees, they basically forced me to come here " replied the boy who was clearly not happy with his situation.

Adam "I know your parents, Mr. Budge, I hope you adapt and feel at home" He said as he positioned himself in the dueling arena.

"Welcome to the Auror Surveillance department… for now I want to see how competent you are, in a brief duel, please don't hold back" He positions himself in a dueling pose and prepares for any attack from these young people.

Wiggin "Okay but who starts" asked with a doubtful expression.

Adam " It's not obvious, the three begin" while bowing slightly politely in respect to the duel ' It was obvious that he was going to use these young people, to cure his boredom of so much bureaucratic work'


Alice wasn't shy, she started the fight with a remarkable -Expelliarmus-, however Adam didn't even move, deftly deflecting the spell with his wand while showing a smile of amusement.

Alice " That's not fair my expelliarmus clearly hit your wand!" he says not understanding at all what happened until he sees a quick flash.

"-depulso-" The spell comes out of adam's wand throwing Alice a few meters away.

Adam "Your spell was remarkable, but it's still not enough to take out my wand young lady" His face is clearly in a mocking tone.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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