
Slytherin devil

Vicente young bored university student, on an ordinary or unusual day happened and he had an opportunity to live a different life one with magic. demonic magic English is not my native language, this is my first time suggestions are welcome.

_Arthas_ · Book&Literature
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59 Chs

chapter 20 Knockturn

The clone that represents Tom Vegas dissipated in smoke, transforming into some crows, his stay in Diagon Alley would take time to bear fruit, for the time being his objective was to become a well-known figure who actively participates in the wizards' routine, and of course to attract the attention of the wizards. eyes that peer out of the shadows.

Moving on to your next objective, the slum of the magical world.

Knockturn Alley was simply the underworld of the wizarding world, well the gateway to be more specific, gaining the reputation of being the sweet little corner and home of dark magic in Diagon Alley, so an investigation into this place was in order.

Crows perch in the little alley, the place was a dimly lit little cluster of shops, its gaudy decor terrible as if it screamed we have black magic here "kind of childish in Vincent's opinion", Borgin and Burkes was in a prominent position, decorated with human skulls and skeletons on its facade, ingredients with spiders, snakes, animal organs were visible.

Shops for magical artifacts, ingredients and potions, there was a lot here, even a whorehouse.

Witches walked around this place cautiously, wearing loose clothing, masks and cloaks to hide their identities.

Not everyone cared about these details, well dressed men with noble appearance normally walked around here.

In contrast to the poorest area, you could see the place where magical human garbage was dumped 'squibs, werewolves, vampires, half-bloods, muggle-born', these people were in a terrible situation with poor physical and hygienic conditions, their faces refer to the despair, hopelessness, illness or death.

Magic is so magical, it provides easy ways to meet the minimum of people's basic needs " they can even multiply food, how can there be someone going hungry and in those conditions" said Vincent babbling.

' How can wizards exist in such a miserable state? ' thought Vincent trying to understand how these people live so poorly, even having something amazing like magic at their disposal.

'At the end of the day humans are still humans, no matter their origin, color or if they have magical powers, there will always be people in dire livelihood situations and others who exploit them for personal gain or resources.' reflecting seriously

that question, while other not so noble thoughts were running through his mind.

'They would make good sacrificial materials in rituals, these scum committed heinous crimes, Vincent could smell their sin, and yet who would miss these scum, such easy targets' Vincent inquired about their uses and the Rituals they could be used while his eyes sparkled with a certain madness.

Fortunately for these unfortunates, Vincent regained his sanity, this was a common occurrence and also one of the effects of devouring a soul.

His mind was changing, becoming colder and things that his old morals before wouldn't allow now crossed his mind, sometimes as fantasies, sometimes as madness, other times as simple and pure demonic coldness.

It didn't help that he absorbed memories of a psychopath, he was a bit unstable and thirsty, even if he doesn't admit it to himself that was one of the factors that led him to participate in the war.

The glowing eyes of ravens coldly watched the events of this place abandoned by Merlin.

Yorkshire Orphanage

Vincent was now being put to sleep by a young lady, she was a good girl and all.

This young lady entertained him with childish games, took him to the gardens along with others of his age, treated him with affection and care, she was great.

but she wasn't Rose.

The relationship with Rose became very special for him, she was not just a nun at the orphanage, more a true family, a mother here in his new life.

It was at those times that he missed the most, the stories she told, the games she played, the conversations,

'everything is missing'

She was like his anchor in this world, what held him and kept him grounded during his quests and daydreams.

In the worst moments a simple thought of 'Wouldn't Rose like me to be a soulless monster that murders everything in its path, killing without purpose, a true Soulless demon' .

While thinking deeply about the chaotic state of his mind, he finishes his bottle full of warm milk, and "falls asleep", at least in the eyes of the new nanny.

"so beautiful, with that angelic face, sleep well Baby" she said goodbye to the little baby who was now sleeping.


rodolphus pov

In an enclosed space, a dense fog spreads in through the few holes made to let in the air.

A man is tied up in this cold place, he is not alone with them other men are in a state not a bit better, some are in a much worse situation, that and tied to a water spout, which wets them continuously, hunger, thirst, fatigue, this place was designed to push the human body to the extreme.

But it wasn't so simple, magical creatures tormented the captives, dementors caressed them from time to time, in addition to others just as terrible, tormented them from time to time.

This was Lord Voldemort's Punishment for his poor performance in the Battle of Yorkshire.

Everyone had only one wish, to die! not all

Rodolphus opens his eyes staring at Lord Voldemort, completely silent, his body was in a terrible state lacerations could be seen along with wolf bites, only his magic and Hatred kept him alive.

Voldemort walked slowly towards him and said "Mister Lestrange, I like those eyes, I see thirst in them, tell me what do you want?"

Rodolphus "Revenge" babbled with great difficulty because his body was weak.

Voldemort "What?" As he puts his ear close to the young Lestrange.

Rodolphus " I want to kill that Auror, it's the one responsible for…" he replies while shaking with rage.

Voldemort "Kill who, Mister Lestrange" Giggling from ear to ear as if it was the happiest thing he's heard in years.

Rodolphus "the one responsible for the Wolves" his eyes glazed over, as if the scene of killing his enemies was passing right in front of him.

Voldemort "great" Snaps his fingers, freeing him from his bonds, and supports him as if he were supporting a friend, while speaking in a calm and warm voice..

"Mister Lestrange, I like that attitude, I'll teach you some new tricks."


A/N: Gentlemen, I would like to inform those who like this FF that I finally managed to alleviate the turmoil of work at the beginning of the year, I will be posting 3 or 4 chapters a week again,

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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