

this is dropped im re-writing this story new title: SLOTH-souls of darkness

Kiwuno · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs

CHAPTER 11:flee or perish

the morning rises apathy then wakes up

apathy feels his head dizzy he stands up and wobbly walks to the door

and opens it he stumbles a little bit and anna sees him

apathy don't walk yet you're still healing anna said worried

d-dont worry anna i can handle my self what happened last night

you were hit by another imperial guard right now there are two

imperial guards that are in this town

i i see apathy then stumbles once more

you should lay down in bed


puff puff so lucio who was that guy that you were chasing?

lucio then answered its an adventurer working under berost.

is it a noble or no?

i dont think so a measly D and C rank adventurers aren't be a noble

then how did that guy activate magic!

i i dont know he just suddenly appeared in the town lucio said with fear

grrr! bring me that girl with him to me understand lucio!



anna walks to buy some food

then heads back apathy i am back

what tooked you for so long its been.... a couple of minutes

want me to leave and stay outside for hours?

no! by the way i heard from a imperial guard outside that

they were looking for you

then before apathy could talk more berost slammed the door

wide open anna apathy! you need to leave now apathy questioned why

the imperial guard that shotted a rock to your head last night it was

the general enamuel he's a general of the imperial archers his power

is greater than me even in political reason if you leave now he wont be able to catch you

and anna avoid going into the guild they are waiting there anna and apathy nodded

apathy still could not walk well because of the hit he got from enamuel

anna then supported his arm from her shoulder putted their cloak on and

walked outside the town and into the forrest but enamuel

had to make sure his prey does not escape so he placed guards in the forrest

and some to watch in the plains anna had to make sure she or apathy

does not get seen so they went in to crawling in the bushes they crawled for hours on end until

anna was sure there was no guard the she and apathy stood up and then

well well well did ya really think you two could escape puff

you know you have better chances from hiding than running

because my eyes could see the faintest of movement

the bushed you crawled at moved so slightly yet obvious for me

that you were crawling hahahahhaaaaa! puff

anna then unsheathed her rapier

ill give you apathy over my dead cold body

anna lunges at enamuel and attacks but enamuel was way faster

anna collapsed to the ground too slow! but before enamuel could do more apathy

activated sloth world triumph anamuel suddenly feels dizzy and apathy

went in for the kill enamuel's underlings looked in shock and ran

apathy's dizzy ness came back and collapses anna looks at apathy and grabs him again

but she cant grab and carry him so anna just drags apathy and went to a bush to rest and far away

at enamuel's dead body .

im just gotta clarify that sloth world triumph only works

when apathy is desperate apathy upon seeing anna got

taken with one hit he became desperate since anna

is the only person he wants to protect

hope yall have a good day btw

Kiwunocreators' thoughts